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The confusion with `std::is_constant_evaluated`, hopefully cleared up

The confusion with std::is_constant_evaluated, hopefully cleared up

Disclaimer: I am not on the committee, and while I have done my due diligence, I could easily have missed something. This is also not an attack on anyone. As stated the confusion is quite understandable, and the talk mentioned generally does a good job of introducing some small features of C++20, even if it does contain a minor mistake.


This is inspired by Timur Doumler's C++20: The small things given at CppCon 2019 where, at 48:00, somebody points out a mistake on his slide.

In short, given

#include <type_traits>

int __magic_fast_square(int);

constexpr int square(int i){
        return i*i;
        return __magic_fast_square(i);

where __magic_fast_square is an invented intrinsic function that cannot be evaluated at compile time, what does square(3) do? More specifically which path does it take?

Timur says he believes it should take the first branch. This is wrong (or at the very least misleading), but completely non-obvious to many people. I will attempt to explain why this is false, and hopefully help clear up the confusion. I will also note some other corner cases and how to deal with them.

What is std::is_constant_evaluated?

std::is_constant_evaluated is a function, expected to be available in C++20, which allows you to detect if an expression is evaluated at compile time.

The main (and pretty much only) usecase, is to let the programmer to pick between two different implementations of a function, one that is fast for runtime, and one that is constexpr friendly for compile time.1

The misconception

The big misconception is that a constant expression (such as a call to a constexpr function) is supposed to be evaluated at compile time, if all the inputs are known at compile time. This is simply not true, but previously it was hard to tell.

Take a look at

constexpr int add(int a,int b){
    return a+b;

int add_test1(){
    int r = add(1,2);
    return r;

Is r computed at compile time? Conceptually the answer is yes, and if you compiled the code with optimisations enabled, most compilers would indeed precompute the result, however I will posit that, no, it is in fact not.

Instead what has happened, is the compiler produced the runtime code to call add with 1 and 2 as arguments, then the optimiser ran, and inlined the call, proceded to do constant folding, which resulted in simply returning 3.

To properly compute r at compile time, you would write

int add_test2(){
    constexpr int r = add(1,2);
    return r;

std::is_constant_evaluated breaks that assumption

Previously there was no perceptible difference between the two, but std::is_constant_evaluated changes that, by literally letting you ask the compiler if the call is evaluated at compile time.2 As a result the following

int square_test1(){
    int r = square(3);
    return r;

is required to take the second branch in square and call __magic_fast_square. If it were an intrinsic function, the optimiser might constant fold it, just as with add in the previous example, or it might not.3

Similarly the following

int square_test2(){
    constexpr int r = square(3);
    return r;

is required to take the first branch, and be evaluated at compile time. The same is true for other contexts that require a constant expression, such as template arguments, array bounds, case labels, calls to consteval functions, etc. I will such a context a constant context.4

Interaction with constexpr functions

We have looked at how a constexpr variable forces the evaluation to be done at compile time, but what about constexpr functions, like the following

constexpr int square3(){
    int r = square(3);
    return r;

which looks suspiciously similar to square_test1, which if you remember didn't compute r at compile time. The only difference is that this one is constexpr.

So, how does constexpr affect it? Is r computed at compile time now? It depends on the how square3 is called. For example the following

int square3_test1(){
    int r2 = square3();
    return r2;

behaves exactly the same way as square_test1, computing r and r2 at runtime, but

int square3_test2(){
    constexpr int r2 = square3();
    return r2;

is different, since square3 is called in a constant context, that information propagates down to the call to square, which now takes the first branch. Both r and r2 are computed at compile time, although only the latter is usable in a constant context since it is the only one actually marked constexpr.

You can think of this as all the local variables in a constexpr function inheriting the ability to be computed at compile time from the function, and will be computed at compile time, when the function is called in a constant context.

I believe this also helps explain why std::is_constant_evaluated should not be used directly inside of if constexpr. You are essentially forcing that call to be evaluated at compile time, as with square_test2, which is exactly what isn't the point. If you instead use a regular if, the call inherits the ability to be evaluated at compile time, just as if you had assigned it to a variable.

Interaction with const

The previous section talked about contexts where one or the other was required, but there are contexts where the compiler might have to choose.

One such context is with using the const keyword. In C++98 constexpr was not a thing yet, but we already disliked macros enough to want an alternative. Thus when the value of a const variable5 was known at compile time, they were allowed to be used in a constant context.

This has carried over to C++11 where the two allow you to do pretty much the same things. The only difference between a const variable and a constexpr one, is that the latter is required to be computed at compile time, or otherwise fail to compile (ie. is a constant context).

As a result

int square_test3(){
    const int r = square(3);
    return r;

is going to be evaluated at compile time, but

int three = 3;

int square_test4(){
    const int r = square(three);
    return r;

cannot be.

In square_test3, you would be able to use r in a constant context, in square_test4 you wouldn't.

The compiler tries to compute it at compile time, in which case std::is_constant_evaluated would return true. If that fails, however, the compiler backtracks and generate the runtime code, and std::is_constant_evaluated returns false.

This leads to an interesting case

constexpr int bad_square(int i){
        return __magic_fast_square(i);
        return i*i;

int bad_square_test1(){
    const int r = bad_square(3);

    // std::integral_constant<int,r>();

    return r;

where the only computations inside bad_square, a call to std::is_constant_evaluated and multiplying i by itself, all of which can be evaluated at compile time, but since the true branch could not, std::is_constant_evaluated had to return false, and that poisoned the whole thing. As a result r cannot be used in a constant context, like the one in the comment.

Making r constexpr as in

// int bad_square_test2(){
//     constexpr int r = bad_square(3);
//     return r;
// }

fixes this and the code would not compile, and you would notice the bug.

Sometimes the compiler must choose

Building on the previous section, what if a function is complicated and takes a long time to evaluate?

Consider the sum of total stopping times of the Collatz conjecture:

constexpr int collatz_time(int n){
    int r = 0;
    for(;n > 1;++r){
        if(n%2 == 0){
            n = n/2;
            n = 3*n+1;

    return r;

constexpr int sum_collatz_time_const(int n){
    int r = 0;
    for(int i = 1;i < n;++i){
        r += collatz_time(i);

    return r;

int sum_collatz_time_fast(int n);

constexpr int sum_collatz_time(int n){
        return sum_collatz_time_const(n);
        return sum_collatz_time_fast(n);

Since the collatz conjecture is, as of writing this, unproven, no one knows if the functions will return, for all n.6

Now we try

int collatz_test1(){
    const int r = sum_collatz_time(100000);
    return r;

and ask the question: Is r computed at compile time? Can we use it in a constant context? The answer to that, is it depends on the compiler and the compilation flags used.7

The result exists (it is 10753712) and it can be computed at compile time, but at some point n becomes too large, and the compiler gives up, but since it also cannot prove it is undefined behaviour (an infinite loop would be), it has to evaluating it at runtime, resulting in r not being usable in a constant context, despite the fact that if it had just tried a little longer, it very well could have been.8

The takeaway here is the difference between int a = ...;, const int b = ...; and constexpr int c = ...;: a is never computed at compile time; b might be, if the compiler can figure it out and c always is.

More importantly, for a and b, the compiler is required to compile the code, unless it can prove that the code contains undefined behaviour (which for the collatz case involves solving a, so far, unsolved problem). This is unlike c, where it is required to fail, unless it can computed it at compile time.

Interaction with static initialisation

There is another context that might be evaluated at compile time, namely variables with static/thread storage duration,9 and this too interacts with std::is_constant_evaluated.

I believe this was, in fact, one of the main reasons behind constexpr: It was supposed to help deal with the static initialisation order fiasco, by allowing some objects, those with a constexpr constructor, to be initialised at compile time, and thus letting other objects depend on them. This is why std::mutex has a constexpr constructor.

This interaction is similar to that of const variables:

int square_test5 = square(3);

is going to be initialised at compile time, while

int square_test6 = square(three);

won't, and

int collatz_test2 = sum_collatz_time(100000);


The result is unchanged when you use static/extern and/or a combination of thread_local/inline.

C++20 also comes with a new keyword constinit, which forces variables to be initialised at compile time (like square_test2), while still being mutable.10 As a result

constinit int square_test7 = square(3);

is required to be initialised at compile time, while

// constinit int square_test8 = square(three);

won't compile, and

// constinit int collatz_test3 = sum_collatz_time(100000);

either must, or will fail to compile, if the compiler gives up (which it probably will, hence the comment).

In defence of this mess

This is the where I feel many would criticise the committee for all the unnecessary complexity that has seeped into the language:

Three different cases that all behave subtly differently, one of where compilers are pretty much required to differ in their implementation, and sometimes (static/thread storage duration) it looks like one case, but is another.

As such, this is where I will try to preemptively defend them, and make the case that this falls into the category of essential complexity, at least given the history of the language:

First of all, assuming you write your constexpr functions correctly, your program will behave the same no matter which branch is taken. The only difference will be in the code generated by the compiler.

Second, if the compiler didn't take your constexpr friendly branch, and this resulted in worse codegen, you would either not notice, hence it probably didn't matter anyway, or you do notice, because it is a performance problem, in which case it is an easy fix, once a member of your team knows what to look for.

Third, since the two most common cases are standardised, if you do have a logic error, say a poorly written constexpr friendly branch, different compilers are required to behave the same way, hence letting you use their debugging tools, instead of one compiler taking the runtime path, and the other noticing it could take the constexpr friendly path and making your bug surface.

Fourth, the complexity from const and static/thread storage duration stems from solving actual problems. The static initialisation order fiasco was a big enough problem for people to invent constexpr, to help with it, and this path has worked well enough, that people have spent time and money to implement first require_constant_initialization in Clang, and now get constinit standardised.

Fifth, you cannot solve the halting problem. Even if you solved the Collatz conjecture, you cannot solve all programs, so always expecting the compiler to try to evaluate everything at compile time is silly.

And lastly, it is a checkable issue. I don't yet know of any such tools, but finding constexpr functions called with constant parameters does sound like something a tool could do. Similarly suggesting uses of constinit is almost certainly something a tool could do, since the compiler already tries to do initialise them this way.

That said, I admit it is complicated and non-obvious, and I don't expect this to clear everything up for everyone, so here is a Godbolt link where you can play around with the examples, and see how they behave when you change them. You can click the arrows next to the compilers, to see the assembly output. MSVC does not yet support the features discussed herein.


std::is_constant_evaluated has some pitfalls, that subverts how many programmers thought constant evaluation worked, due to misconceptions that were previously not observable.

I posit that these pitfalls can be avoided by following a set of guidelines:

  1. When you expect a value to be computed at compile time, always say so by assigning it to a constexpr variable.
    Do not assume the compiler will just do it for you.
  2. A non constexpr variable, means that it shouldn't, be computed at compile time.
    If it can be, put a comment to make clear it is intentional, and get someone else to review it.
  3. Use const variables only when you know they won't change, but where the value cannot be computed at compile time.
    If it can always use a constexpr variable instead.11
    If you don't want it to be use a non const variable.
  4. Use constinit, when possible, to force variables with static/thread storage duration to be initialised at compile time.
    Do not assume the compiler will always do it for you.

Hopefully, tools will be available in the future, to help us enforce these guidelines.

1: An example of where this would be useful is with MSVC's _BitScanReverse intrinsic. A constexpr friendly implementation would use a loop, while the intrinsic compiles to a single bsr instruction at runtime.

2: The standard calls this manifestly constant-evaluated. See N4830 [expr.const]/13, for the full details.

3: As far as I can tell MSVC does not constant fold _BitScanReverse.

4: Constant context is a term I have made up for this.

5: Note the difference between const int* p1; and int* const p2;: p2 is a const variable, while p1 isn't. Since references are essentially equivalent to the latter they are const variables too, even if the object they reference isn't.

6: While we do know that it does for all values that fit in an int, the compiler probably won't have time to prove it, and definitely not in the general case, of a custom constexpr bignum.

7: The flags for the major compilers can be found at the following links: GCC, Clang and MSVC.

8: Interestingly, with GCC I was able to find values for n where sum_collatz_time_const could not be evaluated at compile time, but where the optimiser would still fold the runtime code into a constant. I have not checked other compilers for this.

9: Note static storage duration, instead of static storage duration. This is because static is not always required, and on global variables (which always have static/thread storage duration) it instead specifies internal linkage, which, ironically, makes the static initialisation order fiasco easier to deal with. You can blame C for this.

10: Strangely enough constinit is not allowed on local variables in functions, which seems like an oversight to me. You can work around this by first making a constexpr variable, and then copying it to a different variable. In this regard constexpr would be the same as a constinit const variable.

11: Although it sounds iffy, I suppose it is possible to have a static member variable in a class template where you don't if it can be computed at compile time, before it is instantiated. Such a case it is probably worth a comment, and a thorough code review.

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ogier commented Sep 2, 2020

This seems like ultimately quite a bit of a footgun. Especially the bit about how, up until this point, inlining + constant-folding versus evaluating a constexpr function in a constant context have always been roughly equivalent. As a result people don't take great care with assigning expressions containing constexpr function calls to constexpr variables -- they just use them directly and they're fast and evaluated at compile time by the optimizing compiler.

In an ideal world we would never have a situation where adding a fast runtime-only branch to a constexpr-friendly function makes the function slower for some callers, but that can happen now with std::is_constant_evaluated().

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Som1Lse commented Sep 2, 2020

True. I do believe however that it is the better solution. I clearly show how "just let the compiler figure it out" is untenable (Collatz conjecture). At least this way, people who measure their code, instead of just blindly optimising, will be alerted. Compiler warnings could also help, pointing out cases where a call could be assigned to a constexpr variable.

Ultimately, I believe this case falls under, at least partially, necessary complexity. When you let programmers inspect whether something is evaluated at compile time, you need to clearly define what that means, and just hand waving it saying "well the compiler should figure it out" doesn't work. Case in point: std::is_constant_evaluated() can always be evaluated at compile time. All the parameters are constant (all zero of them), and thus just always making it return true would be a valid implementation, which is not what anyone wants.

The problem is not so much std::is_constant_evaluated(), it is that people have a wrong model of how compile time evaluation and constexpr works, and for a long time that wrong model has been equivalent to the right one. It is also an example of how you shouldn't blindly start using something without testing your assumptions about it, in this case, that it will actually make your code faster.

I wrote this post, in part, to help correct people's mistaken model, and to work as a rather definitive source anyone can just link to when people do get it wrong.

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