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Created February 28, 2023 19:01
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  • Save SomeoneSerge/745681c4d577fac2b2e71b6349cc2503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SomeoneSerge/745681c4d577fac2b2e71b6349cc2503 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
❯ ~/Sources/nixpkgs-review/bin/nixpkgs-review pr 218265 --extra-nixpkgs-config '{ config.cudaSupport = true; }'
$ git -c fetch.prune=false fetch --no-tags --force master:refs/nixpkgs-review/0 pull/218265/head:refs/nixpkgs-review/1
remote: Enumerating objects: 1393, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (939/939), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (94/94), done.
remote: Total 1393 (delta 885), reused 879 (delta 842), pack-reused 454
Receiving objects: 100% (1393/1393), 2.09 MiB | 11.97 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (992/992), completed with 231 local objects.
02fa99fd086..44e1ca49a9e master -> refs/nixpkgs-review/0
+ ae72b9d26fa...cf2a089c7c9 refs/pull/218265/head -> refs/nixpkgs-review/1 (forced update)
$ git worktree add /home/ss/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-218265-3/nixpkgs 44e1ca49a9ed9f85603d0eb5c15e2608f63bcd95
Preparing worktree (detached HEAD 44e1ca49a9e)
Updating files: 100% (33763/33763), done.
HEAD is now at 44e1ca49a9e Merge pull request #218825 from r-ryantm/auto-update/unciv
$ nix-env --extra-experimental-features no-url-literals --option system x86_64-linux -f /home/ss/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-218265-3/nixpkgs/with-extra-config.nix -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace --no-allow-import-from-derivation
$ git merge --no-commit --no-ff cf2a089c7c995af4fe005107b3d2b3a30396aaab
Automatic merge went well; stopped before committing as requested
$ nix-env --extra-experimental-features no-url-literals --option system x86_64-linux -f /home/ss/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-218265-3/nixpkgs/with-extra-config.nix -qaP --xml --out-path --show-trace --no-allow-import-from-derivation --meta
110 packages updated:
caffe caffe colmap cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cudatoolkit cuda_cccl cuda_cudart cuda_cuobjdump cuda_cupti cuda_cuxxfilt cuda_demo_suite cuda_documentation cuda_gdb cuda_memcheck cuda_nsight cuda_nvcc cuda_nvdisasm cuda_nvml_dev cuda_nvprof cuda_nvprune cuda_nvrtc cuda_nvtx cuda_nvvp cuda_sanitizer_api fabricmanager forge gpt2tc gpu-burn-unstable gpu-screen-recorder gpu-screen-recorder-gtk gromacs gwe hip-nvidia katago libcublas libcufft libcufile libcurand libcusolver libcusparse libnpp libnvidia_nscq libnvjpeg librealsense librealsense librealsense magma magma magma magma mathematica-cuda cudaPackages.nccl (2.16.5-1-cuda-11.7 → 2.16.5-1-cuda-11) nsight_compute nsight_systems nvidia_driver nvidia_fs nvtop nvtop-nvidia python3.10-baselines python3.10-cupy python3.10-dalle-mini python3.10-distrax python3.10-dm-sonnet python3.10-edward python3.10-elegy python3.10-flax python3.10-gpt python3.10-jaxlib python3.10-mask-rcnn python3.10-n3fit python3.10-numba python3.10-optuna python3.10-pot python3.10-pycuda python3.10-pymanopt python3.10-pynvml python3.10-rl-coach python3.10-rlax python3.10-scikit-tda python3.10-tensorflow python3.10-tensorflow python3.10-tensorflow python3.10-tensorflow-datasets python3.10-tensorflow-gpu python3.10-tensorflow_probability python3.10-tensorrt python3.10-tflearn python3.10-Theano python3.10-torch python3.10-treex python3.10-trfl python3.10-umap-learn python3.10-vqgan-jax-unstable python3.11-cupy python3.11-jaxlib python3.11-pycuda python3.11-pynvml python3.11-tensorrt python3.11-Theano tensorflow truecrack tts xgboost xpra
error: Package ‘cudatoolkit-11.7.0’ in /home/ss/.cache/nixpkgs-review/pr-218265-3/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/compilers/cudatoolkit/common.nix:295 has an unfree license (‘unfree’), refusing to evaluate.
a) To temporarily allow unfree packages, you can use an environment variable
for a single invocation of the nix tools.
Note: For `nix shell`, `nix build`, `nix develop` or any other Nix 2.4+
(Flake) command, `--impure` must be passed in order to read this
environment variable.
b) For `nixos-rebuild` you can set
{ nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; }
in configuration.nix to override this.
Alternatively you can configure a predicate to allow specific packages:
{ nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [
c) For `nix-env`, `nix-build`, `nix-shell` or any other Nix command you can add
{ allowUnfree = true; }
to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix.
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command no-url-literals --system x86_64-linux eval --json --impure --no-allow-import-from-derivation --expr (import /home/ss/Sources/nixpkgs-review/nixpkgs_review/nix/evalAttrs.nix { allowAliases = false; attr-json = /tmp/tmpotmmc4s7; extra-nixpkgs-config = { config.cudaSupport = true; }; }) failed to run, /tmp/tmpotmmc4s7 was stored inspection failed to build
$ git worktree prune
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