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Last active May 7, 2024 04:58
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{"category": "Unity Engine/Editor/Extensions", "keywords": "Unity, Editor, AnimationClip, AnimationEvent, Rename"} Log/Rename AnimationEvents of selected AnimationClip/FBXs in Unity Editor.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public static class AnimationClipEventTool
#region Log Animation Events
[MenuItem("Tools/Bamboo/Animation/Log Events of Selected AnimationClips")]
public static void LogEventsOfSelectedAnimationClips()
var eventCount = 0;
var fbxs = Selection.GetFiltered<GameObject>(SelectionMode.Assets);
foreach (var fbx in fbxs)
var fbxPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fbx);
var allAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(fbxPath);
var clips = allAssets.Where(a => a is AnimationClip).Cast<AnimationClip>();
foreach (var clip in clips)
eventCount += LogAnimationEvents(clip);
var animationClips = Selection.GetFiltered<AnimationClip>(SelectionMode.Unfiltered);
foreach (var clip in animationClips)
eventCount += LogAnimationEvents(clip);
Debug.Log($"Found {eventCount} AnimationEvent(s) in selected AnimationClip(s).");
[MenuItem("Tools/Bamboo/Animation/Log Events of Selected AnimationClips", validate = true)]
public static bool LogEventsOfSelectedAnimationClipsValidate()
var fbxs = Selection.GetFiltered<GameObject>(SelectionMode.Assets);
if (fbxs.Length > 0) return true;
var animationClips = Selection.GetFiltered<AnimationClip>(SelectionMode.Unfiltered);
return animationClips.Length > 0;
public static int LogAnimationEvents(AnimationClip clip)
var eventCount = 0;
var events = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(clip);
foreach (var evt in events)
Debug.Log($"AnimationEvent '{evt.functionName}' on {clip}.", clip);
return eventCount;
#region Rename Animation Event
[MenuItem("Tools/Bamboo/Animation/Rename Events of Selected AnimationClips")]
public static void RenameEventsOfSelectedAnimationClips()
EventNameEditorWindow.Popup((oldName, newName) =>
var renamedEventCount = 0;
var fbxs = Selection.GetFiltered<GameObject>(SelectionMode.Assets);
foreach (var fbx in fbxs)
var fbxPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(fbx);
var modelImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(fbxPath) as ModelImporter;
if (!modelImporter) continue;
renamedEventCount += RenameAnimationEvents(modelImporter, oldName, newName);
var animationClips = Selection.GetFiltered<AnimationClip>(SelectionMode.Assets); // 不处理FBX内嵌套的AnimationClip
foreach (var clip in animationClips)
renamedEventCount += RenameAnimationEvents(clip, oldName, newName);
Debug.Log($"Renamed {renamedEventCount} AnimationEvent(s) in selected AnimationClip(s).");
[MenuItem("Tools/Bamboo/Animation/Rename Events of Selected AnimationClips", validate = true)]
public static bool RenameEventsOfSelectedAnimationClipsValidate()
var fbxs = Selection.GetFiltered<GameObject>(SelectionMode.Assets);
if (fbxs.Length > 0) return true;
var animationClips = Selection.GetFiltered<AnimationClip>(SelectionMode.Assets); // 不处理FBX内嵌套的AnimationClip
return animationClips.Length > 0;
public static int RenameAnimationEvents(AnimationClip clip, string oldName, string newName)
if (oldName == newName) return 0;
var eventCount = 0;
var events = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationEvents(clip);
foreach (var evt in events)
if (evt.functionName != oldName) continue;
evt.functionName = newName;
Debug.Log($"Renamed AnimationEvent '{oldName}' to '{newName}' on {clip}.", clip);
if (eventCount > 0)
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(clip, "Rename Animation Events");
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationEvents(clip, events);
return eventCount;
public static int RenameAnimationEvents(ModelImporter modelImporter, string oldName, string newName)
if (oldName == newName) return 0;
var eventCount = 0;
var clips = modelImporter.clipAnimations;
foreach (var clip in clips)
var events =;
foreach (var evt in events)
if (evt.functionName != oldName) continue;
evt.functionName = newName;
Debug.Log($"Renamed AnimationEvent '{oldName}' to '{newName}' on {}.", modelImporter);
} = events;
if (eventCount > 0)
Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(modelImporter, "Rename Animation Events");
modelImporter.clipAnimations = clips;
return eventCount;
class EventNameEditorWindow : EditorWindow
public static void Popup(Action<string, string> onSubmit)
var window = CreateInstance<EventNameEditorWindow>();
var center = EditorGUIUtility.GetMainWindowPosition().center;
window.position = new Rect(center.x - 75, center.y - 32, 150, 64);
window._onSubmit = onSubmit;
private TextField _oldNameField;
private TextField _newNameField;
private Button _submitButton;
private Action<string, string> _onSubmit;
private void OnEnable()
{ = 1; = 1; = 2; = 2;
// Old name
_oldNameField = new TextField
label = "Old Name",
isDelayed = true,
style =
minWidth = 40,
labelElement =
style =
minWidth = 68,
width = 68,
// New name
_newNameField = new TextField
label = "New Name",
isDelayed = true,
style =
minWidth = 40,
labelElement =
style =
minWidth = 68,
width = 68,
// Submit button
_submitButton = new Button(TrySubmit)
text = "Ok",
private void OnLostFocus()
public void FocusOldNameInput()
private void OnNewNameChanged(ChangeEvent<string> evt)
if (evt.newValue.Contains(' '))
_newNameField.SetValueWithoutNotify(evt.newValue.Replace(" ", ""));
private void TrySubmit()
var oldName = _oldNameField.value;
var newName = _newNameField.value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newName))
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning",
"The new name is empty, do you want to continue?",
"Yes", "No"))
_onSubmit?.Invoke(oldName, newName);
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