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Created November 11, 2011 20:20
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My C version of preg_match()
* File: main.c
* Author: solution
* Created on 9. listopad 2011, 22:08
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "Regpx.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char **results;
int i = 0;
results = preg_match("(\\w+):(\\w+)", "Word:abbrevation:discous:dictionary:list:hashmap");
while(results[i] != NULL)
printf("%s\n", results[i]);
printf("\t --- \t\n");
results = NULL;
struct resulter **resultset = preg_match_all("(\\w+):(\\w+)", "Word:abbrevation:discous:dictionary:list:hashmap");
i = 0;
printf("Počet výsledků: %d\n", resultset[0]->info->countOfMatches);
printf("Velikost výsledků: %d\n", sizeof(resultset));
printf("%s\n", resultset[i]->match);
printf("%s\n", resultset[i]->info->pattern);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
* File: Regxp.h
* Author: solution
* Created on 11. listopad 2011, 16:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pcre.h>
#define COUNT(a, b) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(b))
#ifndef REGXP_H
#define REGXP_H
#define OVECCOUNT 30
struct resulter{
char *subStringName;
char *match;
struct resulter *subMatch;
struct pcreInfo *info;
struct pcreInfo{
char *pattern;
int patternGroups;
int countOfMatches;
char *preg_error(int rc);
pcre *preg_compile(char* regxp);
char **preg_match(char *regxp, char *data);
struct resulter **preg_match_all(char *regxp, char *data);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* REGXP_H */
#include "Regpx.h"
pcre *preg_compile(char* regxp)
pcre *re; // Pcre pointer
const char *error; // Const char error pointer
int errorOffset;
re = pcre_compile(
regxp, /* regexp */
PCRE_MULTILINE, /* default options */
&error, /* for error message */
&errorOffset, /* for error offset */
NULL /* use default character tab*/
printf("PCRE compilation failed at expression offset %d: %s\n",
return re;
char *preg_error(int rc)
char *errorMsg = (char*) malloc(128);
errorMsg = "No match found in string \n";
errorMsg = "Match is out of possible matches \n";
errorMsg = "Out of memory \n";
sprintf(errorMsg, "Match error %d \n", rc);
return errorMsg;
char **preg_match(char *regxp, char *data)
pcre *re = preg_compile(regxp); // Pcre pointer
int rc, ovector[OVECCOUNT], groupsCount; //state integers
pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &groupsCount);
rc = pcre_exec(
re, /* The compiled pattern */
NULL, /* No extra data */
data, /* the subject string */
strlen(data), /* Length of subject */
0, /* Start at offset 0*/
0, /* Default options */
ovector, /* Output vector for substring info */
OVECCOUNT); /* Number of elements in the output */
if(rc < 0)
printf("%s", preg_error(rc));
char **results = (char**) malloc(OVECCOUNT * sizeof(char));
if(rc < 0)
printf("Match did not catch all the groups \n");
char *tmp;
int i = 3, it = 0, tmpInt = 0;
for(it; it < groupsCount; it++)
tmp = data + ovector[i-1];
tmpInt = ovector[i] - ovector[i-1];
results[it] = (char*) malloc(tmpInt + 1);
sprintf(results[it], "%.*s\0", tmpInt, tmp);
i += 2;
return results;
struct resulter **preg_match_all(char *regxp, char *data)
pcre *re = preg_compile(regxp); // Pcre pointer
int rc, ovector[OVECCOUNT], offsetStart = 0, groupsCount; //state integers
static struct pcreInfo info;
pcre_fullinfo(re, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &groupsCount);
info.pattern = regxp;
info.patternGroups = groupsCount;
// char **results = (char**) malloc(OVECCOUNT * sizeof(char));
int it = 0, ite = 0, i, tmpInt; // Iterators and tmpInteger for size
struct resulter **results;
results = (struct resulter**) malloc(OVECCOUNT * sizeof(struct resulter*));
while((rc = pcre_exec(
re, /* The compiled pattern */
NULL, /* No extra data */
data, /* the subject string */
strlen(data), /* Length of subject */
offsetStart, /* Start at offset 0*/
0, /* Default options */
ovector, /* Output vector for substring info */
OVECCOUNT)) > 0) /* Number of elements in the output */
char *tmp;
tmpInt = 0, i = 3;
for(it = 0; it < groupsCount; it++)
tmp = data + ovector[i-1];
tmpInt = ovector[i] - ovector[i-1];
if(tmpInt > 0)
results[ite] = (struct resulter*) malloc(sizeof(struct resulter));
results[ite]->match = (char*) malloc(tmpInt + 1);
sprintf(results[ite]->match, "%.*s\0", tmpInt, tmp);
results[ite]->info = &info;
i += 2; ++ite;
offsetStart = ovector[i-2];
(*ovector) = 0;
info.countOfMatches = ite;
return results;
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Thank you for your example! But this code does not work:
struct resulter *resultset = preg_match_all("/M[^zZ][zZ]/", "M806 86l-74 74c-57 -50 -131 -80 -212 -80c-177 0 -320 143 -320 320s143 320 320 320s320 -143 320 -320c0 -82 -30 -156 -80 -212l74 -74c8 -8 8 -20 0 -28s-20 -8 -28 0zM594 298c-8 8 -8 20 0 28s20 8 28 0l109 -110c43 49 69 113 69 184c0 155 -125 280 -280 280 s-280 -125 -280 -280s125 -280 280 -280c70 0 134 26 183 68c-108 109 -109 109 -109 110z");

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