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Created May 1, 2015 16:55
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  • Save SoulAuctioneer/ee4cb9bc0b3785bbdd51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SoulAuctioneer/ee4cb9bc0b3785bbdd51 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) helper class for Android, including a queue for characteristic writes. See
package com.nojack;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGatt;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCallback;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattDescriptor;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothGattService;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothManager;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import org.bluetooth.bledemo.BleNamesResolver;
import org.bluetooth.bledemo.BleWrapperUiCallbacks;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.UUID;
public class Bluetooth {
/* defines (in milliseconds) how often RSSI should be updated */
private static final int RSSI_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL = 1500; // 1.5 seconds
/* callback object through which we are returning results to the caller */
private BleWrapperUiCallbacks mUiCallback = null;
/* define NULL object for UI callbacks */
private static final BleWrapperUiCallbacks NULL_CALLBACK = new BleWrapperUiCallbacks.Null();
private static Bluetooth mInstance = null;
/* creates BleWrapper object, set its parent activity and callback object */
private Bluetooth(Activity parent, BleWrapperUiCallbacks callback)
this.setDependencies(parent, callback);
public static Bluetooth getInstance(Activity parent, BleWrapperUiCallbacks callback)
if(mInstance == null)
mInstance = new Bluetooth(parent, callback);
else {
mInstance.setDependencies(parent, callback);
return mInstance;
public void setDependencies(Activity parent, BleWrapperUiCallbacks callback) {
this.mParent = parent;
mUiCallback = callback;
if(mUiCallback == null) mUiCallback = NULL_CALLBACK;
public BluetoothManager getManager() { return mBluetoothManager; }
public BluetoothAdapter getAdapter() { return mBluetoothAdapter; }
public BluetoothDevice getDevice() { return mBluetoothDevice; }
public BluetoothGatt getGatt() { return mBluetoothGatt; }
public BluetoothGattService getCachedService() { return mBluetoothSelectedService; }
public List<BluetoothGattService> getCachedServices() { return mBluetoothGattServices; }
public boolean isConnected() { return mConnected; }
/* run test and check if this device has BT and BLE hardware available */
public boolean checkBleHardwareAvailable() {
// First check general Bluetooth Hardware:
// get BluetoothManager...
final BluetoothManager manager = (BluetoothManager) mParent.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
if(manager == null) return false;
// .. and then get adapter from manager
final BluetoothAdapter adapter = manager.getAdapter();
if(adapter == null) return false;
// and then check if BT LE is also available
boolean hasBle = mParent.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH_LE);
return hasBle;
/* before any action check if BT is turned ON and enabled for us
* call this in onResume to be always sure that BT is ON when Your
* application is put into the foreground */
public boolean isBtEnabled() {
final BluetoothManager manager = (BluetoothManager) mParent.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
if(manager == null) return false;
final BluetoothAdapter adapter = manager.getAdapter();
if(adapter == null) return false;
return adapter.isEnabled();
/* start scanning for BT LE devices around */
public void startScanning() {
/* stops current scanning */
public void stopScanning() {
/* initialize BLE and get BT Manager & Adapter */
public boolean initialize() {
if (mBluetoothManager == null) {
mBluetoothManager = (BluetoothManager) mParent.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE);
if (mBluetoothManager == null) {
return false;
if(mBluetoothAdapter == null) mBluetoothAdapter = mBluetoothManager.getAdapter();
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) {
return false;
return true;
/* connect to the device with specified address */
public boolean connect(final String deviceAddress) {
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || deviceAddress == null) return false;
mDeviceAddress = deviceAddress;
// check if we need to connect from scratch or just reconnect to previous device
if(mBluetoothGatt != null && mBluetoothGatt.getDevice().getAddress().equals(deviceAddress)) {
// just reconnect
return mBluetoothGatt.connect();
else {
// connect from scratch
// get BluetoothDevice object for specified address
mBluetoothDevice = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(mDeviceAddress);
if (mBluetoothDevice == null) {
// we got wrong address - that device is not available!
return false;
// connect with remote device
mBluetoothGatt = mBluetoothDevice.connectGatt(mParent, false, mBleCallback);
return true;
/* disconnect the device. It is still possible to reconnect to it later with this Gatt client */
public void disconnect() {
if(mBluetoothGatt != null) mBluetoothGatt.disconnect();
mUiCallback.uiDeviceDisconnected(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice);
/* close GATT client completely */
public void close() {
if(mBluetoothGatt != null) mBluetoothGatt.close();
mBluetoothGatt = null;
/* request new RSSi value for the connection*/
public void readPeriodicalyRssiValue(final boolean repeat) {
mTimerEnabled = repeat;
// check if we should stop checking RSSI value
if(mConnected == false || mBluetoothGatt == null || mTimerEnabled == false) {
mTimerEnabled = false;
mTimerHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if(mBluetoothGatt == null ||
mBluetoothAdapter == null ||
mConnected == false)
mTimerEnabled = false;
// request RSSI value
// add call it once more in the future
/* starts monitoring RSSI value */
public void startMonitoringRssiValue() {
/* stops monitoring of RSSI value */
public void stopMonitoringRssiValue() {
/* request to discover all services available on the remote devices
* results are delivered through callback object */
public void startServicesDiscovery() {
if(mBluetoothGatt != null) mBluetoothGatt.discoverServices();
/* gets services and calls UI callback to handle them
* before calling getServices() make sure service discovery is finished! */
public void getSupportedServices() {
if(mBluetoothGattServices != null && mBluetoothGattServices.size() > 0) mBluetoothGattServices.clear();
// keep reference to all services in local array:
if(mBluetoothGatt != null) mBluetoothGattServices = mBluetoothGatt.getServices();
mUiCallback.uiAvailableServices(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, mBluetoothGattServices);
/* get all characteristic for particular service and pass them to the UI callback */
public void getCharacteristicsForService(final BluetoothGattService service) {
if(service == null) return;
List<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> chars = null;
chars = service.getCharacteristics();
mUiCallback.uiCharacteristicForService(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, service, chars);
// keep reference to the last selected service
mBluetoothSelectedService = service;
/* request to fetch newest value stored on the remote device for particular characteristic */
public void requestCharacteristicValue(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch) {
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) return;
// new value available will be notified in Callback Object
/* get characteristic's value (and parse it for some types of characteristics)
* before calling this You should always update the value by calling requestCharacteristicValue() */
public void getCharacteristicValue(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch) {
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null || ch == null) return;
byte[] rawValue = ch.getValue();
String strValue = null;
int intValue = 0;
// lets read and do real parsing of some characteristic to get meaningful value from it
UUID uuid = ch.getUuid();
if(uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT)) { // heart rate
// follow
// first check format used by the device - it is specified in bit 0 and tells us if we should ask for index 1 (and uint8) or index 2 (and uint16)
int index = ((rawValue[0] & 0x01) == 1) ? 2 : 1;
// also we need to define format
int format = (index == 1) ? BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT8 : BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT16;
// now we have everything, get the value
intValue = ch.getIntValue(format, index);
strValue = intValue + " bpm"; // it is always in bpm units
else if (uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT) || // manufacturer name string
uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.MODEL_NUMBER_STRING) || // model number string)
uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING)) // firmware revision string
// follow etc.
// string value are usually simple utf8s string at index 0
strValue = ch.getStringValue(0);
else if(uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.APPEARANCE)) { // appearance
// follow:
intValue = ((int)rawValue[1]) << 8;
intValue += rawValue[0];
strValue = BleNamesResolver.resolveAppearance(intValue);
else if(uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION)) { // body sensor location
// follow:
intValue = rawValue[0];
strValue = BleNamesResolver.resolveHeartRateSensorLocation(intValue);
else if(uuid.equals(BleDefinedUUIDs.Characteristic.BATTERY_LEVEL)) { // battery level
// follow:
intValue = rawValue[0];
strValue = "" + intValue + "% battery level";
else {
// not known type of characteristic, so we need to handle this in "general" way
// get first four bytes and transform it to integer
intValue = 0;
if(rawValue.length > 0) intValue = (int)rawValue[0];
if(rawValue.length > 1) intValue = intValue + ((int)rawValue[1] << 8);
if(rawValue.length > 2) intValue = intValue + ((int)rawValue[2] << 8);
if(rawValue.length > 3) intValue = intValue + ((int)rawValue[3] << 8);
if (rawValue.length > 0) {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(rawValue.length);
for(byte byteChar : rawValue) {
stringBuilder.append(String.format("%c", byteChar));
strValue = stringBuilder.toString();
String timestamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(new Date());
/* reads and return what what FORMAT is indicated by characteristic's properties
* seems that value makes no sense in most cases */
public int getValueFormat(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch) {
int properties = ch.getProperties();
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_FLOAT & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_FLOAT;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SFLOAT & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SFLOAT;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT16 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT16;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT32 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT32;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT8 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_SINT8;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT16 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT16;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT32 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT32;
if((BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT8 & properties) != 0) return BluetoothGattCharacteristic.FORMAT_UINT8;
return 0;
/* set new value for particular characteristic */
public void writeDataToCharacteristic(final BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch, final byte[] dataToWrite)
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null || ch == null) return;
// first set it locally....
// ... and then "commit" changes to the peripheral
/* enables/disables notification for characteristic */
public void setNotificationForCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch, boolean enabled)
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) return;
boolean success = mBluetoothGatt.setCharacteristicNotification(ch, enabled);
if(!success) {
Log.e("------", "Seting proper notification status for characteristic failed!");
// This is also sometimes required (e.g. for heart rate monitors) to enable notifications/indications
// see:
BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor = ch.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString("00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"));
if(descriptor != null) {
byte[] val = enabled ? BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE : BluetoothGattDescriptor.DISABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE;
/* defines callback for scanning results */
private BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback mDeviceFoundCallback = new BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback() {
public void onLeScan(final BluetoothDevice device, final int rssi, final byte[] scanRecord) {
mUiCallback.uiDeviceFound(device, rssi, scanRecord);
/* callbacks called for any action on particular Ble Device */
private final BluetoothGattCallback mBleCallback = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
mConnected = true;
mUiCallback.uiDeviceConnected(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice);
// now we can start talking with the device, e.g.
// response will be delivered to callback object!
// in our case we would also like automatically to call for services discovery
// and we also want to get RSSI value to be updated periodically
else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
mConnected = false;
mUiCallback.uiDeviceDisconnected(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice);
public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status) {
if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
// now, when services discovery is finished, we can call getServices() for Gatt
public void onReadRemoteRssi(BluetoothGatt gatt, int rssi, int status) {
if(status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
// we got new value of RSSI of the connection, pass it to the UI
mUiCallback.uiNewRssiAvailable(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, rssi);
public void onCharacteristicChanged(BluetoothGatt gatt,
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic)
// characteristic's value was updated due to enabled notification, lets get this value
// the value itself will be reported to the UI inside getCharacteristicValue
// also, notify UI that notification are enabled for particular characteristic
mUiCallback.uiGotNotification(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, mBluetoothSelectedService, characteristic);
// we got response regarding our request to fetch characteristic value
public void onCharacteristicRead(BluetoothGatt gatt,
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic,
int status)
// Ready for next transmission
if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
// Succeeded, so we can get the value
public void onCharacteristicWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic, int status)
String deviceName = gatt.getDevice().getName();
String serviceName = BleNamesResolver.resolveServiceName(characteristic.getService().getUuid().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()));
String charName = BleNamesResolver.resolveCharacteristicName(characteristic.getUuid().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()));
String description = "Device: " + deviceName + " Service: " + serviceName + " Characteristic: " + charName;
// Ready for next transmission
// we got response regarding our request to write new value to the characteristic
// let see if it failed or not
if(status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
mUiCallback.uiSuccessfulWrite(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, mBluetoothSelectedService, characteristic, description);
else {
mUiCallback.uiFailedWrite(mBluetoothGatt, mBluetoothDevice, mBluetoothSelectedService, characteristic, description + " STATUS = " + status);
* Callback indicating the result of a descriptor write operation.
* @param gatt GATT client invoked {@link BluetoothGatt#writeDescriptor}
* @param descriptor Descriptor that was written to the associated
* remote device.
* @param status The result of the write operation
* {@link BluetoothGatt#GATT_SUCCESS} if the operation succeeds.
public void onDescriptorWrite(BluetoothGatt gatt, BluetoothGattDescriptor descriptor, int status)
Log.d("-----", "Wrote a descriptor");
// Ready for next transmission
/* An enqueueable write operation - notification subscription or characteristic write */
private class TxQueueItem
BluetoothGattCharacteristic characteristic;
byte[] dataToWrite; // Only used for characteristic write
boolean enabled; // Only used for characteristic notification subscription
public TxQueueItemType type;
* The queue of pending transmissions
private Queue<TxQueueItem> txQueue = new LinkedList<TxQueueItem>();
private boolean txQueueProcessing = false;
private enum TxQueueItemType {
/* queues enables/disables notification for characteristic */
public void queueSetNotificationForCharacteristic(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch, boolean enabled)
// Add to queue because shitty Android GATT stuff is only synchronous
TxQueueItem txQueueItem = new TxQueueItem();
txQueueItem.characteristic = ch;
txQueueItem.enabled = enabled;
txQueueItem.type = TxQueueItemType.SubscribeCharacteristic;
/* queues enables/disables notification for characteristic */
public void queueWriteDataToCharacteristic(final BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch, final byte[] dataToWrite)
// Add to queue because shitty Android GATT stuff is only synchronous
TxQueueItem txQueueItem = new TxQueueItem();
txQueueItem.characteristic = ch;
txQueueItem.dataToWrite = dataToWrite;
txQueueItem.type = TxQueueItemType.WriteCharacteristic;
/* request to fetch newest value stored on the remote device for particular characteristic */
public void queueRequestCharacteristicValue(BluetoothGattCharacteristic ch) {
// Add to queue because shitty Android GATT stuff is only synchronous
TxQueueItem txQueueItem = new TxQueueItem();
txQueueItem.characteristic = ch;
txQueueItem.type = TxQueueItemType.ReadCharacteristic;
* Add a transaction item to transaction queue
* @param txQueueItem
private void addToTxQueue(TxQueueItem txQueueItem) {
// If there is no other transmission processing, go do this one!
if (!txQueueProcessing) {
* Call when a transaction has been completed.
* Will process next transaction if queued
private void processTxQueue()
if (txQueue.size() <= 0) {
txQueueProcessing = false;
txQueueProcessing = true;
TxQueueItem txQueueItem = txQueue.remove();
switch (txQueueItem.type) {
case WriteCharacteristic:
writeDataToCharacteristic(txQueueItem.characteristic, txQueueItem.dataToWrite);
case SubscribeCharacteristic:
setNotificationForCharacteristic(txQueueItem.characteristic, txQueueItem.enabled);
case ReadCharacteristic:
private Activity mParent = null;
private boolean mConnected = false;
private String mDeviceAddress = "";
private BluetoothManager mBluetoothManager = null;
private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = null;
private BluetoothDevice mBluetoothDevice = null;
private BluetoothGatt mBluetoothGatt = null;
private BluetoothGattService mBluetoothSelectedService = null;
private List<BluetoothGattService> mBluetoothGattServices = null;
private Handler mTimerHandler = new Handler();
private boolean mTimerEnabled = false;
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RafaelKr commented Dec 15, 2019

Nice snippet, thanks!

I noticed you could move this line
if (mBluetoothAdapter == null || mBluetoothGatt == null) return;

to your processTxQueue method and remove the corresponding code from these 3 methods to deduplicate code:

  • writeDataToCharacteristic (replace with if (ch == null) return;)
  • setNotificationForCharacteristic
  • requestCharacteristicValue

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@RafaelKr thanks! I forgot I'd even posted this, it's old. But I appreciate the feedback and hope it'll be useful for anyone else looking at this code.

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@SoulAuctioneer, after 6 years :) i've found your BT class interesting. Please can you tell me how you used this 3 methods. Thanks.

  • queueSetNotificationForCharacteristic
  • queueWriteDataToCharacteristic
  • queueRequestCharacteristicValue

Hope hearing from you.

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SoulAuctioneer commented Jan 5, 2021 via email

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