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Created December 4, 2021 20:17
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AoC 2021: Clojure Day 2
(ns aoc-clj-2021.day2
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.set :as set]
[ :as io]))
(def data
(->> (io/resource "day2.txt")
(map #(str/split % #" "))
(map (fn [[dir amt]] [dir (parse-long amt)]))))
(let [{:strs [forward up down]}
(->> (group-by first data)
(map (fn [[dir amts]] [dir (reduce + (map second amts))]))
(into {}))]
(* forward (- down up)))
;; part 2
(let [{:keys [aim horizontal depth]}
(reduce (fn [{:keys [aim horizontal depth] :as state} [dir amt]]
(case dir
"forward" (-> (update state :horizontal + amt)
(update :depth + (* aim amt)))
"up" (update state :aim - amt)
"down" (update state :aim + amt)))
{:aim 0 :horizontal 0 :depth 0}
(* depth horizontal))
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