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Created December 4, 2021 20:14
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AoC 2021: Python Day 4
import re
data = open('day4.txt').read().split('\n\n')
hand, *boards = data
boards = " ".join(boards)
hands = [int(n) for n in hand.split(',')]
nums = [int(n) for n in re.findall("(\d+)",boards)]
fives = [nums[i:i+5] for i in range(0,len(nums),5)]
boards = [fives[i:i+5] for i in range(0,len(fives),5)]
def place_piece(piece,board):
for r, row in enumerate(board):
for n, num in enumerate(row):
if piece == num:
board[r][n] = '*'
def board_wins(board):
return rows_filled(board) or cols_filled(board)
def rows_filled(board):
for row in board:
if row.count('*') == 5:
return True
def cols_filled(board):
return rows_filled(zip(*board))
def get_unfilled(board):
res = []
for row in board:
for num in row:
if num != '*':
return res
def score(board,latest_called_num):
open = get_unfilled(board)
summed = sum(open)
return summed * latest_called_num
def bingo(first_winner=True):
scores,winners_ixs = [],set()
while hands:
h = hands.pop(0)
for i,board in enumerate(boards):
if board_wins(board):
s = score(board,h)
if first_winner:
return s
if i not in winners_ixs: # already won prior round
return scores[-1]
# each of these mutates both hands and boards - so to remove the influence of
# one on the other, comment the other out while running one of the below. It
# actually returns the correct answer even without doing so because in the 2nd
# problem we want the last winner, so it picks up where the first problem left
# off, e.g. we don't stop until the last board wins, so if we have the first
# board already marked and the board mutated up until the first win, it's fine
# because we would have done the same thing in the second problem up until the
# final winner. Note that if we switched the order of the functions running
# below this would not work. We can make them completely independent if desired
# by making a copy of boards and hand to each input.
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