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Last active May 11, 2022 11:47
AArch64 VA problems
Syscalls that allocate memory:
- mmap, mmap2(Doesn't exist on ARM), mremap, shmat, ioctl
What is FEX-Emu?
FEX is a AArch64 ONLY userspace emulator of 32-bit x86 and x86-64.
32-bit x86 runs inside of an AArch64 container, which future proofs FEX for when ARM CPUs lose support for AArch32.
Adds additional problems for VA on top of the x86-64 specific VA problems.
Host versus Guest?
- Host is everything inside of FEX code
- Guest is the application being emulated
Thunks cause pain:
- What is a thunk?
- A bridge library between the x86/x86-64 guest library and a true AArch64 host library.
- Common problems:
- Guest can not allocate memory in the 48-bit VA space
- Current workarounds:
- Allocate 128TB of VA space on application startup in the 48-bit range
- Takes 5-20ms, benchmarked on Apple M1. Cortex is slower.
- Only on >= 48-bit VA. Anything setup with smaller VA is spared this horror.
- Thunks Off:
- FEX controls all guest syscalls
- All *guest* memory allocation syscalls must return data in the VA range below 47-bit to match x86-64
- All *host* memory allocations are unrestricted and can be allowed to go in to the 48-bit range
- Problem examples:
- Guest application loads shared library with `mmap(nullptr, <size>, <prot>, <flags>, <fd>, <some offset>)`
- This needs to return in the lower 47-bit
- Guest application does an ioctl syscall, which calls IOCTL_DRM, allocates buffer
- This needs to return in the lower 47-bit
- Guest application does mmap with MAP_32BIT flag
- This doesn't exist on ARM
- Use mmap_range to restrict the range INSIDE of the prctl range to match 32-bit x86 range
- Range is [0x4000'0000, 0x8000'0000)
- FEX internal allocator calls mmap to allocate some memory
- This can return in the entire unrestricted 48-bit VA range.
- Possible solutions
- typedef struct va_limit { uint64_t lower_bound, uint64_t upper_bound };
- Lower bound provided since other emulators can reuse this as a base_offset limit
- prctl(PR_SET_VA_LIMITS, const struct va_limit *limit);
- Sets the VA limits, clamping to the range of configured VA (TASK_SIZE_64) so that mmap won't return bad values
- Fixes mmap, mmap2, mremap, shmat, ioctl memory allocations to ensure they fit inside the range.
- Does /NOT/ fix FEX wanting to freely allocate
- See following *_range syscalls
- prctl(PR_GET_VA_LIMITS, struct va_limit *limit);
- Gets the current set VA limits. Introspection as to what the current VA limit is and ensuring restriction was set.
- mmap_range(uint64_t begin_range, uint64_t end_range, size_t size, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
- mremap_range(void *old_address, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags, uint64_t begin_range, uint64_t end_range);
- shmat_range(int shmid, uint64_t begin_range, uint64_t end_range, int shmflg);
- Else restrict range to range provided
- ioctl_range - *Nope* - use prctl to limit its allocation range.
- For each of the syscalls that have a begin_range and end_range
- if begin_range < end_range
- Allowed allocation region must fit fully within [begin_range, end_range) exclusive
- if begin_range == end_range
- behave like their non-ranged versions
- if begin_range > end_range
- This should cause the range to wrap around
- This allows the SET_VA_LIMITS prctl to place the limit at an `lower_bound` offset greather than 0 (or 0x1'0000 since
first 16kb is preotected). This means that you can allocate around the hole of memory still
- Thunks On:
- FEX no longer controls all syscalls.
- Syscalls inside of the emulated space are still captured.
- Syscalls from a thunk library (like libGL) are uncaptured
- All *guest AND thunk* memory allocation syscalls must return data in the VA range below 47-bit to match x86-64
- FEX itself can still allocate in 48-bit range fine.
- Problem examples:
- AArch64 glibc loads shared library thunk with `mmap(nullptr, <size>, <prot>, <flags>, <fd>, <some offset>)`
- This needs to return in the lower 47-bit
- AArch64 thunk libraries need to be returned in same guest address space because of returning local pointers.
- AArch64 thunked library does an ioctl syscall, which calls IOCTL_DRM, allocates buffer
- This needs to return in the lower 47-bit
- FEX internal allocator calls mmap to allocate some memory
- This can return in the entire unrestricted 48-bit VA range.
- Possible solutions
- Same solutions as Thunks off
- Common problems:
- Guest can not allocate memory in the >4GB VA space
- Current workarounds:
- Allocate all VA space above 4GB. Up to 256TB (subtract 4GB) of VA space
- Takes 50-100 ms, benchmarked on Apple M1. Cortex is slower.
- Thunks Off:
- FEX controls all guest syscalls
- All *guest* memory allocation syscalls must return data in the VA range below 4GB to match 32-bit x86
- All *host* memory allocations are unrestricted and can be allowed to go in to the 48-bit range
- Problem examples:
- Guest application loads shared library with `mmap(nullptr, <size>, <prot>, <flags>, <fd>, <some offset>)`
- This needs to return in the lower 4GB
- Guest application does an ioctl syscall, which calls IOCTL_DRM, allocates buffer
- This needs to return in the lower 4GB
- FEX internal allocator calls mmap to allocate some memory
- This can return in the entire unrestricted 48-bit VA range.
- Possible solutions:
Same solutions as the 64-bit side, but instead of restricting ranges to the lower 47-bits, restricting ranges to the lower 4GB.
- Thunks On:
- FEX no longer controls all syscalls.
- Syscalls inside of the emulated space are still captured.
- Syscalls from a thunk library (like libGL) are uncaptured
- All *guest AND thunk* memory allocation syscalls must return data in the VA range below 4GB to match 32-bit x86
- FEX itself can still allocate in 48-bit range fine.
- Problem examples:
- AArch64 glibc loads shared library thunk with `mmap(nullptr, <size>, <prot>, <flags>, <fd>, <some offset>)`
- This needs to return in the lower 4GB
- AArch64 thunk libraries need to be returned in same guest address space because of returning local pointers.
- AArch64 thunked library does an ioctl syscall, which calls IOCTL_DRM, allocates buffer
- This needs to return in the lower 4GB
- FEX internal allocator calls mmap to allocate some memory
- This can return in the entire unrestricted 48-bit VA range.
- Possible solutions
- Same solutions as Thunks off
Possible pain points:
- A thunk library allocating memory might pick up on FEX's internal memory allocator.
- This can be fixed with time and symbol visibility fixes
- For now FEX might leak /some/ data in to guest VA range when thunks are enabled
- Thunks not enabled there is no leak
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