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Created August 2, 2016 22:41
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Setting: Eberon

General setting

Humanity in strange state

  • besieged
  • in the past: humanity had to build an underground city, Sharraat, to protect itself from the Enemy.
  • Humanity is expanding again
  • dark mood
  • tech/culture level: 16th-17th ctry
  • Magic is common, but not commonplace


  • most of the population is farmers, workers
  • 90% of the people are serfs
  • no rights
  • can't have weapons
  • can only own the tools of your trade
  • have to have documents on you proving your identity
  • other 10%: increasingly more rights
  • soldiers
  • can own weapons and armor, maybe a warhorse
  • allowed to kill
  • 9% in guilds


  • ~100 years ago: schism between Old Church and New Church, and created the Holy Inquisition
  • New Church
  • Two Gods: Sun/Moon, Male/female, static/dynamic
  • Named Father and Mother, together: the Duity - they rule the spiritual world - they're an emanation of the Emperor - the human being who could have ascended to divinity, but chose to stay human and rule humanity - used his divine spark to create the Duity to rule the other god and be revered - revering the Emperor as a god is heresy - said to reside in the City of the Gods, some claim to have seen them
  • some other gods: the Sovereign Host
  • basically saints (like in the catholic church)
  • their portfolios are some aspects of civilization
  • there are 9 or so of them
  • some are still alive - Aureon is the most important one: portfolio = magic and knowledge, discovery
    • founded the school of magic, retreated to the city of the gods when he grew tired of teaching - Balinor: portfolio = hunt and husbandry, tamed wildlife
    • he was a hunter, ranger and explorer
    • currently somewhere in the wilds, exploring
    • has founded many monasteries on the outskirts of civilization
    • occasionally sighted
  • previously: many, MANY gods
  • "Fuck that", said the Emperor, and made the Duity
  • among the old gods there were some gods with portfolios from the savage/dark parts of humanity
  • "The Dark Six"
  • revering them is heresy, and also Not Nice (TM)
  • outcast from the Sovereign Host
  • according to legend, born form humanity's conquest of the wilds
  • The Devourer - some people think his worshippers are always savage - they can be ambitious nobles
  • The Fury - irrational thinking - madness, obsession, hedonism - the Joker can also be a worshipper - a meticulous scholar who derives pleasure only from knowing more than others etc - you do things only because you want to do the thing, no deeper reason
  • The Keeper - greed - mostly known as the god who prevents dead people from rising again - he claims the souls of the dead - very obscure - keeps stuff - guards stuff - mostly considered dark because he was revered by necromancers
    • was revered by a sect that held the bank of Sharn
  • The Mockery - it is the Kappa - leader of the Dark Six - it point is to prove that the human being is nothing - anything humanity builds, it destroys on a whim - nihilism - schemer - its aim is to make you suffer pointlessly - many monasteries dedicated to self-loathing (much like catholic church)
  • The Shadow - secrets, illusion, trickery, lies - because secrets are related to magic
    • revered by wizards who dabble in forbidden magic
  • The Traveler - random - formless, shapeless - change itself - its motivations are unknown even to his worshippers - it is said to protect mutants - more radical aspect of the goddess of the moon (she's all about morphing and changing) - it's too random - anarchic, chaotic - there's a saying: Do not accept a gift from the Traveler. - Chaotic Neutral
  • Old Church
    • not much visible difference
    • mostly just the introduction of the Duity
    • differences are almost purely theological
  • hierarchy:
  • Pyramid - the higher you were, the more saints you revered
  • priests, archpriests, decans, archdecans, 14 prevosts, 1 Pope ripoff, 1 voice of the gods - voice of the gods (a person) has about the same power as the pope
    • he's the left hand of the emperor
  • monastery hierarchy, outside of church hierarchy:
  • monasteries are basically city-states, ruled by an abbott/abbess (rank ~equal to decans) - inhabited by monks, archmonks
  • only outside the city, in the wild
  • clergy has two parts:
  • clerics who stay in the city - more inclined to be clerics
  • clerics who go outside of the city - more inclined to be druids
  • Inquisition:
  • military arm of the church
  • they condemn and execute hretics
  • but: in this world
  • Gods may gain power from worship alone
  • there are religions centered around idead instead of gods; their clerics get divine magic too


  • high-ranking guild members are usually powerful, but not always
  • you can rise in rank
  • if a noble or high-ranking guild member vouches for you, they can recommend you to the adventuring guild - you get a starting quest - if you fulfill it, you get to join
  • rights are per-guild: soldiers can have weapons, have access to an arsenal
  • one horizontal guild:
  • top guild
  • adventuring guild
  • gives you all the rights and resources from the other guilds
  • you have to do quests and find magical items or gold - what are quests?
    • documents
    • quest-giver
    • quest-taker
    • quest reward - you have to do at least 1 quest/year
    • you can do as many as you want
  • you have to pay an annual fee to the guild - some thousand gold - if not, you can be imprisoned or executed and you're a serf for the rest of your life
  • many vertical guilds: one per professions
  • mages
  • military
  • clergy
  • merchants & artisans
  • last 1% = nobles
  • government:
  • 1 emperor - several kings, ruling over aboveground kingdoms


  • something like 100million people
  • city has something like 10 layers
  • cylinder surface area: ~5000 km^2
  • the deeper you go, the poorer the people are
  • believed to be safe
  • but was attacked recently
  • one of the disctricts (the sixth one) has been "destroyed"
  • dark and gloomy, off-limits to anyone except adventurers
  • no guarantee that you will be helped by police
  • nobody knows why
  • there was no sound
  • people started to run away
  • proabbly the Enemy???
  • this is the kind of attack the Enemy uses
  • 1/2 the people in there died
  • Sharraat has 2 exits:
  • above ground
  • "The Tree", "Tree Fortress", "The Fortress" - enormous tree with a giant fortress inside
    • that's the fortified entarnce to Sharraat.
    • fokken massive
  • from there starts the world
  • further "down"
  • down there: Sharn, Dora Sharn - "City of the Gods", "City in the Sky" - islands of earth floating in an endless sky - has 1 prevost
  • Gravity is screwy in Sharraat
  • 9 districts
  • 1 prevost each
  • 1 prevost for the fortress
  • 1 prevost for the tree
  • 1 prevost for the entire outside world
  • 1 prevost for Dora Sharn
  • structure of the city:
  • cylinder
  • top and bottom = top and bottom of Sharraat - top = Tree, Fortress, aboveground - bottom = Dora Sharn
    • "down" is "into the cylinder" at either end of Sharraat, if you are outside the cylinder
  • the actual city is on the inner wall of the cylinder, see picture - the inside is empty - gravity points outside of the cylinder
  • the pillar is an extension of the Fortress - Police/knights DROP DOWN FROM THE FORTRESS ONTO THE CITY OMGWTFBBQ
  • super smoggy


  • Eberron is the name of the planet/world
  • continent = Khorvire
  • those are the mapped, unchanging lands
  • where humans settle, they fixate the world
  • otherwise, it changes on its own
  • the further away from the tree, the less defined and the more fantastical the world gets
  • in the north: moving forests, dragons in the sky, eternal sun,..
  • World bounds unknown

Signs of the Enemy

  • Darkness
  • No sound
  • people have a way to
  • nothing is known about the Enemy because it annihilates perception
  • there is a second-level spell which creates a sphere of darkness
  • it's illegal
  • it is believed this creates a link between the casting target and the Enemy
  • there's a similar spell that kills sound


  • there may be races (you don't know), but they're all "humans"
  • there aren't really humans, just many variations on "normal" humans
  • variations are called mutants
  • the further from the tree, the more mutants there are
  • if you're a mutant, common people may not like you


  • immortality is a thing
  • some nobles are immortal, some aren't
  • serfs think all the nobles are immortal
  • there's rumors that guilds grant immortality to high-ranking members
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