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Created November 19, 2018 19:52
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DAG in the style of algebraic-graphs.
module DAlGa where
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-- Note: this is identical to algebraic-graphs' Graph type,
-- but has different semantics in that 'Connect' is not commutative.
data DAG v = Empty | Vertex v | Connect (DAG v) (DAG v) | Overlay (DAG v) (DAG v)
deriving Functor
vertices :: Ord v => DAG v -> S.Set v
vertices = \case
Empty -> S.empty
Vertex v -> S.singleton v
Connect p c -> vertices p `S.union` vertices c
Overlay x y -> vertices x `S.union` vertices y
inGraph :: Eq v => v -> DAG v -> Bool
inGraph v = \case
Empty -> False
Vertex v' -> v == v'
Connect p c -> v `inGraph` p || v `inGraph` c
Overlay x y -> v `inGraph` x || v `inGraph` c
children :: Ord v => DAG v -> v -> S.Set v
children Empty _ = S.empty
children (Vertex v') _ = S.empty
children (Connect p c) v = if v `inGraph` p then vertices c else S.empty
children (Overlay x y) v = children x v `S.union` children y v
parents :: Ord v => DAG v -> v -> S.Set v
parents Empty _ = S.empty
parents (Vertex v') _ = S.empty
parents (Connect p c) v = if v `inGraph` c then vertices p else S.empty
parents (Overlay x y) v = parents x v `S.union` parents y v
valid :: Ord v => DAG v -> Bool
valid = all (==1) . countOccs
countOccs Empty = M.empty
countOccs (Vertex v) = M.singleton v 1
countOccs (Connect p c) = M.unionWith (+) (countOccs p) (countOccs c)
countOccs (Overlay x y) = M.unionWith (+) (countOccs x) (countOccs y)
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