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Last active July 20, 2020 00:27
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toy multimethod implementation
;;;; machinery for multimethods
(defmacro defmethod2 [fname dispatch-val signature body]
`(swap! ~(symbol (str "multimethod-lkp-" fname)) assoc ~dispatch-val
(fn ~signature ~body)))
(defn make-generic-fn [fname dispatchfn]
`(defn ~fname [& ~'args]
(let [dispatch-val# (apply ~(symbol (str "multimethod-dispatch-" fname)) ~'args)
mm-table# (deref ~(symbol (str "multimethod-lkp-" fname)))
matching-fn# (some #(get mm-table# %) [dispatch-val# :default])]
(if matching-fn#
(apply matching-fn# ~'args)
(throw (Exception.
(str "No multimethod implemented for " dispatch-val#)))))))
(defmacro defmulti2 [name dispatch-fn]
(def ~(symbol (str "multimethod-lkp-" name)) (atom {}))
(def ~(symbol (str "multimethod-dispatch-" name)) ~dispatch-fn)
~(make-generic-fn name dispatch-fn)))
;;;; example usage
(defmulti2 area :shape)
(defmethod2 area :triangle [{:keys [shape base height]}]
(/ (* base height) 2))
(defmethod2 area :rectangle [{:keys [shape length width]}]
(* length width))
(defmethod2 area :default [polygon]
(* Math/PI (Math/pow (:width polygon) 2)))
(area {:shape :triangle :base 11 :height 9})
(area {:shape :rectangle :length 2 :width 8})
(area {:shape :square :length 4 :width 3})
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Solaxun commented Jul 19, 2020

Doesn't handle namespaces, caching, etc... just an experiment since I haven't seen what a stripped down implementation would look like.

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