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Created July 17, 2014 20:05
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Save Solonarv/64795c55596efd7278a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple python script to scrape, dowloading every chapter. Requires curl or equivalent. scraper
Simple python script to scrape, dowloading every chapter. Requires curl or equivalent.
The `filtertoc` file does most of the heavy lifting. Usage:
$ curl | ./filtertoc | sh
This will download every chapter into a separate file, named '$chapter_number $chapter_slug.html' (the slug is the last part of the URL)
You can put the command into a separate file, called e.g. `scrape`, and then download everything by just running `./scrape`. This isn't smart and *will* redownload files you already have. It doesn't generate any more traffic than downloading manually, so don't worry about that.
License is DWTHYW (Do What The Hell You Want License). This took me 20mins, so I don't care what people do with it.
# Script to convert into a series of curl commands to download the individual chapters.
# Uses iterators in order to avoid holding the entire web page in memory
from itertools import takewhile, dropwhile, imap, count, islice, ifilter
from re import sub, compile
def stdin():
while True:
yield raw_input()
except: pass
data = stdin()
# Snip out everything except actual ToC
data=islice(dropwhile(lambda s: "Today in Ra..." not in s, data), 2, None)
data=takewhile(lambda s: "</ul>" not in s, data)
data=ifilter(lambda s: "href" in s, data)
data=imap(lambda s:, data)
data=imap(lambda s, n: 'curl "" > "%02d %s.html"' % (s, n, s), data, count(1))
for line in data:
print line
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