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Forked from non/half.scala
Created February 13, 2018 23:24
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Scala implementation of 16-bit floating point numbers. Also, a test prgoram.
package half
import scala.math.{pow, round, signum}
import scala.util.Random.nextInt
import java.lang.{Float => JFloat}
* Float16 represents 16-bit floating-point values.
* This type does not actually support arithmetic directly. The
* expected use case is to convert to Float to perform any actual
* arithmetic, then convert back to a Float16 if needed.
* Binary representation:
* sign (1 bit)
* |
* | exponent (5 bits)
* | |
* | | mantissa (10 bits)
* | | |
* x xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
* Value interpretation (in order of precedence, with _ wild):
* 0 00000 0000000000 (positive) zero
* 1 00000 0000000000 negative zero
* _ 00000 __________ subnormal number
* _ 11111 0000000000 +/- infinity
* _ 11111 __________ not-a-number
* _ _____ __________ normal number
* For non-zero exponents, the mantissa has an implied leading 1 bit,
* so 10 bits of data provide 11 bits of precision for normal numbers.
class Float16(val raw: Short) extends AnyVal { lhs =>
def isNaN: Boolean = (raw & 0x7fff) > 0x7c00
def nonNaN: Boolean = (raw & 0x7fff) <= 0x7c00
* Returns if this is a zero value (positive or negative).
def isZero: Boolean = (raw & 0x7fff) == 0
def nonZero: Boolean = (raw & 0x7fff) != 0
def isPositiveZero: Boolean = raw == -0x8000
def isNegativeZero: Boolean = raw == 0
def isInfinite: Boolean = (raw & 0x7fff) == 0x7c00
def isPositiveInfinity: Boolean = raw == 0x7c00
def isNegativeInfinity: Boolean = raw == 0xfc00
* Whether this Float16 value is finite or not.
* For the purposes of this method, infinities and NaNs are
* considered non-finite. For those values it returns false and for
* all other values it returns true.
def isFinite: Boolean = (raw & 0x7c00) != 0x7c00
* Return the sign of a Float16 value as a Float.
* There are five possible return values:
* * NaN: the value is Float16.NaN (and has no sign)
* * -1F: the value is a non-zero negative number
* * -0F: the value is Float16.NegativeZero
* * 0F: the value is Float16.Zero
* * 1F: the value is a non-zero positive number
* PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity return their expected
* signs.
def signum: Float =
if (raw == -0x8000) 0F
else if (raw == 0) -0F
else if ((raw & 0x7fff) > 0x7c00) Float.NaN
else ((raw >>> 14) & 2) - 1F
* Reverse the sign of this Float16 value.
* This just involves toggling the sign bit with XOR.
* -Float16.NaN has no meaningful effect.
* -Float16.Zero returns Float16.NegativeZero.
def unary_- : Float16 =
new Float16((raw ^ 0x8000).toShort)
def +(rhs: Float16): Float16 =
Float16.fromFloat(lhs.toFloat + rhs.toFloat)
def -(rhs: Float16): Float16 =
Float16.fromFloat(lhs.toFloat - rhs.toFloat)
def *(rhs: Float16): Float16 =
Float16.fromFloat(lhs.toFloat * rhs.toFloat)
def /(rhs: Float16): Float16 =
Float16.fromFloat(lhs.toFloat / rhs.toFloat)
def **(rhs: Int): Float16 =
Float16.fromFloat(pow(lhs.toFloat, rhs).toFloat)
def <(rhs: Float16): Boolean = {
if (lhs.raw == rhs.raw || lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN) return false
if (lhs.isZero && rhs.isZero) return false
val ls = (lhs.raw >>> 15) & 1
val rs = (rhs.raw >>> 15) & 1
if (ls < rs) return true
if (ls > rs) return false
val le = (lhs.raw >>> 10) & 31
val re = (rhs.raw >>> 10) & 31
if (le < re) return ls == 1
if (le > re) return ls == 0
val lm = lhs.raw & 1023
val rm = rhs.raw & 1023
if (ls == 1) lm < rm else rm < lm
def <=(rhs: Float16): Boolean = {
if (lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN) return false
if (lhs.isZero && rhs.isZero) return true
val ls = (lhs.raw >>> 15) & 1
val rs = (rhs.raw >>> 15) & 1
if (ls < rs) return true
if (ls > rs) return false
val le = (lhs.raw >>> 10) & 31
val re = (rhs.raw >>> 10) & 31
if (le < re) return ls == 1
if (le > re) return ls == 0
val lm = lhs.raw & 1023
val rm = rhs.raw & 1023
if (ls == 1) lm <= rm else rm <= lm
def >(rhs: Float16): Boolean =
!(lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN || lhs <= rhs)
def >=(rhs: Float16): Boolean =
!(lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN || lhs < rhs)
def ==(rhs: Float16): Boolean =
if (lhs.isNaN || rhs.isNaN) false
else if (lhs.isZero && rhs.isZero) true
else lhs.raw == rhs.raw
* Convert this Float16 value to the nearest Float.
* Non-finite values and zero values will be mapped to the
* corresponding Float value.
* All other finite values will be handled depending on whether they
* are normal or subnormal. The relevant formulas are:
* * normal: (sign*2-1) * 2^(exponent-15) * (1 + mantissa/1024)
* * subnormal: (sign*2-1) * 2^-14 * (mantissa/1024)
* Given any (x: Float16), Float16.fromFloat(x.toFloat) = x
* The reverse is not necessarily true, since there are many Float
* values which are not precisely representable as Float16 values.
def toFloat: Float = {
val s = (raw >>> 14) & 2 // sign*2
val e = (raw >>> 10) & 31 // exponent
val m = (raw & 1023) // mantissa
if (e == 0) {
// either zero or a subnormal number
if (m != 0) (s - 1F) * pow(2F, -14).toFloat * (m / 1024F)
else if (s == 0) -0F
else 0F
} else if (e != 31) {
// normal number
(s - 1F) * pow(2F, e - 15).toFloat * (1F + m / 1024F)
} else if ((raw & 1023) != 0) {
} else if (raw < 0) {
} else {
* String representation of this Float16 value.
override def toString: String =
object Float16 {
// interesting Float16 constants
// with the exception of NaN, values go from smallest to largest
val NaN = new Float16(0x7c01.toShort)
val NegativeInfinity = new Float16(0x7c00.toShort)
val MinValue = new Float16(0x7bff.toShort)
val MinusOne = new Float16(0x3c00.toShort)
val MaxNegativeNormal = new Float16(0x0400.toShort)
val MaxNegative = new Float16(0x0001.toShort)
val NegativeZero = new Float16(0x0000.toShort)
val Zero = new Float16(0x8000.toShort)
val MinPositive = new Float16(0x8001.toShort)
val MinPositiveNormal = new Float16(0x8400.toShort)
val One = new Float16(0xbc00.toShort)
val MaxValue = new Float16(0xfbff.toShort)
val PositiveInfinity = new Float16(0xfc00.toShort)
* Create a Float16 value from a Float.
* This value is guaranteed to be the closest possible Float16
* value. However, because there are many more possible Float
* values, rounding will occur, and very large or very small values
* will end up as infinities.
* Given any (x: Float16), Float16.fromFloat(x.toFloat) = x
* The reverse is not necessarily true, since there are many Float
* values which are not precisely representable as Float16 values.
def fromFloat(n: Float): Float16 = {
// given e, an exponent in [-14, 15], and x, a double value,
// return the Float16 value that is closest to (x * 2^e).
def createFinite(e: Int, x: Float): Float16 = {
def createNormal(e: Int, m: Int): Float16 =
new Float16((((e + 15) << 10) | m | 0x8000).toShort)
val m = round((x - 1F) * 1024).toInt
if (e == -14 && m == 0) {
} else if (e == -14) {
if (m == 0) Float16.Zero
else if (x >= 1F) createNormal(e, m)
else new Float16((0x8000 | round(x * 1024)).toShort)
} else if (e == 15) {
if (m < 1024) createNormal(e, m)
else Float16.PositiveInfinity
} else {
createNormal(e, m)
if (JFloat.isNaN(n)) Float16.NaN
else if (n == Float.PositiveInfinity) Float16.PositiveInfinity
else if (n == Float.NegativeInfinity) Float16.NegativeInfinity
else if (, -0F) == 0) Float16.NegativeZero
else if (n == 0F) Float16.Zero
else if (n < 0F) -fromFloat(-n)
else if (1F <= n && n < 2F) createFinite(0, n)
else {
var e = 0
var x = n
if (n < 1F) {
while (x < 1F && e > -14) { x *= 2F; e -= 1 }
} else {
while (x >= 2F && e < 15) { x *= 0.5F; e += 1 }
createFinite(e, x)
object Test {
* Basic test of Float16.
* Since there are only 65k possible values, we can just iterate
* through all of them to get "complete" test coverage.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var ok = Set.empty[Int]
var fail = Set.empty[Int]
var error = Set.empty[Int]
var start = Short.MinValue.toInt
val limit = Short.MaxValue.toInt + 1
val total = limit - start
while (start < limit) {
try {
val n0 = new Float16(start.toShort)
val x0 = n0.toFloat
val n1 = Float16.fromFloat(x0)
val x1 = n1.toFloat
val nr = new Float16(nextInt.toShort)
val xr = nr.toFloat
if (, x1) != 0) {
fail += start
} else if (, signum(x0)) != 0) {
fail += start
} else if (n0.isNaN != JFloat.isNaN(x0)) {
fail += start
} else if (n0.isInfinite != JFloat.isInfinite(x0)) {
fail += start
} else if (n0.isFinite != JFloat.isFinite(x0)) {
fail += start
} else if (, -x0) != 0) {
fail += start
} else if (!n0.isNaN && !(n0 == n0)) {
fail += start
} else if (!n0.isNaN && !(n0 <= n0)) {
fail += start
} else if ((n0 < nr) != (x0 < xr)) {
fail += start
} else if ((n0 <= nr) != (x0 <= xr)) {
fail += start
} else if ((n0 == nr) != (x0 == xr)) {
fail += start
} else {
ok += start
} catch { case e: Exception =>
//throw e
error += start
} finally {
start += 1
println("ok: %5d/%5d" format (ok.size, total))
println("fail: %5d/%5d" format (fail.size, total))
println("error: %5d/%5d" format (error.size, total))
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