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Last active December 10, 2015 13:29
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Save Sorseg/4441203 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BeautifulSoup is required:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as soup
from urllib import urlopen as uopen, urlretrieve
import re, os, errno, subprocess as sp, threading
from time import sleep
from urlparse import urljoin
from contextlib import closing
GRAB_RULE = re.compile('General')
BOARD = 'mlp'
SAVEDIR = '/media/storage/dev/mlp_general/'
def mkdir_p(path):
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):
else: raise
def get_threads():
s = soup(uopen(os.path.join(ROOT_PAGE, BOARD)))
def finder(tag):
return tag(True, 'oppost', text = GRAB_RULE)
return [int(i['id'].split('_')[-1]) for i in s(finder, 'thread')]
def get_links(thread):
url = '/'.join([ROOT_PAGE, BOARD, 'res', str(thread)+'.html'])
page = uopen(url)
if page.code != 200:
print "ERROR", page.code, "in thread", url
s = soup(page)
links = [a['href'] for post in s('div','oppost')+s('table', 'post') for a in post('a', {'name':'expandfunc'})]
links.append('/'.join([BOARD, 'res', str(thread)+'.html']))
return links
def dwnl(end_url, end_fname):
print "Downloading...", end_url, end_fname
with closing(uopen(end_url)) as rem_file:
data =
if '<html' in data and not end_url.endswith('html'):
print "FAILED!", end_url
urlretrieve(end_url, end_fname + '.part')
os.rename(end_fname+'.part', end_fname)
print "DONE", end_fname, "LEFT:", threading.active_count() - 2
def download(thread, links):
thread_fs_root = os.path.join(SAVEDIR, str(thread))
new_links = []
for l in links:
fname = l.split('/')[-1]
end_fname = os.path.join(thread_fs_root, fname)
if not os.path.exists(end_fname) or end_fname.endswith('html'):
print "Thread:", thread, "({}/{})".format(len(new_links), len(links))
for l in new_links:
end_url = '/'.join([ROOT_PAGE, l])
end_fname = os.path.join(thread_fs_root, l.split('/')[-1])
t = threading.Thread(target = dwnl, args = (end_url, end_fname))
while threading.active_count() > 30:
if __name__ == '__main__':
threads = get_threads()
print "Working on", threads
for t in threads:
l = get_links(t)
download(t, l)
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