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Created January 15, 2015 16:08
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Save Solonarv/9a3c9865ab520dbd3d05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wiki scraper to grab scroll lists for Mojang's Scrolls game.

Contains a list of each faction's scrolls, and a script to update them all.

The format used is a tab-separated table, columns are:

Card ID | Set | Name | Type | Subtype | Rarity | Cost | Attack | Countdown | Health | Trait(s) | Ability | Flavor

Run update in order to grab the latest (hopefully) scrolls data from the scrollsguide wiki.

You will need to have Python 2 as well as the python modules requests and beautiful soup installed.

This does not provide any sort of parsing ability, but if you have grep/awk you can search through the files pretty easily, without having to open a browser.

from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
factions = {
"decay" : "",
"growth": "",
"order" : "",
"energy": ""
def updatelist(faction):
raw_page = get(factions[faction]).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_page)
tsv_list = parselist(soup)
outfile = open(faction, 'w')
def parselist(soup):
# I cba to actually find out which of the tables we need, so let's just take
# the biggest one. The scrolls list has 150+ lines, the other ones < 10.
scrollstable = max(soup.find_all("table"), key = lambda t: len(t.contents))
# Strip the first row, we don't need headers
rows = scrollstable.find_all("tr")[1:]
cleaned_rows = map(lambda row: [e.text.strip() for e in row.find_all("td")], rows)
cleaned_rows = map(lambda row: map(lambda e: e if e else ".", row), cleaned_rows)
return "\n".join(map(lambda row: "\t".join(row), cleaned_rows))
if __name__ == "__main__":
for faction in factions:
print "Updating %s ..." % faction
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