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Created September 17, 2018 04:13
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Example Auth System for Mirror/Classic UNET
// This is an example way of making an auth system for Mirror/Classic UNET.
// This is a "kickstart" script that may or may not work for you. NO WARRANTY.
// Code written by SoftwareGuy/Coburn64 (@coburn64 on Twitter). Please don't claim as your own.
using UnityEngine;
using Mirror; // Change this to "using UnityEngine.Networking" if using classic UNET
public class CustomNetworkManager : NetworkManager {
private int EXAMPLE_AUTH_PACKET_ID = 1000;
public override void OnStartServer() {
// Register a handler for the auth packet ID.
// The client will send this to the server.
NetworkServer.RegisterHandler(EXAMPLE_AUTH_PACKET_ID, HandleAuthPacket);
public override void OnStartClient(NetworkClient client){
// Send an auth connection packet
client.Send(EXAMPLE_AUTH_PACKET_ID, new AuthPacket(){ authToken = "Your_Clients_Auth_Token" });
public override void HandleAuthPacket(NetworkMessage netMsg) {
AuthPacket ap = netMsg.ReadMessage<AuthPacket>();
if(ap != null) {
// You can now access the auth packet's contents.
// An example is below:
Debug.LogWarning("Auth Packet get from " + netMsg.connection.address);
Debug.LogWarning("Auth Packet Token: " + ap.authToken);
// You would then do something with that. Send it up stream to accounts server, send a message back to the client saying they're nongenuine, etc.
// For example, to cut the connection:
// netMsg.connection.Close();
public class AuthPacket : MessageBase {
public string authToken = string.Empty;
If you have any issues you can either contact me on Discord or Twitter. No, I'm not going to write your netcode for you.
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