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Last active July 15, 2024 05:30
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See here a custom check for all types of commands that can be used to check if user has any permissions you pass

See here the "complete" check

"complete" as in it supports app and text commands and has some comments explaining the code. As you may have noticed, there are multiple files in this gist:

Text Cmmands Only Here


See here the complete check with support for app and text commands:

from typing import Any, Callable, Union, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING

from discord import Permissions, Interaction
from discord.app_commands import CheckFailure as AppCheckFailure, check as app_check, Command as AppCommand
from discord.ext.commands import Context, CheckFailure as ExtCheckFailure, check as ext_check, Command as ExtCommand

    from discord.ext.commands._types import CoroFunc

    ExtCheckFunc = Union[ExtCommand[Any, ..., Any], CoroFunc]
    from discord.app_commands.commands import CheckInputParameter as AppCheckFunc
    ExtCheckFunc = Callable
    AppCheckFunc = Callable

# error to raise
class MissingAllPermissions(ExtCheckFailure, AppCheckFailure):

def has_any_permissions(
    command_type: Literal["app", "text", "hybrid", "auto"] = "auto", **perms: bool
) -> Union[ExtCheckFunc, AppCheckFunc]:
    # check if all permissions are valid
    invalid = perms.keys() - Permissions.VALID_FLAGS.keys()
    if invalid:
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}")

    # the actual check
    # since this supports a text and slash command, we need to accept either Context or Interaction
    def predicate(ctx_interaction: Union[Context, Interaction]):

        # attribute exists on both so its safe to use.
        permissions = ctx_interaction.permissions

        # check the perms
        if any(value == getattr(permissions, perm) for perm, value in perms.items()):
            return True

        raise MissingAllPermissions(f"You need at least one of the following permissions: {', '.join(perms.keys())}")

    command_type = command_type if command_type != "hybrid" else "text"
    from_command_type = {"text": ext_check, "app": app_check}

    # this is where we handle the input when command_type is set to "auto" (default)
    def fake_check(check_input: Union[ExtCheckFunc, AppCheckFunc]):
        # return the right check based on the command type
        if isinstance(check_input, ExtCommand):
            return from_command_type["text"](predicate)(check_input)
        elif isinstance(check_input, AppCommand):
            return from_command_type["app"](predicate)(check_input)
            # else guess from the missing first param
                check_input()  # type: ignore # call the input to see if it raises an error
            except TypeError as e:
                if "'ctx'" in str(e):
                    return from_command_type["text"](predicate)(check_input)
                elif "'interaction'" in str(e):
                    return from_command_type["app"](predicate)(check_input)
                    raise TypeError("Could not guess command type, please specify it manually.")

    # check the command_type and return accordingly
    if command_type != "auto":
        return from_command_type[command_type](predicate)
        return fake_check  # type: ignore # this is a callable
from typing import Any, Callable, Union, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
from discord import Permissions
from discord.ext.commands import Context, CheckFailure, check, Command
from discord.ext.commands._types import CoroFunc
CheckFunc = Union[Command[Any, ..., Any], CoroFunc]
CheckFunc = Callable
# error to raise
class MissingAllPermissions(CheckFailure):
def has_any_permissions(**perms: bool) -> CheckFunc:
invalid = perms.keys() - Permissions.VALID_FLAGS.keys()
if invalid:
raise TypeError(f"Invalid permission(s): {', '.join(invalid)}")
def predicate(ctx: Context):
permissions = ctx.permissions
if any(value == getattr(permissions, perm) for perm, value in perms.items()):
return True
raise MissingAllPermissions(f"You need at least one of the following permissions: {', '.join(perms.keys())}")
return check(predicate)

Here is how to use this check

# text command
@bot.command(...)  # @commands.command(...)
async def foo(ctx: commands.Context):

# hybrid command
@hybrid.command()  # @commands.hybrid_command(...)
async def bar(ctx: commands.Context):

# slash command
@bot.tree.command()  # @app_commands.command(...) or @tree.command(...)
async def aaa(interaction: discord.Interaction):

# context user menu
@bot.tree.context_menu()  # @app_commands.context_menu(...) or @tree.context_menu(...)
async def bbb(interaction: discord.Interaction, member: discord.Member):

# context message menu
@bot.tree.context_menu()  # @app_commands.context_menu(...) or @tree.context_menu(...)
async def ccc(interaction: discord.Interaction, member: discord.Message):

the moment you notice these are all a joke because it's not hard at all to use it :)

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