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Created September 9, 2016 03:04
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extern crate memmap;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const MAGIC_VALUE: usize = 0xdedbeef0;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const WORD_SIZE: usize = 4;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const MAGIC_VALUE: usize = 0xd0e0a0d0b0e0e0f0;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const WORD_SIZE: usize = 8;
type Foreign = ();
type Callback = unsafe extern fn(f: *mut Foreign) -> u32;
unsafe extern fn thunk_template(f: *mut Foreign) -> u32 {
let cb: *const *mut FnMut(*mut Foreign) -> u32 = MAGIC_VALUE as *const _;
unsafe extern fn thunk_template_end() {}
struct Thunk {
mmap: memmap::Mmap,
_func: Box<Box<FnMut(*mut Foreign) -> u32>>,
impl Thunk {
fn new<F: FnMut(&mut Foreign) -> u32 + 'static>(mut f: F) -> Thunk {
let boxed: Box<FnMut(*mut Foreign) -> u32> = Box::new(move |ptr| {
unsafe { f(&mut *ptr) }
let double_boxed = Box::new(boxed);
Thunk {
mmap: unsafe { make_map(&*double_boxed as *const _ as *const _) },
_func: double_boxed,
unsafe fn as_callback(&self) -> Callback {
fn replace(slice: &mut [u8], from: &[u8], to: &[u8]) {
assert!(from.len() == to.len());
for i in 0..slice.len() - from.len() {
let subslice = &mut slice[i..i+from.len()];
if subslice == from {
unsafe fn usize_slice(inp: &usize) -> &[u8] {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(inp as *const _ as *const _, std::mem::size_of::<usize>())
unsafe fn make_map(pointer: *const Box<Fn(*mut Foreign) -> u32>) -> memmap::Mmap {
let len = (thunk_template_end as usize) - (thunk_template as usize);
let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(thunk_template as *const u8, len);
let mut map = memmap::Mmap::anonymous(len, memmap::Protection::ReadWrite).unwrap();
replace(map.as_mut_slice(), usize_slice(&MAGIC_VALUE), usize_slice(&(pointer as usize)));
replace(map.as_mut_slice(), usize_slice(&(MAGIC_VALUE + WORD_SIZE)), usize_slice(&(pointer as usize + WORD_SIZE)));
// ----->8-----
// client code
// used to know that the closure's context is not leaked
struct DropAlert(i32);
impl DropAlert {
fn say_hi(&self) {
println!("Hi from DropAlert({})", self.0);
impl Drop for DropAlert {
fn drop(&mut self) {
println!("DropAlert({}) is dropped", self.0);
// main function
fn main() {
println!("MAGIC_VALUE = {:x}", MAGIC_VALUE);
println!("thunk_template = {:p}", thunk_template as *const ());
let mut param = ();
println!("param = {:p}\n", &param);
{ // inner scope: Thunk is dropped at the end
let da = DropAlert(7);
let thunk = Thunk::new(move |_| {
println!("Hello from the inside");
let thunk_fn: Callback = unsafe { thunk.as_callback() };
println!("closure thunk = {:p}", thunk_fn);
println!("ret = {}", unsafe { thunk_fn(&mut param) });
/* Output example ----
MAGIC_VALUE = d0e0a0d0b0e0e0f0
thunk_template = 0x4014f0
param = 0x22fbc0
closure thunk = 0x2e0000
Hello from the inside
Hi from DropAlert(7)
ret = 5
DropAlert(7) is dropped
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