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Last active November 29, 2017 19:40
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Basic Genetic Algorithm _ Writes "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
import copy
import random
class Individual:
"""Individual Gene"""
def __init__(self, gene_length, filler, fitness_func, random_func, rand=True):
self.gene_length = gene_length
self.fitness_func = fitness_func
self.random_func = random_func
self.filler = filler
self.gene = [filler] * gene_length = None
if rand:
def set_gene(self, gene):
self.gene = gene
self.gene_length = len(self.gene)
def make_random(self):
self.gene = self.random_func(self.gene)
def calculate_fitness(self): = self.fitness_func(self.gene)
def printInd(self, s=""):
print(s,"[Weakness:",,"]\n", "".join(self.gene))
class Population:
"""Collection of genes"""
def __init__(self, individuals, mutation_func):
self.individuals = individuals
self.mutation_func = mutation_func
self.population_size = len(individuals)
self.offsprings = []
def get_fittest(self):
return self.individuals[0]
def get_second_fittest(self):
return self.individuals[1]
def fitness_check(self):
self.individuals = sorted(self.individuals, key=lambda x:
def crossover(self):
fittest_parent_0 = self.get_fittest()
fittest_parent_1 = self.get_second_fittest()
#swap here
self.offsprings = [copy.deepcopy(fittest_parent_0), copy.deepcopy(fittest_parent_0)]
crossover_point = random.randrange(0, fittest_parent_1.gene_length)
for i in range(crossover_point, fittest_parent_1.gene_length):
self.offsprings[0].gene[i] = fittest_parent_1.gene[i]
for i in range(0, crossover_point):
self.offsprings[1].gene[i] = fittest_parent_1.gene[i]
def mutate(self):
self.offsprings = self.mutation_func(self.offsprings)
def replace_least_fittest(self):
self.offsprings = sorted(self.offsprings, key=lambda x:
self.individuals[-1] = self.offsprings[0]
self.individuals[-2] = self.offsprings[1]
import random
import string
import time
from ga_base import Individual, Population
def hello_evolver():
target = '''Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.'''
def fitness_func_int(gene):
fitness = 0
for i in range(len(gene)):
fitness += abs(ord(target[i]) - ord(gene[i]))
return fitness
def mutation_func_target(offsprings):
for i in range(len(offsprings)):
mutation_point = random.randrange(0, offsprings[0].gene_length)
distance = ord(offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point]) - ord(target[mutation_point])
while distance == 0:
mutation_point = random.randrange(0, offsprings[0].gene_length)
distance = ord(offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point]) - ord(target[mutation_point])
old_val = ord(offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point])
if distance > 0:
offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point] = chr(old_val - 1)
elif distance < 0:
offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point] = chr(old_val + 1)
#print("here ",mutation_point, distance, old_val, ord(offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point]))
return offsprings
def mutation_func_blind(offsprings):
for i in range(len(offsprings)):
mutation_point = random.randrange(0, offsprings[0].gene_length)
old_fitness = offsprings[i].fitness
possible_mutations = random.sample(string.printable, 25)
mut_index = 0
can_inc_fitness = old_fitness >= offsprings[i].fitness and offsprings[i].fitness != 0
while can_inc_fitness and mut_index < len(possible_mutations):
offsprings[i].gene[mutation_point] = possible_mutations[mut_index]
mut_index += 1
return offsprings
def random_func(gene):
for i in range(len(gene)):
gene[i] = random.choice(string.printable)
return gene
"""I now realize that this doesnt matter much,
since there are only two offsprings every generation."""
pop_size = 30
individual_list = []
for i in range(pop_size):
individual_list.append(Individual(len(target), 0, fitness_func_int, random_func))
population = Population(individual_list, mutation_func_target)
generation_count = 1
start_time = time.time()
old_fitness = population.get_fittest().fitness
while population.get_fittest().fitness != 0:
fitness_diff_percentage = ((old_fitness - population.get_fittest().fitness)/old_fitness) * 100
print("Generation:", generation_count,"Least Weakness:",population.get_fittest().fitness," Offspring Improved:",fitness_diff_percentage,"%")
old_fitness = population.get_fittest().fitness
#population.get_fittest().printInd("Fittest(Will Reproduce): ")
#population.get_second_fittest().printInd("Second Fittest: ")
#population.individuals[-1].printInd("Least Fittest(Killed): ")
generation_count = generation_count + 1
print("Generations Taken:", generation_count + 1)
population.get_fittest().printInd("#####Final Fittest")
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
print(time.strftime("Time Taken: %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time)))
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