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  • Save SomeoneSerge/7b83d1d972755ccd4ec7accce2da0909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SomeoneSerge/7b83d1d972755ccd4ec7accce2da0909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
nix log /nix/store/pvi591yvwbmrxfsn8xnap2qnc1idxx0m-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0.drv
Sourcing python-remove-tests-dir-hook
Sourcing pip-build-hook
Using pipBuildPhase
Using pipShellHook
Sourcing pip-install-hook
Using pipInstallPhase
Using pythonImportsCheckPhase
Sourcing python-namespaces-hook
Sourcing pytest-check-hook
Using pytestCheckPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" }
unpacking sources
unpacking source archive /nix/store/5g136amf6s7kjl2ddppw802173qxlnfi-source
source root is source
Executing cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
unpacking source archive /nix/store/az9a8g8nq83pjglyyhl1mmzlg3fd1dh9-retworkx-0.11.0-vendor.tar.gz
Finished cargoSetupPostUnpackHook
setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to timestamp 315619200 of file source/tox.ini
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" }
patching sources
Executing cargoSetupPostPatchHook
Validating consistency between /build/source/Cargo.lock and /build/retworkx-0.11.0-vendor.tar.gz/Cargo.lock
Finished cargoSetupPostPatchHook
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" }
no configure script, doing nothing
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" }
Executing maturinBuildHook
++ env CC_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/rj91g41smpmp92xvhx6rjxz6878bn2b4-gcc-wrapper-12.2.0/bin/cc CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/rj91g41smpmp92xvhx6rjxz6878bn2b4-gcc-wrapper-12.2.0/bin/c++ CC_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/rj91g41smpmp92xvhx6rjxz6878bn2b4-gcc-wrapper-12.2.0/bin/cc CXX_x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu=/nix/store/rj91g41smpmp92xvhx6rjxz6878bn2b4-gcc-wrapper-12.2.0/bin/c++ maturin build --jobs=24 --frozen --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --manylinux off --strip --release
⚠️ Warning: `build-backend` in pyproject.toml is not set to `maturin`, packaging tools such as pip will not use maturin to build this project.
🍹 Building a mixed python/rust project
🔗 Found pyo3 bindings
🐍 Found CPython 3.10 at /nix/store/0n4y44dnaxafqs7cg625aldrb152x7bx-python3-3.10.10/bin/python3
 Compiling autocfg v1.0.1
 Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
 Compiling libc v0.2.101
 Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.5
 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0
 Compiling scopeguard v1.1.0
 Compiling crossbeam-epoch v0.9.5
 Compiling rayon-core v1.9.1
 Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.29
 Compiling unicode-xid v0.2.2
 Compiling version_check v0.9.3
 Compiling either v1.6.1
 Compiling proc-macro-hack v0.5.19
 Compiling pyo3-build-config v0.15.1
 Compiling syn v1.0.76
 Compiling once_cell v1.8.0
 Compiling parking_lot_core v0.8.5
 Compiling unindent v0.1.7
 Compiling smallvec v1.6.1
 Compiling rawpointer v0.2.1
 Compiling ndarray v0.13.1
 Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.10
 Compiling fixedbitset v0.4.1
 Compiling instant v0.1.10
 Compiling lock_api v0.4.5
 Compiling matrixmultiply v0.2.4
 Compiling cfg-if v0.1.10
 Compiling ahash v0.7.6
 Compiling memoffset v0.6.4
 Compiling num-traits v0.2.14
 Compiling rayon v1.5.1
 Compiling indexmap v1.7.0
 Compiling num-integer v0.1.44
 Compiling num-complex v0.2.4
 Compiling num-bigint v0.4.3
 Compiling crossbeam-channel v0.5.1
 Compiling quote v1.0.9
 Compiling getrandom v0.2.3
 Compiling num_cpus v1.13.0
 Compiling crossbeam-deque v0.8.1
 Compiling rand_core v0.6.3
 Compiling parking_lot v0.11.2
 Compiling paste-impl v0.1.18
 Compiling rand_chacha v0.3.1
 Compiling rand_pcg v0.3.1
 Compiling pyo3 v0.15.1
 Compiling rand v0.8.4
 Compiling num-complex v0.4.0
 Compiling paste v0.1.18
 Compiling hashbrown v0.11.2
 Compiling pyo3-macros-backend v0.15.1
 Compiling petgraph v0.6.0
 Compiling indoc-impl v0.3.6
 Compiling indoc v0.3.6
 Compiling pyo3-macros v0.15.1
 Compiling retworkx-core v0.11.0 (/build/source/retworkx-core)
 Compiling numpy v0.15.1
 Compiling retworkx v0.11.0 (/build/source)
 Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 3m 49s
📦 Built wheel for CPython 3.10 to /build/source/target/wheels/retworkx-0.11.0-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
Finished maturinBuildHook
buildPhase completed in 3 minutes 51 seconds
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "installPhase" }
Executing pipInstallPhase
/build/source/dist /build/source
Processing ./retworkx-0.11.0-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
Installing collected packages: retworkx
Successfully installed retworkx-0.11.0
Finished executing pipInstallPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "pythonOutputDistPhase" }
Executing pythonOutputDistPhase
Finished executing pythonOutputDistPhase
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "fixupPhase" }
post-installation fixup
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0
shrinking /nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0...
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0
stripping (with command strip and flags -S) in /nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/c0n334lijj8hbq1xjpf7di69wkr1r8dv-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0-dist
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/c0n334lijj8hbq1xjpf7di69wkr1r8dv-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0-dist...
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/c0n334lijj8hbq1xjpf7di69wkr1r8dv-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0-dist
Executing pythonRemoveTestsDir
Finished executing pythonRemoveTestsDir
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "installCheckPhase" }
running install tests
no Makefile or custom installCheckPhase, doing nothing
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "pythonCatchConflictsPhase" }
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "pythonRemoveBinBytecodePhase" }
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "pythonImportsCheckPhase" }
Executing pythonImportsCheckPhase
Check whether the following modules can be imported: retworkx
@nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "pytestCheckPhase" }
Executing pytestCheckPhase
/build/tmp.xoP1WHHEbE /build/source
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.10, pytest-7.2.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /build/tmp.xoP1WHHEbE
collecting ...  collecting 923 items  collecting 1547 items  collecting 1577 items  collected 1577 items 
tests/ .......... [ 0%]
tests/ ...................................... [ 3%]
........................................................................ [ 7%]
........................................................................ [ 12%]
........................................................................ [ 16%]
............................................................. [ 20%]
tests/ .............................. [ 22%]
tests/ ............................... [ 24%]
tests/digraph/ ........... [ 25%]
tests/digraph/ ........................ [ 26%]
tests/digraph/ ....... [ 27%]
tests/digraph/ ...... [ 27%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 27%]
tests/digraph/ .................... [ 29%]
tests/digraph/ ........ [ 29%]
tests/digraph/ ..... [ 29%]
tests/digraph/ ......... [ 30%]
tests/digraph/ ....... [ 30%]
tests/digraph/ ........ [ 31%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 31%]
tests/digraph/ ... [ 31%]
tests/digraph/ ............. [ 32%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 32%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 33%]
tests/digraph/ ... [ 33%]
tests/digraph/ .................. [ 34%]
tests/digraph/ .. [ 34%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 34%]
tests/digraph/ ....................... [ 36%]
tests/digraph/ ...... [ 36%]
tests/digraph/ ....... [ 37%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 37%]
tests/digraph/ ............... [ 38%]
tests/digraph/ ............................................ [ 41%]
............................................................ [ 44%]
tests/digraph/ ..... [ 45%]
tests/digraph/ .............................. [ 47%]
tests/digraph/ .......................... [ 48%]
tests/digraph/ ..... [ 49%]
tests/digraph/ .. [ 49%]
tests/digraph/ ................................. [ 51%]
tests/digraph/ ..... [ 51%]
tests/digraph/ ........................................ [ 54%]
tests/digraph/ ....... [ 54%]
tests/digraph/ ..................... [ 55%]
tests/digraph/ ........ [ 56%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 56%]
tests/digraph/ ......... [ 57%]
tests/digraph/ ................... [ 58%]
tests/digraph/ ........... [ 59%]
tests/digraph/ .. [ 59%]
tests/digraph/ ...... [ 59%]
tests/digraph/ ...... [ 60%]
tests/digraph/ .... [ 60%]
tests/digraph/ ...... [ 60%]
tests/digraph/ ........ [ 61%]
tests/generators/ .... [ 61%]
tests/generators/ ............. [ 62%]
tests/generators/ ....... [ 62%]
tests/generators/ ..... [ 63%]
tests/generators/ .......... [ 63%]
tests/generators/ ......... [ 64%]
tests/generators/ ......... [ 64%]
tests/generators/ ............ [ 65%]
tests/generators/ ...... [ 66%]
tests/generators/ ...... [ 66%]
tests/generators/ ....... [ 66%]
tests/generators/ ... [ 67%]
tests/generators/ .......... [ 67%]
tests/graph/ .. [ 67%]
tests/graph/ ......................... [ 69%]
tests/graph/ ....... [ 69%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 70%]
tests/graph/ .......... [ 70%]
tests/graph/ ........ [ 71%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 71%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 71%]
tests/graph/ ...... [ 72%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 72%]
tests/graph/ ... [ 72%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 72%]
tests/graph/ ... [ 73%]
tests/graph/ ........ [ 73%]
tests/graph/ ......... [ 74%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 74%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 74%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 75%]
tests/graph/ ... [ 75%]
tests/graph/ .. [ 75%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 75%]
tests/graph/ ................. [ 76%]
tests/graph/ ...... [ 77%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 77%]
tests/graph/ ...... [ 77%]
tests/graph/ ............... [ 78%]
tests/graph/ .............................................. [ 81%]
.............................................. [ 84%]
tests/graph/ ........................ [ 86%]
tests/graph/ ......................... [ 87%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 88%]
tests/graph/ ................................. [ 90%]
tests/graph/ ........ [ 90%]
tests/graph/ ............................ [ 92%]
tests/graph/ ....... [ 92%]
tests/graph/ ... [ 93%]
tests/graph/ ..................... [ 94%]
tests/graph/ ....... [ 94%]
tests/graph/ ........ [ 95%]
tests/graph/ ......... [ 95%]
tests/graph/ ......... [ 96%]
tests/graph/ ...................... [ 97%]
tests/graph/ .... [ 98%]
tests/graph/ ..... [ 98%]
tests/graph/ ...... [ 98%]
tests/visualization/ sssssssss [ 99%]
tests/visualization/ FF.F.FFFF. [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_alpha_iter __________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_alpha_iter>
def test_alpha_iter(self):
graph = retworkx.generators.grid_graph(4, 6)
# with fewer alpha elements than nodes
> mpl_draw(graph, alpha=[0.1, 0.2])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7fff27646540>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = False, kwds = {'alpha': [0.1, 0.2]}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
___________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_arrows ____________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_arrows>
def test_arrows(self):
graph = retworkx.generators.directed_star_graph(24)
> fig = mpl_draw(graph)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyDiGraph object at 0x7ffff7458460>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = False, kwds = {}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
____________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_draw _____________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_draw>
def test_draw(self):
graph = retworkx.generators.star_graph(24)
options = {"node_color": "black", "node_size": 100, "width": 3}
> fig = mpl_draw(graph, **options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7fff24276540>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = False
kwds = {'node_color': 'black', 'node_size': 100, 'width': 3}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_edge_colormap ________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_edge_colormap>
def test_edge_colormap(self):
graph = retworkx.generators.star_graph(24)
colors = range(len(graph.edge_list()))
> fig = mpl_draw(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7fff242769c0>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = True
kwds = {'edge_cmap': <matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x7fff2cca2050>, 'edge_color': range(0, 23), 'width': 4}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
_________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_empty_graph _________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_empty_graph>
def test_empty_graph(self):
graph = retworkx.PyGraph()
> fig = mpl_draw(graph)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7ffff5900840>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = False, kwds = {}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
______________________ TestMPLDraw.test_labels_and_colors ______________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_labels_and_colors>
def test_labels_and_colors(self):
graph = retworkx.PyGraph()
edge_list = [
(0, 1, 5),
(1, 2, 2),
(2, 3, 7),
(3, 0, 6),
(5, 6, 1),
(4, 5, 7),
(6, 7, 3),
(7, 4, 7),
labels = {}
labels[0] = r"$a$"
labels[1] = r"$b$"
labels[2] = r"$c$"
labels[3] = r"$d$"
labels[4] = r"$\alpha$"
labels[5] = r"$\beta$"
labels[6] = r"$\gamma$"
labels[7] = r"$\delta$"
pos = retworkx.random_layout(graph)
> mpl_draw(
node_list=[0, 1, 2, 3],
edge_list=[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)],
labels=lambda x: labels[x],
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7fff24280540>
pos = <retworkx.Pos2DMapping object at 0x7fff242837c0>, ax = None, arrows = True
with_labels = False
kwds = {'alpha': 0.75, 'edge_list': [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 0)], 'font_size': 16, 'labels': <function TestMPLDraw.test_labels_and_colors.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fff04160a60>, ...}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
__________________________ TestMPLDraw.test_node_list __________________________
self = <tests.visualization.test_mpl.TestMPLDraw testMethod=test_node_list>
def test_node_list(self):
graph = retworkx.generators.star_graph(24)
node_list = list(range(4)) + list(range(4, 10)) + list(range(10, 14))
> fig = mpl_draw(graph, node_list=node_list)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
graph = <retworkx.PyGraph object at 0x7fff242835c0>, pos = None, ax = None
arrows = True, with_labels = False
kwds = {'node_list': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]}
plt = <module 'matplotlib.pyplot' from '/nix/store/w19ags7fn0h3vf1whck5pg548xan9afg-python3.10-matplotlib-3.7.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/'>
cf = <Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>
def mpl_draw(graph, pos=None, ax=None, arrows=True, with_labels=False, **kwds):
r"""Draw a graph with Matplotlib.
.. note::
Matplotlib is an optional dependency and will not be installed with
retworkx by default. If you intend to use this function make sure that
you install matplotlib with either ``pip install matplotlib`` or
``pip install 'retworkx[mpl]'``
:param graph: A retworkx graph, either a :class:`~retworkx.PyGraph` or a
:param dict pos: An optional dictionary (or
a :class:`~retworkx.Pos2DMapping` object) with nodes as keys and
positions as values. If not specified a spring layout positioning will
be computed. See `layout_functions` for functions that compute
node positions.
:param matplotlib.Axes ax: An optional Matplotlib Axes object to draw the
graph in.
:param bool arrows: For :class:`~retworkx.PyDiGraph` objects if ``True``
draw arrowheads. (defaults to ``True``) Note, that the Arrows will
be the same color as edges.
:param str arrowstyle: An optional string for directed graphs to choose
the style of the arrowsheads. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ArrowStyle` for more options. By default the
value is set to ``'-\|>'``.
:param int arrow_size: For directed graphs, choose the size of the arrow
head's length and width. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and constructor
kwarg ``mutation_scale`` for more info. Defaults to 10.
:param bool with_labels: Set to ``True`` to draw labels on the nodes. Edge
labels will only be drawn if the ``edge_labels`` parameter is set to a
function. Defaults to ``False``.
:param list node_list: An optional list of node indices in the graph to
draw. If not specified all nodes will be drawn.
:param list edge_list: An option list of edges in the graph to draw. If not
specified all edges will be drawn
:param int|list node_size: Optional size of nodes. If an array is
specified it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 300
:param node_color: Optional node color. Can be a single color or
a sequence of colors with the same length as node_list. Color can be
string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of floats from 0-1. If numeric values
are specified they will be mapped to colors using the ``cmap`` and
``vmin``,``vmax`` parameters. See :func:`matplotlib.scatter` for more
details. Defaults to ``'#1f78b4'``)
:param str node_shape: The optional shape node. The specification is the
same as the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` function's ``marker``
kwarg, valid options are one of
``['s', 'o', '^', '>', 'v', '<', 'd', 'p', 'h', '8']``. Defaults to
:param float alpha: Optional value for node and edge transparency
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap cmap: An optional Matplotlib colormap
object for mapping intensities of nodes
:param float vmin: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float vmax: Optional minimum value for node colormap scaling
:param float|sequence linewidths: An optional line width for symbol
borders. If a sequence is specified it must be the same length as
node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param float|sequence width: An optional width to use for edges. Can
either be a float or sequence of floats. If a sequence is specified
it must be the same length as node_list. Defaults to 1.0
:param str|sequence edge_color: color or array of colors (default='k')
Edge color. Can be a single color or a sequence of colors with the same
length as edge_list. Color can be string or rgb (or rgba) tuple of
floats from 0-1. If numeric values are specified they will be
mapped to colors using the ``edge_cmap`` and ``edge_vmin``,
``edge_vmax`` parameters.
:param matplotlib.colors.Colormap edge_cmap: An optional Matplotlib
colormap for mapping intensities of edges.
:param float edge_vmin: Optional minimum value for edge colormap scaling
:param float edge_vmax: Optional maximum value for node colormap scaling
:param str style: An optional string to specify the edge line style.
For example, ``'-'``, ``'--'``, ``'-.'``, ``':'`` or words like
``'solid'`` or ``'dashed'``. See the
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` attribute and kwarg
``linestyle`` for more details. Defaults to ``'solid'``.
:param func labels: An optional callback function that will be passed a
node payload and return a string label for the node. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the node's data payload.
Or something like::
labels=lambda node: node['label']
could be used if the node payloads are dictionaries.
:param func edge_labels: An optional callback function that will be passed
an edge payload and return a string label for the edge. For example::
could be used to just return a string cast of the edge's data payload.
Or something like::
edge_labels=lambda edge: edge['label']
could be used if the edge payloads are dictionaries. If this is set
edge labels will be drawn in the visualization.
:param int font_size: An optional fontsize to use for text labels, By
default a value of 12 is used for nodes and 10 for edges.
:param str font_color: An optional font color for strings. By default
``'k'`` (ie black) is set.
:param str font_weight: An optional string used to specify the font weight.
By default a value of ``'normal'`` is used.
:param str font_family: An optional font family to use for strings. By
default ``'sans-serif'`` is used.
:param str label: An optional string label to use for the graph legend.
:param str connectionstyle: An optional value used to create a curved arc
of rounding radius rad. For example,
``connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.2'``. See
:class:`matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle` and
:class:`matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` for more info. By default
this is set to ``"arc3"``.
:returns: A matplotlib figure for the visualization if not running with an
interactive backend (like in jupyter) or if ``ax`` is not set.
:rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure
For Example:
.. jupyter-execute::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import retworkx
from retworkx.visualization import mpl_draw
G = retworkx.generators.directed_path_graph(25)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"matplotlib needs to be installed prior to running "
"retworkx.visualization.mpl_draw(). You can install "
"matplotlib with:\n'pip install matplotlib'"
) from e
if ax is None:
cf = plt.gcf()
cf = ax.get_figure()
if ax is None:
> if cf._axstack() is None:
E TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
/nix/store/2x320q4976sx7qhy8y1lj751l18f8y8p-python3.10-retworkx-0.11.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retworkx/visualization/ TypeError
=============================== warnings summary ===============================
/nix/store/7jg7sp884jb2y1izw0gkgigjsi2n7m32-python3.10-testtools-2.5.0/lib/python3.10/site-packages/testtools/ DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
from distutils.core import Command
-- Docs:
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
FAILED tests/visualization/ - TypeError: '_AxesStack' object is not callable
============ 7 failed, 1561 passed, 9 skipped, 1 warning in 21.99s =============
/nix/store/pw17yc3mwmsci4jygwalj8ppg0drz31v-stdenv-linux/setup: line 1593: pop_var_context: head of shell_variables not a function context
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