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Created October 30, 2018 20:42
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{-# language LambdaCase #-}
import Machine.Turing
zeroTape :: Tape Bool
zeroTape = Tape zeroes False zeroes
where zeroes = False :| zeroes
-- | the 3-state busy beaver
busyBeaver3 :: State Bool
busyBeaver3 = a
a = State $ \case
False -> Just (GoRight, True, b)
True -> Just (GoLeft , True, c)
b = State $ \case
False -> Just (GoLeft , True, a)
True -> Just (GoRight, True, b)
c = State $ \case
False -> Just (GoLeft , True, b)
True -> Nothing
beaverStates :: [(State Bool, Tape Bool)]
beaverStates = iterTuring busyBeaver3 emptyTape
module Machine.Turing where
data Stream a = a :| Stream a
data Tape a = Tape (Stream a) a (Stream a)
data Move = GoLeft | Stay | GoRight
applyMove :: Move -> Tape a -> Tape a
applyMove GoLeft (Tape (l :| ls) x rs) = Tape ls l (x :| rs)
applyMove GoRight (Tape ls x (r :| rs)) = Tape (x :| ls) r rs
applyMove Stay t = t
-- | A turing machine is defined by its initial state. The machine's
-- set of possible states is the set of possible @State a@s that
-- can eventually be produced from the initial state.
-- This representation allows for infinite state-sets, but it
-- it can also encode finite state-sets without any issues.
newtype State a = State { appState :: a -> Maybe (Move, a, State a) }
stepTuring :: State a -- ^ initial state
-> Tape a -- ^ initial tape
-> Maybe (State a, Tape a)
stepTuring (State f) (Tape l x r) = case f x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (move, x', next) -> (next, applyMove move (Tape l x' r))
-- | Produce a stream of a machine's successive states,
-- returns a list to model halting:
-- finite list <=> machine halts
iterTuring :: State a -> Tape a -> [(State a, Tape a)]
iterTuring = unfoldr (uncurry stepTuring)
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