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Created November 18, 2018 00:46
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Simple RPN calculator. Takes the program from command-line arguments.
module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Read
main :: IO ()
main = do
program <- parse . unwords <$> getArgs
putStrLn . unwords . reverse . fmap show $ eval program
type Val = Integer
type Op = Val -> Val -> Val
data Instr = Push Val | Exec Op
parse :: String -> [Instr]
parse = mapMaybe parseWord . words
parseWord w = (Push <$> readMaybe w) <|> (Exec <$> lookup w ops)
ops :: [(String, Op)]
ops =
[ ("+", (+))
, ("-", (-))
, ("*", (*))
eval :: [Instr] -> [Val]
eval prog = eval' prog []
eval' :: [Instr] -> [Val] -> [Val]
eval' [] vs = vs
eval' (i:is) vs = case i of
Push v -> eval' is (v:vs)
Exec op -> case vs of
x:y:rest -> eval' is ((op x y):rest)
_ -> error "Not enough arguments!"
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