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Created May 27, 2023 07:50
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Octonions - A GPT 4 built implmentation
///In an effort to get some kind of intuition around what an octonion even is - I'm not a mathematician! - I asked GPT4 for help.
///During this conversation it gave me the outline of an octonion in C#. Running with this, I prompted for the main operations and built
///this up, sparked by the fact there wasn't an implementation out there (according to GPT4 - which probably is not true).
///Still, posting this up for my future reference as I'm interested in the notion of using such in a neural network
///Though I'm more likely to review abstracts of others who have actually code such CNNs already! :)
public struct Octonion
public double w, x, y, z, u, v, t, s; // the eight components of the octonion
public Octonion(double w, double x, double y, double z, double u, double v, double t, double s)
this.w = w;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
this.t = t;
this.s = s;
public static Octonion operator *(Octonion a, Octonion b)
return new Octonion(
a.w * b.w - a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y - a.z * b.z - a.u * b.u - a.v * b.v - a.t * b.t - a.s * b.s,
a.w * b.x + a.x * b.w + a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y + a.u * b.s - a.v * b.t + a.t * b.v + a.s * b.u,
a.w * b.y - a.x * b.z + a.y * b.w + a.z * b.x - a.u * b.t - a.v * b.s + a.t * b.u - a.s * b.v,
a.w * b.z + a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x + a.z * b.w + a.u * b.v + a.v * b.u - a.t * b.s - a.s * b.t,
a.w * b.u - a.x * b.s + a.y * b.t + a.z * b.v - a.u * b.w - a.v * b.x + a.t * b.y + a.s * b.z,
a.w * b.v + a.x * b.t - a.y * b.s - a.z * b.u + a.u * b.x - a.v * b.w - a.t * b.z + a.s * b.y,
a.w * b.t - a.x * b.v + a.y * b.u + a.z * b.s - a.u * b.y + a.v * b.z - a.t * b.w - a.s * b.x,
a.w * b.s + a.x * b.u - a.y * b.v + a.z * b.t + a.u * b.z - a.v * b.y + a.t * b.x - a.s * b.w
public static Octonion operator +(Octonion a, Octonion b)
return new Octonion(
a.w + b.w,
a.x + b.x,
a.y + b.y,
a.z + b.z,
a.u + b.u,
a.v + b.v,
a.t + b.t,
a.s + b.s
public static Octonion operator -(Octonion a, Octonion b)
return new Octonion(
a.w - b.w,
a.x - b.x,
a.y - b.y,
a.z - b.z,
a.u - b.u,
a.v - b.v,
a.t - b.t,
a.s - b.s
public Octonion Conjugate()
return new Octonion(
public double Norm()
return Math.Sqrt(w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z + u * u + v * v + t * t + s * s);
public Octonion Normalize()
double norm = this.Norm();
if (norm == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot normalize a zero octonion.");
return new Octonion(
this.w / norm,
this.x / norm,
this.y / norm,
this.z / norm,
this.u / norm,
this.v / norm,
this.t / norm,
this.s / norm
// Real Part
public double RealPart()
return this.w;
// Imaginary Part
public (double, double, double, double, double, double, double) ImaginaryPart()
return (this.x, this.y, this.z, this.u, this.v, this.t, this.s);
// Inverse
public Octonion Inverse()
double normSquared = this.Norm() * this.Norm();
if (normSquared == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot invert a zero octonion.");
Octonion conjugate = this.Conjugate();
return new Octonion(
conjugate.w / normSquared,
conjugate.x / normSquared,
conjugate.y / normSquared,
conjugate.z / normSquared,
conjugate.u / normSquared,
conjugate.v / normSquared,
conjugate.t / normSquared,
conjugate.s / normSquared
// Division
public static Octonion operator /(Octonion a, Octonion b)
return a * b.Inverse();
public static class OctonionExtensions
public static Octonion ToOctonion(this (double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) tuple)
return new Octonion(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3, tuple.Item4, tuple.Item5, tuple.Item6, tuple.Item7, tuple.Item8);
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  • [Español] Sinceramente estoy inspeccionando la matemática del código, para que se corresponda con el álgebra de los cuaterniones y octoniones (conmutatividad y asociatividad), para que funcione como deba.

  • [English] I am honestly inspecting the mathematics of the code, so that it corresponds to the algebra of quaternions and octonions (commutativity and associativity), so that it works as it should.

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