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Last active November 21, 2018 23:10
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Correctly representing the TO category.
module Finite where
-- | A simple natural number type
data N = Z | S N deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- | A simple length-indexed "vector"
data Vec n a where
VZ :: Vec Z a
VS :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
sort :: Ord a => Vec n a -> Vec n a
sort = undefined -- whatever
-- | A simple finite integral type
data Fin n where
FZ :: Fin n
FS :: Fin n -> Fin (S n)
instance Ord (Fin n) where
FZ <= _ = True
FS x <= FS y = x <= y
module OrderedCat where
import Categories --
import Finite -- finite type-indexed vectors and naturals
-- The type of monotonic functions.
data TO a b where
MkTO :: (Ord a, Ord b => (a -> b) -> TO a b -- don't export this constructor
runTO :: TO a b -> a -> b
runTO (MkTO f) = f
-- The category of totally-ordered types
instance Cat TO where
type Ob TO = Ord
id = MkTO id
(MkTO f) . (MkTO g) = MkTO (f . g)
source (MkTO _) = Dict
target (MkTO _) = Dict
instance Functor (TO a) where
type Dom (TO a) = TO
type Cod (TO a) = (->)
fmap = (.)
instance Functor TO where
type Dom TO = Y TO
type Cod TO = Nat TO (->)
fmap (Y f) = Nat (. f)
-- one of the TO primitives
gte :: Ord a => a -> TO a Bool
gte a = MkTO (a <=)
branch :: Ord a
=> a -- ^ value for False
-> a -- ^ value for True
-> Maybe (TO Bool a)
branch f t | f <= t = Just . MkTO $ \b -> if b then t else f
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Operates under the assumption that Enum instances are monotonic.
toEnum :: (Ord a, Enum a) => TO Int a
toEnum = MkTO Prelude.toEnum
fromEnum :: (Ord a, Enum a) => TO a Int
fromEnum = MkTO Prelude.fromEnum
-- * The real workhorses of TO
-- Note: these could be written using less stringent
-- types, but that would rather defeat the point
-- of this exercise!
-- | Given a vector of n values, constructs an arrow
-- which maps @a@ to the number of values in the vector
-- strictly less than it.
partition :: Ord a => Vec n a -> TO a (Fin n)
partition (sort -> v) = MkTO part
part a = case v of
VZ -> FZ
VS x xs -> if a <= x then FZ else FS (part a xs)
-- | Given a vector of (n+1) values, constructs an
-- arrow which maps @n@ to the n-th smallest value
-- in the vector.
select :: Ord a => Vec (S n) a -> TO (Fin n) a
select (sort -> v) = MkTO (sel v)
sel (VS x _) FZ = x
sel (VS _ xs) (FS n) = sel xs n
sel VZ _ = error "unreachable"
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