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Created December 31, 2016 17:35
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pragma solidity ^0.4.7;
* Water Meter ACORN Contract v0.1
* Hudson Jameson
* Solidity Version: 0.4.7+commit.822622cf.Emscripten.clang
* License: Apache 2.0
contract WaterMeterAcorn {
/** Variables **/
bytes32 public physicalAddr;
uint public currentMeterValue; /** Current water reading in gallons **/
uint8 public startMonth; /** Month when the contract was created **/
uint public startYear; /** Year when the contract was created **/
uint8 public currentMonth; /** Current month **/
uint public currentYear; /** Current year **/
address public meterKey; /** Address of the water meter **/
address public owner; /** Address of the water company **/
uint public currentPricePerGallon; /** Price per gallon of water in wei **/
/** Store meter data by month/year **/
mapping(uint8=>mapping /** month **/
(uint=>MonthlyMeterInformation /** year **/
) ) meterInfo;
struct MonthlyMeterInformation {
uint meterValue; /** Water reading in gallons for the month/year **/
uint amountOwed; /** amount owed **/
uint amountPaid; /** amount paid **/
uint lastUpdated; /** epoch time **/
uint pricePerGallon; /** Price per gallon of water used in wei **/
/** Constructor **/
function WaterMeterAcorn(bytes32 newPhysicalAddr, uint8 newMonth, uint newYear,
uint initialMeterReading, uint pricePerGallon) {
physicalAddr = newPhysicalAddr;
meterKey = this;
owner = msg.sender;
startMonth = newMonth;
startYear = newYear;
currentMonth = newMonth;
currentYear = newYear;
currentMeterValue = initialMeterReading;
meterInfo[newMonth][newYear].meterValue = initialMeterReading;
meterInfo[newMonth][newYear].pricePerGallon = pricePerGallon;
currentPricePerGallon = pricePerGallon;
/** Functions **/
/** Store the latest meter value **/
function updateMeterValue (uint newMeterValue, uint8 month, uint year) {
if (month == currentMonth && year == currentYear) {
"Alert: Meter update.");
currentMeterValue = newMeterValue;
} else {
"Meter update outside curr date");
MonthlyMeterInformation meterInfoToBeUpdated = meterInfo[month][year];
meterInfoToBeUpdated.meterValue = newMeterValue;
meterInfoToBeUpdated.lastUpdated = block.timestamp;
/** Transfer ownership of meter to a new meter address **/
function updateMeterKey (address newMeterKey) onlyOwner {
meterKey = newMeterKey;
/** Process bill **/
function createMonthlyBill (uint8 month, uint year, uint newPricePerGallon) {
MonthlyMeterInformation meterCurrMonth = meterInfo[month][year];
MonthlyMeterInformation meterPrevMonth = meterInfo[month-1][year-1];
if (meterCurrMonth.amountOwed == 0 && meterCurrMonth.amountPaid == 0 ) {
uint billAmount = (meterCurrMonth.meterValue - meterPrevMonth.meterValue) * newPricePerGallon;
meterCurrMonth.amountOwed = billAmount;
meterCurrMonth.lastUpdated = block.timestamp;
meterCurrMonth.pricePerGallon = newPricePerGallon;
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, meterKey,
currentMeterValue, "Alert: Bill created.");
} else {
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, owner,
currentMeterValue, "Error: Bill creation");
/** Responses
* 0: Payment failed. Refunding your payment.
* 1: Payment success. Only a partial payment.
* 2: Payment success. Bill fully paid for that month.
* 3: Payment success. Paid with too much ether. Refunding the rest.
* 4: Payment failed. Already paid in full.
function payBill (uint8 month, uint year) payable returns(uint response) {
MonthlyMeterInformation meter = meterInfo[month][year];
uint value = msg.value / 2;
if(meter.amountPaid == meter.amountOwed) {
return 4;
} else if (value * 2 <= meter.amountOwed) {
meter.amountPaid += (value * 2);
return 1;
} else if (value * 2 > meter.amountOwed) {
"Alert: Overpaid. Request refund.");
meter.amountPaid += (value * 2);
Auto-refunds are not working at this time.
uint sendAmount = (msg.value - meter.amountPaid);
if(this.balance > sendAmount){
if (!(msg.sender).send(sendAmount)){d
WaterMeterAlert (block.timestamp, msg.sender, sendAmount, msg.sender, "Refund failed.");
} else {
WaterMeterAlert (block.timestamp, msg.sender, sendAmount, msg.sender, "Refund sent.");
return 3;
} else {
return 0;
/** Reset meter **/
function resetMeter (address individualMeter) onlyOwner {
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, individualMeter,
currentMeterValue, "Meter update before reset");
delete currentMeterValue;
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, individualMeter,
currentMeterValue, "Meter reset");
/** Returns t/f if the function caller != meter address or owner. **/
function isRequestFromOwnerOrMeterKey (address requester) returns (bool) {
if (meterKey != requester || owner != requester) {
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, requester,
currentMeterValue, "Error: Unauthorized Access");
return false;
return true;
/** Increment the date **/
function incrementDate () internal {
if (currentMonth == 12) {
currentMonth = 1;
currentYear += 1;
} else {
currentMonth += 1;
/** In the event that you mess up, ability to decrement the date, but event
* must be declared **/
function decrementDate() internal {
if (currentMonth == 1) {
currentMonth = 12;
currentYear -= 1;
} else {
currentMonth -= 1;
function detectJanuary(uint8 month) internal returns (bool) {
if (month == 1)
return true;
return false;
/** Get monthly reading **/
function getMeterInfoByMonth(uint8 month, uint year) constant returns
(uint meterValue, uint amountOwed, uint amountPaid, uint lastUpdated, uint pricePerGallon) {
MonthlyMeterInformation retMeterInfo = meterInfo[month][year];
meterValue = retMeterInfo.meterValue;
amountOwed = retMeterInfo.amountOwed;
amountPaid = retMeterInfo.amountPaid;
lastUpdated = retMeterInfo.lastUpdated;
pricePerGallon = retMeterInfo.pricePerGallon;
/** Transfer contract ownership to a new water company **/
function transferContractOwnership(address _newOwner) onlyOwner {
owner = _newOwner;
/** Destroy contract **/
function kill() onlyOwner {
/** Modifers **/
modifier onlyOwner {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
WaterMeterAlert(block.timestamp, msg.sender, owner,
currentMeterValue, "Error: Unauthorized Access");
/** Events **/
event WaterMeterAlert (uint eventTimeStamp,
address indexed callingAddress,
address indexed meterKey,
uint indexed currentMeterValueOrSendAmount,
bytes32 description);
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