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Created July 21, 2020 03:14
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restructuring destructuring
(defmulti destruct-type
(fn [binding value]
(cond (sequential? binding) clojure.lang.Sequential ; order matters, vector is associative too
(associative? binding) clojure.lang.Associative
:else (type binding))))
(defn coerce-binding-type [binding-type]
(case binding-type
:strs str
:syms (fn [sym] `'~sym)
:keys keyword))
(defmethod destruct-type clojure.lang.Associative
[binding valmap]
(let* [x (gensym)
defaults (get binding :or)
as-binding (get binding :as)
shortcut-binding (some #{:strs :syms :keys} (keys binding))
shortcut-val (get binding shortcut-binding)
binding (dissoc binding :as :or :keys :strs :syms)
maybe-map `(if (seq? ~x) (apply hash-map ~x) ~x)]
(concat [x valmap x maybe-map]
(when as-binding [as-binding x])
(when shortcut-binding (mapcat (fn [kb]
[kb `(get ~x ~((coerce-binding-type
shortcut-binding) kb)
~(when defaults
(get defaults kb)))])
(mapcat (fn [b v]
(if (or (sequential? b) (map? b))
(destruct-type b `(get ~x ~v)) ; not sure yet if :or defaults needed here
[b `(get ~x ~v ~(when defaults
(get defaults (-> v name symbol))))]))
(keys binding)
(vals binding)))))
(clojure.pprint/pprint (destruct-type '{:syms [a b c x]}
'{'a 9 'x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}))
(defn handle-special-bindings [bindings]
(let [special (set (filter #{:as '&} bindings))
p0 (first bindings)
p2 (nth bindings 2 nil)
pneg2 (->> bindings (take-last 2) first)]
(cond (= special #{:as '&})
(if (= p0 '&)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"& may only be followed by :as bindings")))
(= special #{'&})
(if (= pneg2 '&)
(take-last 2 bindings)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"& may only be followed by :as bindings")))
(= special #{:as})
(if (= pneg2 :as)
(take-last 2 bindings)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
":as bindings may only appear at end of sequential binding form"))))))
(let [[a & {:keys [b c]}] [10 :b 10 :c 20]]
[a b c])
;; if contains :as, throw error if as not at end
;; else
(handle-special-bindings '[& ds :as all])
(handle-special-bindings '[a & x :as]) ; fix
(handle-special-bindings '[:as all & ds])
(handle-special-bindings '[b c :as all])
(handle-special-bindings '[a c & ds])
(handle-special-bindings '[a b c :as])
(handle-special-bindings '[a c d &])
(handle-special-bindings '[x y z])
(handle-special-bindings '[a :as all b])
(handle-special-bindings '[a b c &])
(handle-special-bindings '[a b c :as])
(handle-special-bindings '[a c & :as])
(defmethod destruct-type clojure.lang.Sequential
[binding value]
(let* [x (gensym)
end-bindings (take-last 4 binding)
special-bindings? (some #{:as '&} end-bindings)
special (when special-bindings?
(handle-special-bindings end-bindings))
new-binding (if special
(drop-last (count special) binding)
new-value (if special
`(take ~(count new-binding) ~value)
(concat [x new-value]
(apply concat
(when (= (first special) '&) ; & foo :as all | & foo | :as all
(destruct-type (second special) ; if next binding is map, apply hashmap to val
`(nthrest ~value ~(count new-binding)))) ; TODO: bind this?
(when (= (first special) :as)
[(second special) value])
(when (= (nth special 2 nil) :as)
[(last special) value])
(map-indexed (fn [i b]
(destruct-type b `(nth ~x ~i nil)))
;; only as after, but if as before silent failure binding
(mylet [[a & x :as] (range 23)]) (let [nil 10]) ;; note this, tries to bind nil after :as
(let [[:as x y] (range 10)] [x ])
(let [[x y z zs :as all] (range 3)] [x y z zs all])
(mylet [[a b & cs :as all] [1 2 3 4]] [a b cs all])
(mylet [[a :as all b] (range 20)] [a b all]) ;; my error is better
(defmethod destruct-type clojure.lang.Symbol
[binding value]
(vector binding value))
;; add later to show extension
(defmethod destruct-type java.lang.String
[binding value]
(destruct-type (seq binding) value))
(defmethod destruct-type java.lang.Character
[binding value]
(vector binding value))
(defn destruct [bindings]
(vec (mapcat (fn [b] (destruct-type (first b) (second b)))
(partition 2 bindings))))
(defmacro mylet [bindings & exprs]
`(let ~(destruct bindings) ~@exprs))
(mylet [{a :a b :b c :c [f g & [h & zs]] :x
:or {b 2 c 3}}
{:a 9 :x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}]
[a b c f g h zs])
(destruct-type '{a :a b :b c :c [f g & [h & zs]] :x
:or {b 2 c 3}}
'{:a 9 :x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}))
(mylet [{:keys [a b c x]
:or {b 2 c 3}}
{:a 9 :x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}]
[a b c x])
(mylet [{:syms [a b c x]
:or {b 2 c 3}}
{'a 9 'x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}]
[a b c x])
(mylet [{:strs [a b c x]
:or {b 2 c 3}}
{"a" 9 "x" ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}]
[a b c x])
(macroexpand-1 '(mylet [{:keys [a b c x]
:or {b 2 c 3}
:as all}
{:a 9 :x ["1" "2" "*" "?" "?"]}]
[a b c x])))
;; coerce binding val to map if seq for every case when binding form is a map
;; not just when & {:a 1 ..} like keyword args. Seems this are treated as 2
;; diff implementations - one allowing map destruct of seqs generally, another
(macroexpand-1 '(mylet [{:keys [a b c] :or {b 100}} '(:a 1 :c 3)]
[a b c])))
(mylet [[x y [z & zs :as all] {:keys [a b c] :or {b 100}}] [10 20 [30 40 50] '(:a 1 :c 3)]]
[a b c x y z zs all])
(let [[x & {:keys [a b c]}] [100 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3]]
[x a b c])
((fn [a & {:keys [a b c]}] [a b c]) 100 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
(get '(:a 1 :b 2) :a)
(defmacro defun [fname argv & body]
`(def ~fname (fn ~argv ~@body)))
(macroexpand-1 '(defun foo [x] (* x 10 3)))
(defun foo [x] (* x 10 3))
(foo 10)
(let [[a b & cs :as all] (range 20)]
[a b cs all])
(let [[a b & cs :as all] (range 20)]
[a b cs all])
(mylet [[a b & cs :as all] (range 20)]
[a b cs all])
(macroexpand-1 '(mylet [[a :as all b] (range 20)]
[a b all]))
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