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Last active December 14, 2015 12:29
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package MyApp::DB;
use 5.016;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Time::Piece::Plus;
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
use Teng::Schema::Loader;
use MyApp::DB::ResultSet;
use MyApp::Exception;
use parent qw(Teng);
sub load {
my ($kls, $args) = @_;
my $connect_info = delete $args->{connect_info} or die 'no connect_info';
$connect_info->[3] = {
mysql_enable_utf8 => 1,
%{ $connect_info->[3] || {} },
$args = {
on_connect_do => [
'SET NAMES utf8mb4',
connect_info => $connect_info,
my $dbh;
state $schema;
if ( !defined $schema ) {
my $teng = Teng::Schema::Loader->load(
namespace => $kls,
$schema = $teng->schema;
$dbh = $teng->dbh;
for my $table (keys %{$schema->tables}) {
my $primary_keys = $schema->tables->{$table}->primary_keys;
if ('id' ~~ $primary_keys) {
for my $table_name (keys %{$schema->tables}) {
my $table = $schema->get_table($table_name);
$table->add_deflator(qr/^.+_at$/ => sub {
my $col_value = shift;
return undef unless $col_value;
if (ref($col_value) && $col_value->isa('Time::Piece::Plus')) {
return $col_value->mysql_datetime;
return $col_value;
$table->add_inflator( qr/^.+_at$/ => sub {
my $col_value = shift;
$col_value && Time::Piece::Plus->parse_mysql_datetime(str => $col_value);
fields_case => 'NAME',
dbh => $dbh,
schema => $schema,
before do_update => sub {
my ($self, $table_name, $args, $where) = @_;
my $table = $self->schema->get_table($table_name);
my $localtime = localtime;
if (!$args->{updated_at} && $table->row_class->can('updated_at')) {
$args->{updated_at} = $localtime->datetime;
before do_insert => sub {
my ($self, $table_name, $args, $where) = @_;
my $table = $self->schema->get_table($table_name);
my $localtime = localtime;
if (!$args->{created_at} && $table->row_class->can('created_at')) {
$args->{created_at} = $localtime->datetime;
if (!$args->{updated_at} && $table->row_class->can('updated_at')) {
$args->{updated_at} = $localtime->datetime;
around search => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my ($self, $table_name, $where, $opt) = @_;
return $orig->(@_) if wantarray;
teng => $self,
table_name => $table_name,
row_class => $self->schema->get_row_class($table_name),
table => $self->schema->get_table( $table_name ),
suppress_object_creation => $self->suppress_row_objects,
where => $where,
opt => $opt,
sub table {
my ($self, $table_name) = @_;
state %tables;
return $tables{$table_name} //= MyApp::DB::ResultSet->new(
teng => $self,
table_name => $table_name,
sub handle_error {
my $self = shift;
my ($stmt, $bind, $reason) = @_;
$bind = [map {ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? $_->[0] : $_} @$bind];
my $err = do {
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
sprintf <<"TRACE", $reason =~ s/\n\z//msr, $stmt =~ s/\n/ /gmr, Data::Dumper::Dumper($bind)
@@@@@ Teng 's Exception @@@@@
Reason : %s
SQL : %s
BIND : %s
if ($reason =~ /DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Duplicate entry/) {
else {
package MyApp::DB::Exception {
use parent 'MyApp::Exception';
package MyApp::DB::DuplicateException {
use parent -norequire, 'MyApp::DB::Exception';
package MyApp::DB::ResultSet;
use 5.016;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use String::CamelCase ();
use Class::Load ();
use Class::Method::Modifiers;
use Class::Accessor::Lite::Lazy (
ro_lazy => [qw/count sth/],
ro => [qw/teng table table_name row_class/],
rw => [qw/where opt/],
use parent 'Teng::Iterator';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = ref $_[0] ? %{$_[0]}: @_;
$args{table} = $args{teng}->schema->get_table($args{table_name}) unless $args{table};
$args{row_class} = $args{teng}->schema->get_row_class($args{table_name}) unless $args{row_class};
state $CACHE;
my $sub_class = $CACHE->{$args{table_name}} ||= do {
my $pkg = __PACKAGE__. '::'. String::CamelCase::camelize($args{table_name});
Class::Load::load_optional_class($pkg) or do {
no strict 'refs'; @{"$pkg\::ISA"} = __PACKAGE__;
bless \%args, $sub_class;
sub _build_count {
my $self = shift;
$self->teng->count($self->table_name, '*', $self->where, $self->opt);
sub _build_sth {
my $self = shift;
my ($sql, @binds) = $self->teng->sql_builder->select(
$self->teng->_get_select_columns($self->table, $self->opt),
$self->teng->execute($sql, \@binds);
sub has_sth {
# surely assign sth
before [qw/all next/] => sub { shift->sth };
sub search {
my ($self, $where, $opt) = @_;
my $teng = $self->teng;
@_ = (
$self->table_name, {
%{ $self->where || {} },
%{ $where || {} },
}, {
%{ $self->opt || {} },
%{ $opt || {} },
goto $teng->can('search');
for my $method (qw/find_or_create insert bulk_insert fast_insert search_with_pager delete/) {
no strict 'refs';
*{__PACKAGE__."::$method"} = sub {
use strict 'refs';
my $self = shift;
my $teng = $self->teng;
unshift @_, $teng, $self->table_name;
goto $teng->can($method);
sub single {
my ($self, $where, $opt) = @_;
$opt ||= {};
$opt->{limit} = 1;
$self->search($where, $opt)->next;
sub find {
my ($self, $where) = @_;
$where = {id => $where} unless ref $where;
$self->search($where, {limit => 1})->next;
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