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Last active August 27, 2017 21:39
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Sample code to transfer ether with a contract to contract function call
pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
contract ForwardPaymentDemo {
//init contract variables
address owner;
address public RecievePaymentsDemo_addr;
function ForwardPaymentDemo() {
owner = msg.sender;
RecievePaymentsDemo_addr = new RecievePaymentDemo();
function forward_payment() payable {
//change variable functions
function changeOwner(address _address) onlyBy(owner) { owner = _address; }
modifier onlyBy(address _account) { require(msg.sender == _account); _; }
function kill() onlyBy(owner) { suicide(owner); }
function() payable { msg.sender.transfer(msg.value); }
contract RecievePaymentDemo {
//init contract variables
address owner;
address ForwardPaymentDemo_addr;
function RecievePayment() {
owner = msg.sender;
ForwardPaymentDemo_addr = msg.sender;
event payment_recieved(uint payment);
function recieve_payment() payable {
//change variable functions
function changeOwner(address _address) onlyBy(owner) { owner = _address; }
modifier onlyBy(address _account) { require(msg.sender == _account); _; }
function kill() onlyBy(owner) { suicide(owner); }
function() payable { msg.sender.transfer(msg.value); }
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