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Last active September 21, 2022 14:33
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P.O.C. for UML sequence diagram project leveraging Roslyn
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols;
namespace Diagrams
/// <summary>
/// this is a proof of concept and the project will be more formalized soon (not just a gist)
/// The reason I am working on this, besides the fact that it’s about time I contribute back to the open source community, is because most open source UML diagram tools
/// have terrible support for .NET and the only good UML diagramming tool I’ve found for .NET is in Visual Studio Ultimate which, at the time of this writing, costs over $4,000
/// for a single license and that's without an MSDN subscription...
/// </summary>
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string solutionName = "Diagrams";
const string solutionExtension = ".sln";
const string solutionFileName = solutionName + solutionExtension;
const string rootPath = @"C:\Workspace\";
const string solutionPath = rootPath + solutionName + @"\" + solutionFileName;
var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
var diagramGenerator = new DiagramGenerator( solutionPath, workspace );
class DiagramGenerator
#region [Fields & Properties]
private readonly Solution _solution;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDeclarationSyntax,List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>> _methodDeclarationSyntaxes
= new ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDeclarationSyntax, List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>>();
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDeclarationSyntax,Dictionary<int,MethodDeclarationSyntax>> _methodOrder
= new ConcurrentDictionary<MethodDeclarationSyntax, Dictionary<int, MethodDeclarationSyntax>>();
#region [Constructor]
public DiagramGenerator( string solutionPath, MSBuildWorkspace workspace )
_solution = workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionPath).Result;
#region [process the tree]
private async Task ProcessCompilation(Compilation compilation)
var trees = compilation.SyntaxTrees;
foreach (var tree in trees)
var root = await tree.GetRootAsync();
var classes = root.DescendantNodes().OfType<ClassDeclarationSyntax>();
SyntaxTree treeCopy = tree;
foreach( var @class in classes)
await ProcessClass(@class, compilation, treeCopy);
private async Task ProcessClass(
ClassDeclarationSyntax @class
, Compilation compilation
, SyntaxTree syntaxTree)
var methods = @class.DescendantNodes().OfType<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
foreach (var method in methods)
await ProcessMethod(method, compilation, syntaxTree);
private async Task ProcessMethod(
MethodDeclarationSyntax method
, Compilation compilation
, SyntaxTree syntaxTree )
var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);
var methodSymbol = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(method);
var callingMethods = await GetCallingMethodsAsync(methodSymbol, method);
Parallel.ForEach(callingMethods, callingMethod =>
ClassDeclarationSyntax callingClass = null;
if (SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(method, out callingClass))
List<MethodDeclarationSyntax> value;
if (!_methodDeclarationSyntaxes.TryGetValue(callingMethod, out value))
if (!_methodDeclarationSyntaxes.TryAdd(callingMethod, new List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>() { method }))
throw new Exception("Could not add item to _methodDeclarationSyntaxes!");
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of methods that call the method based on the method symbol
/// also builds a list of called methods by the calling method as the key and then the value is a dictionary
/// of UInt64,MethodDeclarationSyntax where the UInt64 is the start location of the span where the called method is called
/// from inside the calling method - this will allow us to order our sequence diagrams, but this functionality should be moved out into a separate method at some point
/// (in fact this whole method needs a ton of refactoring and is too complex)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="methodSymbol"></param>
/// <param name="method"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private async Task<List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>> GetCallingMethodsAsync( IMethodSymbol methodSymbol, MethodDeclarationSyntax method )
var references = new List<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
var referencingSymbols = await SymbolFinder.FindCallersAsync(methodSymbol, _solution);
var referencingSymbolsList = referencingSymbols as IList<SymbolCallerInfo> ?? referencingSymbols.ToList();
if (!referencingSymbolsList.Any(s => s.Locations.Any()))
return references;
foreach (var referenceSymbol in referencingSymbolsList)
foreach (var location in referenceSymbol.Locations)
var position = location.SourceSpan.Start;
var root = await location.SourceTree.GetRootAsync();
var nodes = root.FindToken(position).Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType<MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
var methodDeclarationSyntaxes = nodes as MethodDeclarationSyntax[] ?? nodes.ToArray();
// we need to know what order methods are called in
foreach (var methodCall in methodDeclarationSyntaxes)
Dictionary<int, MethodDeclarationSyntax> value;
if (!_methodOrder.TryGetValue(methodCall, out value))
var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, MethodDeclarationSyntax>();
dictionary.Add( location.SourceSpan.Start, method );
if (!_methodOrder.TryAdd(methodCall, dictionary))
throw new Exception("Could not add item to _methodOrder!");
value.Add(location.SourceSpan.Start, method);
return references;
#region [42]
// I was drunk when I wrote this!
// ... that's not true .. just trying to follow proper open source protocol
#region [build & output js-sequence-diagrams formatted text]
/// <summary>
/// generates diagram by order of methods getting called based on the first method found that does not have anything calling it
/// </summary>
public void GenerateDiagramFromRoot()
MethodDeclarationSyntax root = null;
foreach (var key in _methodDeclarationSyntaxes.Keys)
if (!_methodDeclarationSyntaxes.Values.Any(value => value.Contains(key)))
// then we have a method that's not being called by anything
root = key;
if (root != null)
public void PrintMethodInfo(MethodDeclarationSyntax callingMethod)
if (!_methodDeclarationSyntaxes.ContainsKey(callingMethod))
var calledMethods = _methodOrder[callingMethod];
var orderedCalledMethods = calledMethods.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key);
foreach (var kvp in orderedCalledMethods)
var calledMethod = kvp.Value;
ClassDeclarationSyntax callingClass = null;
ClassDeclarationSyntax calledClass = null;
if (!SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(callingMethod, out callingClass) ||
!SyntaxNodeHelper.TryGetParentSyntax(calledMethod, out calledClass))
, callingClass
, callingMethod
, calledMethod
if (callingMethod != calledMethod)
, callingClass
, callingMethod
, calledMethod
private static void PrintOutgoingCallInfo(
ClassDeclarationSyntax classBeingCalled
, ClassDeclarationSyntax callingClass
, MethodDeclarationSyntax callingMethod
, MethodDeclarationSyntax calledMethod
, bool includeCalledMethodArguments = false)
var callingMethodName = callingMethod.Identifier.ToFullString();
var calledMethodReturnType = calledMethod.ReturnType.ToFullString();
var calledMethodName = calledMethod.Identifier.ToFullString();
var calledMethodArguments = calledMethod.ParameterList.ToFullString();
var calledMethodModifiers = calledMethod.Modifiers.ToString();
var calledMethodConstraints = calledMethod.ConstraintClauses.ToFullString();
var actedUpon = classBeingCalled.Identifier.ValueText;
var actor = callingClass.Identifier.ValueText;
var calledMethodTypeParameters = calledMethod.TypeParameterList != null
? calledMethod.TypeParameterList.ToFullString()
: String.Empty;
var callingMethodTypeParameters = callingMethod.TypeParameterList != null
? callingMethod.TypeParameterList.ToFullString()
: String.Empty;
var callInfo = callingMethodName + callingMethodTypeParameters + " => " + calledMethodModifiers + " " + calledMethodReturnType + calledMethodName + calledMethodTypeParameters;
if (includeCalledMethodArguments)
callInfo += calledMethodArguments;
callInfo += calledMethodConstraints;
string info
= BuildOutgoingCallInfo(actor
, actedUpon
, callInfo);
private static void PrintReturnCallInfo(
ClassDeclarationSyntax classBeingCalled
, ClassDeclarationSyntax callingClass
, MethodDeclarationSyntax callingMethod
, MethodDeclarationSyntax calledMethod)
var actedUpon = classBeingCalled.Identifier.ValueText;
var actor = callingClass.Identifier.ValueText;
var callerName = callingMethod.Identifier.ToFullString();
var callingMethodTypeParameters = callingMethod.TypeParameterList != null
? callingMethod.TypeParameterList.ToFullString()
: String.Empty;
var calledMethodTypeParameters = calledMethod.TypeParameterList != null
? calledMethod.TypeParameterList.ToFullString()
: String.Empty;
var calledMethodInfo = calledMethod.Identifier.ToFullString() + calledMethodTypeParameters;
callerName += callingMethodTypeParameters;
var returnCallInfo = calledMethod.ReturnType.ToString();
var returnMethodParameters = calledMethod.ParameterList.Parameters;
foreach (var parameter in returnMethodParameters)
if (parameter.Modifiers.Any(m => m.Text == "out"))
returnCallInfo += "," + parameter.ToFullString();
string info = BuildReturnCallInfo(
, actedUpon
, calledMethodInfo
, callerName
, returnCallInfo);
private static string BuildOutgoingCallInfo(string actor, string actedUpon, string callInfo)
const string calls = "->";
const string descriptionSeparator = ": ";
string callingInfo = actor + calls + actedUpon + descriptionSeparator + callInfo;
callingInfo = callingInfo.RemoveNewLines(true);
string result = callingInfo + Environment.NewLine;
return result;
private static string BuildReturnCallInfo(string actor, string actedUpon, string calledMethodInfo, string callerName, string returnInfo)
const string returns = "-->";
const string descriptionSeparator = ": ";
string returningInfo = actedUpon + returns + actor + descriptionSeparator + calledMethodInfo + " returns " + returnInfo + " to " + callerName;
returningInfo = returningInfo.RemoveNewLines(true);
string result = returningInfo + Environment.NewLine;
return result;
public async Task ProcessSolution()
foreach (Project project in _solution.Projects)
Compilation compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync();
await ProcessCompilation(compilation);
static class SyntaxNodeHelper
public static bool TryGetParentSyntax<T>(SyntaxNode syntaxNode, out T result)
where T : SyntaxNode
// set defaults
result = null;
if (syntaxNode == null)
return false;
syntaxNode = syntaxNode.Parent;
if (syntaxNode == null)
return false;
if (syntaxNode.GetType() == typeof (T))
result = syntaxNode as T;
return true;
return TryGetParentSyntax<T>(syntaxNode, out result);
return false;
public static class StringEx
public static string RemoveNewLines(this string stringWithNewLines, bool cleanWhitespace = false)
string stringWithoutNewLines = null;
List<char> splitElementList = Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray().ToList();
if (cleanWhitespace)
splitElementList.AddRange(" ".ToCharArray().ToList());
char[] splitElements = splitElementList.ToArray();
var stringElements = stringWithNewLines.Split(splitElements, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (stringElements.Any())
stringWithoutNewLines = stringElements.Aggregate(stringWithoutNewLines, (current, element) => current + (current == null ? element : " " + element));
return stringWithoutNewLines ?? stringWithNewLines;
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