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Last active February 10, 2022 21:51
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Jury BLEU error on single hypothesis and single reference pairs reproduction
from pprint import pprint
from jury import Jury
from jury.metrics import load_metric
load_metric("bleu", compute_kwargs={"max_order": 1})
outputmetricname = 'bleu_1'
scorer = Jury(metrics=METRICS, run_concurrent=True)
ref = ["For what film was an actor in Alligator nominated for an Academy Award?"]
hyp = ["What film did Michael Vincenzo Gazzo star in?"]
print(' = Single Instance of Hypo-Ref pair = ')
print('\nSingle Hypo - Single Ref pair:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp], references=[ref])[outputmetricname])
print('\nSingle Hypo - Double Ref pair:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp], references=[ref*2])[outputmetricname])
print('\nDouble Hypo - Single Ref pair:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp*2], references=[ref])[outputmetricname])
print('\nDouble Hypo - Double Ref pair:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp*2], references=[ref*2])[outputmetricname])
ref2 = ["who started ww2 and how did it start"]
hyp2 = ["Who started the war?"]
print(' = Multiple Instances of Hypo-Ref pairs = ')
print('\nSingle Hypo - Single Ref pairs:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp,hyp2], references=[ref,ref2])[outputmetricname])
print('\nSingle Hypo - Double Ref pairs:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp,hyp2], references=[ref*2,ref2*2])[outputmetricname])
print('\nDouble Hypo - Single Ref pairs:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp*2,hyp2*2], references=[ref,ref2])[outputmetricname])
print('\nDouble Hypo - Double Ref pairs:')
pprint(scorer(predictions=[hyp*2,hyp2*2], references=[ref*2,ref2*2])[outputmetricname])
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