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Last active January 11, 2020 08:47
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const PAN_REGEX = {
  'govt' : /GOVT|INDIA/,	
  'income_tax' : /INCOME|TAX/,
  'fathers_name_heading' : /Father/,
  'dob_heading' : /Date|Birth/,
  'date_format': /(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})/,
  'number_heading' : /Permanent|Account|Number/,
  'number_format': /[A-Z0-9]{10,}/,
  'words_format': /^[A-Z]+[A-Z\s.]+$/

1. Remove noise from text

All text which doesn't match the defined fields format for the document. For instance other than the date of birth, no other text in a PAN Card should have special characters.

const filterNoiseFromLine = (lineText: string) => {
  const panRegexKeys = _.keys(PAN_REGEX);
  const spaceSplit = lineText.split(/\s/);
  const filteredSpacedList = _.filter(spaceSplit, (word) => {
    return _.some(panRegexKeys, (key) => {
      return PAN_REGEX[key].exec(word);
  return _.join(filteredSpacedList, ' ');

2. Find field heading line numbers

Find the line numbers which match the field headings regex for the document.

const parsePANHeadingLineNumbers = (lines: Array<string>) => {
  const panHeadingLineNumbers = {
    pan_number_text_line: undefined,
    pan_IT_text_line: undefined,
    pan_GOVT_text_line: undefined,
    pan_DOB_text_line: undefined,
    pan_fathers_name_text_line: undefined
  _.forEach(lines, (line, index) => {
    if (!panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_number_text_line'] && PAN_REGEX['number_heading'].exec(line)) {
      panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_number_text_line'] = index;
    else if (!panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_IT_text_line'] && PAN_REGEX['income_tax'].exec(line)) {
      panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_IT_text_line'] = index;
    else if (!panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_GOVT_text_line'] && PAN_REGEX['govt'].exec(line)) {
      panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_GOVT_text_line'] = index;
    else if (!panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_fathers_name_text_line'] && PAN_REGEX['fathers_name_heading'].exec(line)) {
      panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_fathers_name_text_line'] = index;
    else if (!panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_DOB_text_line'] && PAN_REGEX['dob_heading'].exec(line)) {
      panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_DOB_text_line'] = index;
  return panHeadingLineNumbers;

3. Process field values based on heading line numbers

This step includes processing of text in field values based on line numbers of field headings.

  • The values for fields which don't have heading can be determined relative to the line numbers of other field headings.
const parsePANText = (textLines: Array<string>,
  panHeadingLineNumbers: Record<string, any>) => {
  const parsedResult: any = {
    document_type: Constants.DOCUMENT_TYPES.PAN_CARD
  const panNumberLine = panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_number_text_line'] + 1;
  const panDOBLine = panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_DOB_text_line'] + 1;
  const panFatherNameLine = panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_fathers_name_text_line'] + 1;
  const panNameLine = panHeadingLineNumbers['pan_fathers_name_text_line'] - 1;
  parsedResult.identification_number = processPANNumber(textLines[panNumberLine]); = processPANName(textLines[panNameLine]);
  parsedResult.date_of_birth = processPANDateOfBirth(textLines[panDOBLine]);
  parsedResult.fathers_name = processPANFathersName(textLines[panFatherNameLine]);
  return parsedResult;
  • Any field value which doesn't match the expected field regex can be rejected.
const processPANDateOfBirth = (text: string) => {
  if (_.isEmpty(text)) {
    return undefined;
  if (!PAN_REGEX['date_format'].exec(text)) {
    return undefined;
  return moment.utc(text, 'DD/MM/YYYY');
  • (Optionally) Use the known format for the field to tackle the common OCR errors. For instance first 5 characters of PAN number are upper-case english alphabets, followed by 4 digits and 1 letter to end.
const processPANNumber = (text: string) => {
  if (_.isEmpty(text)) {
    return undefined;
  if (!PAN_REGEX['number_format'].exec(text)) {
    return undefined;

  const preFix = text.substr(0, 5);
  const numbers = text.substr(5, 4);
  const suffix = text[9];
  const preFixProcessed = preFix.replace('0', 'O')
    .replace('8', 'B').replace('5', 'S')
    .replace('1', 'I');
  const numbersProcessed = numbers.replace('O', '0')
    .replace('D', '0').replace('B', '8')
    .replace('S', '5').replace('I', '1')
    .replace('!', '1');
  const suffixProcessed = suffix.replace('0', 'O')
    .replace('8', 'B').replace('5', 'S')
    .replace('1', 'I');
  return preFixProcessed.concat(numbersProcessed).concat(suffixProcessed);
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