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Created December 11, 2018 16:44
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Cantaloupe delegates.rb with CGI enabled
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'java'
# Delegate script to connect Cantaloupe to Fedora. It slices a piece of
# Cantaloupe for Samvera to consume.
# This is a first pass and doesn't have a lot of error checking built in yet.
# It also assumes a very basic use case of a single image on an item.
class CustomDelegate
# Attribute for the request context, which is a hash containing information
# about the current request.
# This attribute will be set by the server before any other methods are
# called. Methods can access its keys like:
# ```
# identifier = context['identifier']
# ```
# The hash will contain the following keys in response to all requests:
# * `client_ip` [String] Client IP address.
# * `cookies` [Hash<String,String>] Hash of cookie name-value pairs.
# * `identifier` [String] Image identifier.
# * `request_headers` [Hash<String,String>] Hash of header name-value pairs.
# * `request_uri` [String] Public request URI.
# It will contain the following additional string keys in response to image
# requests:
# * `full_size` [Hash<String,Integer>] Hash with `width` and `height`
# keys corresponding to the pixel dimensions of the
# source image.
# * `operations` [Array<Hash<String,Object>>] Array of operations in
# order of application. Only operations that are not
# no-ops will be included. Every hash contains a `class`
# key corresponding to the operation class name, which
# will be one of the `e.i.l.c.operation.Operation`
# implementations.
# * `output_format` [String] Output format media (MIME) type.
# * `resulting_size` [Hash<String,Integer>] Hash with `width` and `height`
# keys corresponding to the pixel dimensions of the
# resulting image after all operations have been applied.
# @return [Hash] Request context.
attr_accessor :context
# Tells the server whether to redirect in response to the request. Will be
# called upon all image requests.
# @param options [Hash] Empty hash.
# @return [Hash<String,Object>,nil] Hash with `location` and `status_code`
# keys. `location` must be a URI string; `status_code` must be an
# integer from 300 to 399. Return nil for no redirect.
def redirect(_options = {})
# Tells the server whether the given request is authorized. Will be called
# upon all image requests to any endpoint.
# Implementations should assume that the underlying resource is available,
# and not try to check for it.
# @param options [Hash] Empty hash.
# @return [Boolean] Whether the request is authorized.
def authorized?(_options = {})
# Used to add additional keys to an information JSON response. See the
# [Image API specification](
# @param options [Hash] Empty hash.
# @return [Hash] Hash that will be merged into an IIIF Image API 2.x
# information response. Return an empty hash to add nothing.
def extra_iiif2_information_response_keys(_options = {})
# Tells the server which source to use for the given identifier.
# @param options [Hash] Empty hash.
# @return [String] Source name.
def source(_options = {})
# Gets the HTTP-sourced image resource information.
# @param options [Hash] Empty hash.
# @return [String,Hash<String,String>,nil] String URI; Hash with `uri` key,
# and optionally `username` and `secret` keys; or nil if not found.
def httpsource_resource_info(_options = {})
file_id = context['identifier']
# Split the parts into Fedora's pseudo-pairtree (only first four pairs)
paths = file_id.split(/(.{0,2})/).reject!(&:empty?)[0, 4]
fedora_base_url = ENV['FEDORA_URL'] + ENV['FEDORA_BASE_PATH']
## DCE: Add CGI Unescape
url = fedora_base_url + '/' + paths.join('/') + '/' + file_id
require "cgi"
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