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Created January 11, 2018 16:36
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
/// <summary>
/// General utilities
/// </summary>
public static class PopCloud
// gr: make this a more intelligent extension->loader mapping
public static List<string> FileExtensions = new List<string>() {".xyz",".off"};
static void ExtractLineStarts(string Filename,ref byte[] Data,ref List<int> LineStartIndexes)
Data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (Filename);
// find all line feeds
LineStartIndexes = new List<int>();
var NewLine = true;
for (int i = 0; i < Data.Length; i++)
var c = Data [i];
// walk over delins
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
NewLine = true;
// first valid character of a new line
if (NewLine) {
LineStartIndexes.Add (i);
NewLine = false;
struct XyzRgba
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
public float r;
public float g;
public float b;
public float a;
// gr: need to align to 4, so use int, not bool
public int Valid;
public static int GetSize()
return (sizeof(float) * 7) + (sizeof(int) * 1);
public static void LoadXyzGpu(string Filename,System.Action<Vector3,Color> OnPointDecoded,System.Action<List<string>> OnUnhandledHeader,System.Action<string,float> UpdateProgress)
UpdateProgress.Invoke ("Parsing file lines...", 0.0f);
byte[] Data = null;
List<int> LineStarts = null;
ExtractLineStarts (Filename, ref Data, ref LineStarts);
XyzRgba[] PosColours = new XyzRgba[LineStarts.Count];
// gr: DX REQUIRES buffer to be multiples of 4.
// metal packs these bytes into int's, silently. So lets just pretend they're packed
int PackSize = 4;
var DataBuffer = new ComputeBuffer (Data.Length/PackSize, sizeof(byte)*PackSize, ComputeBufferType.Default );
DataBuffer.SetData (Data);
var LineStartsBuffer = new ComputeBuffer (LineStarts.Count, sizeof(int));
LineStartsBuffer.SetData (LineStarts.ToArray());
var PositionColourBuffer = new ComputeBuffer (PosColours.Length, XyzRgba.GetSize() );
PositionColourBuffer.SetData (PosColours);
var KernelName = "ParsePositionColour";
var ShaderAssetName = "Assets/PopCloud/PopXyzToTexture.compute";
var Shader = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (ShaderAssetName, typeof(ComputeShader)) as ComputeShader;
if (!Shader)
throw new System.Exception ("Couldn't find " + ShaderAssetName);
var KernelId = Shader.FindKernel (KernelName);
Shader.SetBuffer (KernelId, "Data", DataBuffer);
Shader.SetBuffer (KernelId, "LineStarts", LineStartsBuffer);
Shader.SetBuffer (KernelId, "PositionColours", PositionColourBuffer);
UpdateProgress.Invoke ("Executing compute parser...", 0.0f);
Shader.Dispatch(KernelId, LineStarts.Count, 1, 1);
PositionColourBuffer.GetData (PosColours);
var v3 = new Vector3 ();
var c = new Color ();
int Count = 0;
foreach (var Point in PosColours) {
// GUI update eats cpu time
if ((Count % 1000) == 0) {
var Progress = Count / (float)PosColours.Length;
UpdateProgress.Invoke ("Loading points...", Progress);
if ( Count == 0 )
Debug.Log ("#" + Count + " valid=" + Point.Valid + " (" + Point.x + "," + Point.y + "," + Point.z + "," + Point.r + "," + Point.g + "," + Point.b + ")");
if (Point.Valid == 0)
v3.x = Point.x;
v3.y = Point.y;
v3.z = Point.z;
c.r = Point.r;
c.g = Point.g;
c.b = Point.b;
c.a = Point.a;
OnPointDecoded.Invoke (v3, c);
DataBuffer.Release ();
LineStartsBuffer.Release ();
PositionColourBuffer.Release ();
public static void LoadXyz(string Filename,System.Action<Vector3,Color> OnPointDecoded,System.Action<List<string>> OnUnhandledHeader,System.Action<string,float> UpdateProgress)
var Stream = File.OpenText (Filename);
// unaccounted header strings we keep
var Headers = new List<string>();
// once we parse something good, we dont keep "headers"
bool PassedHeader = false;
var Pos3 = new Vector3 ();
var Colour = new Color ();
int LinesParsed = 0;
int LinesSkipped = 0;
System.Action<string> ParseLine = (XyzLine) =>
// parse line
var Floats = FastParse.Floats(XyzLine);
if ( Floats.Count != 6 && Floats.Count != 7 )
throw new System.Exception("Expecting 6/7 values");
PassedHeader = true;
Pos3.x = Floats[0];
Pos3.y = Floats[1];
Pos3.z = Floats[2];
Colour.r = Floats[3] / 255.0f;
Colour.g = Floats[4] / 255.0f;
Colour.b = Floats[5] / 255.0f;
Colour.a = ( Floats.Count > 6 ) ? Floats[6] / 255.0f : 1;
OnPointDecoded.Invoke( Pos3, Colour );
// no floats in line
if (!PassedHeader)
Headers.Add (XyzLine);
var JobRunner = new JobPool_Action();
System.Action<string> ParseLineThreaded = (XyzLine) => {
System.Action Job = () => {
ParseLine (XyzLine);
JobRunner.PushJob (Job);
string Line;
int LineCount = 0;
while ((Line = Stream.ReadLine ()) != null) {
var Progress = Stream.BaseStream.Position / (float)Stream.BaseStream.Length;
//Progress = JobRunner.jobProgress;
if (LineCount > 800000)
ParseLineThreaded (Line);
if ((LinesParsed + LinesSkipped) % 1000 == 0) {
var ProgressName = "Parsing line " + LinesParsed + " (" + LinesSkipped + " skipped)";
UpdateProgress.Invoke (ProgressName, Progress);
do {
var Pending = JobRunner.jobsPending;
var Completed = JobRunner.jobsCompleted;
var Step = "Waiting for jobs " + Completed + "/" + (Pending + Completed);
UpdateProgress.Invoke (Step, JobRunner.jobProgress);
JobRunner.WaitForJobs (500);
} while (JobRunner.jobsPending > 0);
OnUnhandledHeader.Invoke (Headers);
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