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Last active June 1, 2023 14:40
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I'ts >not< this: ,
i.e. it is not the classical map graph.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def get_polygon_centroid(points,
n_samples_x = 100):
"""Get the centroid of a polygon given by an ordered list of points."""
x_min = points[:,0].min()
x_max = points[:,0].max()
y_min = points[:,1].min()
y_max = points[:,1].max()
n_samples_y = int(np.ceil(n_samples_x*(y_max-y_min)/(x_max-x_min)))
X = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_samples_x)
Y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, n_samples_y)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)
XY = np.stack([X,Y], axis=2)
intersects = np.zeros(XY.shape[:2], dtype = int)
for i in range(len(points)):
start = points[i]
end = points[(i+1) % len(points)]
v_along = end-start
v_orth = np.array([v_along[1],-v_along[0]])
start_as_orig = XY-start[None,None,:]
coord_orth = (start_as_orig*v_orth[None,None,:] ).sum(axis=2)
in_y_range = (XY[:,:,1] < max(start[1],end[1])) & \
(XY[:,:,1] > min(start[1],end[1]))
if end[1] > start[1]:
on_good_side = (coord_orth > 0)
on_good_side = (coord_orth < 0)
intersects += on_good_side & in_y_range
in_polygon = (intersects % 2 == 1)
return XY[in_polygon].mean(axis=0)
class ModelPlotter(object):
"""Class for plotting the basic structure of Ribasim models."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.fig, = plt.subplots(**kwargs)
self.basin_edges = []
self.basin_nodes = []
self.basin_borders = []
self.basin_connections = []
self.plot_options = dict(basin_edge_color = 'k',
basin_edge_ls = '-',
basin_node_color = 'b',
basin_fill_alpha = 0.5,
basin_conn_lw = 3,
basin_conn_color = "C0")
def add_basin_edge(self,start,end,
n_points = 10,
max_deviation_frac = 0.5):
"""Add an edge of a basin geometry."""
start = np.array(start)
end = np.array(end)
direction = (end-start)/(n_points-1)
orthogonal = np.array([direction[1],-direction[0]])
t = np.linspace(0,1,n_points)
points = start[None,:] + (end-start)[None,:] * t[:,None]
deviation = (2*np.random.rand(n_points-2,1)-1)*max_deviation_frac*orthogonal
points[1:-1] += deviation
def get_basin_perimeter(self, basin_edge_indices, edge_flips):
"""Get all the points that define the perimeter of a basin,
as a combination of basin edges."""
points = []
for i, edge_flip in zip(basin_edge_indices, edge_flips):
new_points =self.basin_edges[i]
if edge_flip:
new_points = new_points[::-1]
return np.concatenate(points)
def add_basin(self, basin_edge_indices, edge_flips):
"""Specify which basin edges together form a basin."""
points = self.get_basin_perimeter(basin_edge_indices, edge_flips)
centroid = get_polygon_centroid(points)
def add_basin_connection(self, basin_1, basin_2, basin_edge_index):
"""Specify which basins must be connected in the graph."""
def plot(self, axis_off = True, annotate_basin_edges = False,
legend = True):
"""Show the model."""
ax =
for k, (basin_edge_indices, edge_flips) in enumerate(self.basin_borders):
points = self.get_basin_perimeter(basin_edge_indices, edge_flips)
zorder = 0,
alpha = self.plot_options["basin_fill_alpha"],
label = f"Basin {k+1} geometry")
for basin_edge in self.basin_edges:
color = self.plot_options["basin_edge_color"],
ls = self.plot_options["basin_edge_ls"],
zorder = 1)
basin_connection_nodes = np.zeros((len(self.basin_connections),2))
for j, (basin_1, basin_2, basin_edge_index) in enumerate(self.basin_connections):
basin_1_loc = self.basin_nodes[basin_1]
basin_2_loc = self.basin_nodes[basin_2]
basin_edge = self.basin_edges[basin_edge_index]
basin_edge_loc = basin_edge[len(basin_edge)//2]
basin_connection_nodes[j] = basin_edge_loc
ax.plot([basin_1_loc[0], basin_edge_loc[0], basin_2_loc[0]],
[basin_1_loc[1], basin_edge_loc[1], basin_2_loc[1]],
lw = self.plot_options["basin_conn_lw"],
color = self.plot_options["basin_conn_color"],
zorder = 2)
basin_nodes = np.array(self.basin_nodes)
c = self.plot_options["basin_node_color"],
label = 'Basin nodes',
zorder = 3)
zorder = 3,
label = "Basin connection nodes")
if annotate_basin_edges:
for i,basin_edge in enumerate(self.basin_edges):
loc = np.mean(basin_edge, axis = 0)
ax.annotate(i, loc, bbox = dict(fc = 'w'))
if axis_off:
if legend:
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))
if __name__ == "__main__":
model_plotter = ModelPlotter()
for start, end in [[( 0.0, 0.0),( 1.0, 1.0)],
[( 1.0, 1.0),( 2.0,-1.0)],
[( 2.0,-1.0),( 0.0, 0.0)],
[( 1.0, 1.0),( 3.0, 2.0)],
[( 3.0, 2.0),( 3.5, 0.5)],
[( 3.5, 0.5),( 2.0,-1.0)],
[( 0.0, 0.0),( 0.5, 2.0)],
[( 0.5, 2.0),( 3.0, 2.0)]]:
model_plotter.add_basin_edge(start,end, max_deviation_frac=0.7)
model_plotter.add_basin([0,1,2], 3*[False])
model_plotter.add_basin([1,3,4,5], [True, False, False, False])
model_plotter.add_basin([0,3,7,6], [False, False, True, True])
for basin_connection in [[0,1,1],
model_plotter.plot(annotate_basin_edges = False,
legend = True)
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