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Sose/login.cljs Secret

Created May 24, 2021 19:17
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(ns piirtely.views.login
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[piirtely.styles :as styles]
[ :as events]
[piirtely.routes :as routes]
[piirtely.subs :as subs]))
(defn input [{:keys [type value-atom placeholder]}]
[:input {:class (styles/input)
:type type
:value @value-atom
:onChange #(reset! value-atom (-> % .-target .-value))
:placeholder placeholder}]])
(defn login-button-click [name password]
(println "Login" @name @password))
(defn register-button-click [name password]
(println "Register" @name @password))
(defn can-try-register?
"Is it possible to click the register button?
TODO: sensible lengths"
[name password]
(>= 3 (count name))
(>= 3 (count password))))
(defn input-button
[{:keys [value onClick disabled]}]
[:input {:class (styles/input-button)
:disabled disabled
:type "button"
:value value
:onClick onClick}]])
(defn login-panel []
(let [name (reagent/atom "")
password (reagent/atom "")]
[:h2 "Login to save your pictures!"]
[input {:type "text" :value-atom name :placeholder "Username"}]
[input {:type "password" :value-atom password :placeholder "Password"}]
[input-button {:value "Login"
:onClick #(login-button-click name password)}]
[input-button {:value "Register"
; if I uncomment the following line, I can't change the text inputs anymore
;:disabled (can-try-register? @name @password)
:onClick #(register-button-click name password)}]]))
(defmethod routes/panels :login [] [login-panel])
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