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public static void AO()
public static void ActivateCameraSplineFollow(float followTime)
public static void AddCameraSplinePoint(float x, float y, float z, float zoom)
public static void AddCameraSplinePointAtMouse()
public static void AddExperienceToActiveCrew(int xp)
public static void AdvanceDay()
public static void Aggression(Guid character, AutoAttackType aggression)
public static void AntiStagingWorldMap()
public static void ApplyProgressionTable(Guid character, Guid tableId)
public static void AttributeScore(Guid character, AttributeType attribute, int score)
public static void AuditSaveGame()
public static void BB()
public static void BindCommand(string key, string command)
public static void BloodyMess()
public static void Bug()
public static void ChallengeMode(ChallengeMode setting)
public static void ClearAchievements()
public static void ClearBoundCommands()
public static void ClearSkies()
public static void ClipCursor(bool active)
public static void CloseCharacterCreation()
public static void Cls()
public static void Cosmic(string code)
public static void CraftingDebug()
public static void CycleWeather()
public static void Damage(Guid targetObject, float amount)
public static void DamageQuarterHealth(Guid targetObject)
public static void DeletePrefs()
public static void Difficulty(GameDifficulty setting)
public static void DisableWeather()
public static void DumpPanelsWidgets()
public static void DumpUiFromHovered()
public static void E3()
public static void EnableDeepWaterTravel()
public static void EnableSceneStreaming(bool value)
public static void EnableShipDuelLogging(bool enable)
public static void EnableWeather()
public static void EnchantingDebug()
public static void Eval(string conditional)
public static void Exec(string filename)
public static void ExportGlobals()
public static void FXFade(float f)
public static void FastTime(float fastTime)
public static void Find(string name)
public static void FindCharacter(string name)
public static void FindConditional(string name)
public static void FindGameData(string name)
public static void FindObject(string name)
public static void FindPrefab(AssetBundleHint bundle, string name)
public static void FlickerHud()
public static void Fog()
public static void FowDebug(bool value)
public static void FreeCamera()
public static void FreeRecipesToggle()
public static void GetTransform(string objectName)
public static void GiveAllConsumableItems(int qty)
public static void GiveItem(Guid itemGuid)
public static void GiveItemToObject(Guid objectGuid, Guid itemGuid)
public static void GiveMoney(int amount)
public static void God()
public static void HideGraze()
public static void IRoll20s()
public static void Invisible()
public static void ItemDebug()
public static void KillAllEnemies()
public static void LearnAllAbilities(Guid character, Guid tableId)
public static void LevelUpSoulbind(Guid owner, Guid item)
public static void LevelUpSoulbindObject(Guid item)
public static void LoadLevel(string name)
public static void LoadPartyMemberInSlot(string prefabName, int slotIndex)
public static void LockMapTooltips(bool state)
public static void LogAllObjectDebug()
public static void LogConversationsTo(string filename)
public static void ManageParty()
public static void MultiSamples(int multiSamples)
public static void NoDam()
public static void NoDamage(bool invulnerable)
public static void NoFogWorldMap()
public static void NoMiss()
public static void NoShipDamage(bool state)
public static void Occlusion()
public static void OpenInCharacterSheet(Guid character)
public static void OpenInInventory(Guid character)
public static void OpenInventory(Guid target)
public static void PopParty()
public static void PrintConversationWordCount()
public static void PrintGlobal(string name)
public static void PrintInstance(Guid id)
public static void PrintLoadedLevels()
public static void PrintMaxFPS()
public static void PrintMultiSamples()
public static void PrintQuestEvents(Guid questName)
public static void Push(Guid character, bool left)
public static void PushParty()
public static void RecacheSavegames()
public static void RefillShipSupplies()
public static void RefreshAllPanels()
public static void ReloadMasterUI()
public static void RemoveAllAbilities(Guid character)
public static void RemoveCameraSplinePoint()
public static void RemoveItem(Guid itemGuid)
public static void RemoveItemFromObject(Guid objectGuid, Guid itemGuid)
public static void RemovePlayerShipUpgrade(ShipUpgradeSlotType type, int index)
public static void RepeatCommands(int quantity)
public static void RepeatLastCommand()
public static void ResetAICooldowns(Guid character)
public static void RevealAll()
public static void SelectAbility(Guid ability)
public static void SetCachingEnabled(bool enabled)
public static void SetCameraMoveDelta(float value)
public static void SetCameraTransparencyMode(TransparencySortMode sortMode)
public static void SetCharacterStatsDebug(bool state)
public static void SetCharacterStatsDebugFeature(CharacterStats.DebugFlags flags, bool state)
public static void SetCharacterStatsDebugSticky(bool state)
public static void SetClassLevel(Guid characterId, Guid characterClassId, int level, bool resetOtherClassValues)
public static void SetCompressionEnabled(bool enabled)
public static void SetCurrentWeatherCondition(string weatherConditionName, float duration)
public static void SetCurrentWeatherForecast(string weatherForecastName)
public static void SetDefaultLegacyHistory(string historyFileName)
public static void SetFollowCameraEnabled(bool enabled)
public static void SetFollowCameraSpringTuneValues(float x, float y, float z)
public static void SetForceCombat(bool state)
public static void SetHudObjectEnabled(string name, bool state)
public static void SetInstructionSet(Guid character, int value)
public static void SetLocalizationDebug(bool val)
public static void SetMaxAutosaves(int quantity)
public static void SetMaxFPS(int value)
public static void SetMaxQueuedFrames(int frames)
public static void SetMouseFollowStrength(float strength)
public static void SetPlayerBackground(Guid newBackground)
public static void SetPlayerCaptainLevel(int level)
public static void SetPlayerCulture(Guid newCulture)
public static void SetPlayerGender(Guid gender)
public static void SetPlayerName(string name)
public static void SetPlayerRace(Guid race, Guid subrace)
public static void SetRandomEncountersEnabled(bool state)
public static void SetShipDrinkSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate)
public static void SetShipFoodSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate)
public static void SetShipRepairPriority(ShipRepairPriorityType repairPriority)
public static void SetShipWageSupplyRate(ShipSupplyRate rate)
public static void SetSubclass(Guid characterId, Guid characterClassId, Guid subclassId)
public static void SetThreadCulture(string culture)
public static void SetTime(int milliHours)
public static void SetUILayout(int layoutMode)
public static void SetUnrestrictedInventory(bool state)
public static void SetZoomRange(float min, float max)
public static void ShowCommandBindings()
public static void ShowScalers()
public static void Skill(Guid character, Guid skillGuid, int score)
public static void SkillCheckDebug(bool value)
public static void SlowTime(float slowTime)
public static void SpawnPrefabAtMouse(string prefabName)
public static void SpawnPrefabAtMouse(string prefabName, float xOffset, float zOffset)
public static void SpawnPrefabAtPoint(string prefabName, float x, float y, float z)
public static void StartStopwatch()
public static void StringDebug(bool setting)
public static void Test(string message)
public static void TestTutorial(Guid tutorialGuid)
public static void ToggleAIScheduleDebug()
public static void ToggleAchievementDebug()
public static void ToggleAlphaControlDebug()
public static void ToggleAnimationOptimization()
public static void ToggleAttackDebug()
public static void ToggleCameraDebug()
public static void ToggleCameraSplineZoom()
public static void ToggleCharacterStatsDebug()
public static void ToggleCharacterStatsDebugFeature(CharacterStats.DebugFlags flags)
public static void ToggleCharacterStatsDebugSticky()
public static void ToggleCompileLowFrequencyScriptsOnDemand()
public static void ToggleCursorDebug()
public static void ToggleDebugEngagement()
public static void ToggleDrawCameraSplineDebug()
public static void ToggleGameStateDebug()
public static void ToggleGhostDebug()
public static void ToggleHairTransparency()
public static void ToggleIntroDebug()
public static void ToggleLegacyHistoryDebug()
public static void ToggleLights()
public static void ToggleNavMeshVisible()
public static void ToggleObjectCountDebug()
public static void ToggleObjectHierarchy()
public static void ToggleOcclusionQuality()
public static void ToggleOceanMaskQuality()
public static void ToggleOnScreenErrors()
public static void ToggleOnyxGUIDebug()
public static void TogglePanelClippingDebug()
public static void ToggleParticles()
public static void TogglePartyDebug()
public static void TogglePrecompiledScripts()
public static void ToggleProjectileCameraTracking()
public static void TogglePseudoDeepProfile()
public static void ToggleRelationshipDebug()
public static void ToggleResolutionDebug()
public static void ToggleResourceDebug()
public static void ToggleResourceLimit()
public static void ToggleScaler(DifficultyScaler scaler)
public static void ToggleSceneLoadDebug()
public static void ToggleScriptHistory()
public static void ToggleShadows()
public static void ToggleShipAIDebug()
public static void ToggleShipCrewDebug()
public static void ToggleShipDuelLogging()
public static void ToggleShowFrameTime()
public static void ToggleSpellLimit()
public static void ToggleStatusEffectStatModification()
public static void ToggleTimedScriptsDebug()
public static void ToggleUnrestrictedInventory()
public static void ToggleVegetation()
public static void ToggleWallMeshVisible()
public static void ToggleWeatherEffects()
public static void ToggleZoneDebug()
public static void TooltipCombatAbilities(bool state)
public static void TransferControl(GameObject target)
public static void TransferControl(Guid targetGuid)
public static void TransferControlToHoveredCharacter()
public static void UnbindCommand(string key)
public static void UnlimitedMoney()
public static void UnlockAll()
public static void UnlockAllMaps()
public static void UnlockBestiary()
public static void UnlockBestiaryEntry(Guid bestiaryId)
public static void UnlockBiography()
public static void UnlockPets()
public static void UseInstructionSet(Guid character, bool enable)
public static void UseStaticWindowSize(bool isStatic)
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