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SohumB / hmm.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
var fs = require('fs');
// then
hug(null, fs.writeFileSync, 'filename', 'data')
// should return the following function:
function() {
fs.writeFileSync('filename', 'data');

A Loint of Paw

There was no question that Montie Stein had, through clever fraud, stolen better than $100,000. There was also no question that he was apprehended one day after the statute of limitations had expired.

It was his manner of avoiding arrest during that interval that brought on the epoch-making case of the State of New York. Montgomery Harlow Stein, with all its consequences introduced law to the fourth dimension.

For you see after having committed the fraud and possessed himself of the hundred grand plus, Stein had calmly entered a time machine, of which he was in illegal possession, and set the controls for seven years and one day in the future.

Stein’s lawyer put it simply. Hiding in time was not fundamentally different from hiding in space. If the forces of law had not uncovered Stein in the seven-year interval that was their hard luck.

pageRecurse(fn, opts, page) {
var withPage = _.clone(opts); = page;
  return fn(withPage).then(results => {
    return _.isEmpty(results)
             ? results
             : this.pageRecurse(fn, opts, page + 1).then(following => results.concat(following));
SohumB /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
profiles for magit-next (1b46712) opening a one-line diff in the status window
[profiler-profile "24.3" cpu #s(hash-table size 97 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data ([easy-menu-name-match easy-menu-define-key easy-menu-add-item prelude-mode-add-menu if let prelude-mode prelude-on funcall if if if save-current-buffer progn if while] 4 [maphash profiler-calltree-build-unified profiler-calltree-build profiler-report-render-calltree-1 profiler-report-rerender-calltree profiler-report-render-calltree profiler-report-setup-buffer profiler-report-profile-other-window profiler-report-cpu profiler-report "#<subr call-interactively>" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute execute-extended-command] 4 [record-window-buffer set-window-buffer window--display-buffer display-buffer-use-some-window display-buffer pop-to-buffer switch-to-buffer-other-window profiler-report-profile-other-window profiler-report-cpu profiler-report "#<subr call-interactively>" ad-Advice-call-interactively apply call-interactively command-execute execute-extended-command] 4 [f
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var isSilverlightInstalled = false;
function CheckSilverlightInstalled() {
try {
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{TypeTag, typeOf}
trait Foo[T]
class Baz extends Foo[String]
def foo[T <: String:TypeTag]: Class[_ <: Foo[T]] = typeOf[T] match {
case t if t =:= typeOf[String] => classOf[Baz]
// [error] ...: type mismatch;