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Created June 3, 2017 15:32
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  • Save SpaceVoyager/9572c28069110a93d52a867d14664a1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save SpaceVoyager/9572c28069110a93d52a867d14664a1a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import ui
import random
import numpy as np
rabbit_size = 50
v = ui.View(background_color=('#bcdeff'))
board = ui.View()
v.present('full_screen', hide_title_bar=False , orientations=['landscape'])
board.frame = (v.width-v.height + rabbit_size/2, rabbit_size/2 , v.height - rabbit_size, v.height - rabbit_size)
board.border_width = 10
board.border_color = ('black')
board.background_color = ('#ffffff')
rows = 8
cols = 8
blocks = []
money_balance = 0
bank_money_robbed_once = 10000
money_taken_once = -20000
score_label = ui.Label()
score_label.text = 'Money Balance:'
score_label.width = 300
score_label.x = 20
score_label.y = 20
score_label.font = ('Chalkduster', 26)
score_label.alignment = ui.ALIGN_LEFT
score_label2 = ui.Label()
score_label2.text = '$0'
score_label2.width = 300
score_label2.text_color = .0, 0.8, .35
score_label2.x = 20
score_label2.y = 60
score_label2.font = ('Chalkduster', 30)
score_label2.alignment = ui.ALIGN_LEFT
manhattan_grid = np.chararray((rows, cols))
manhattan_grid[:] = 'O' # fill up manhattan_grid with 'O', which means empty block
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
random_num = random.randint(1, 100)
image = ui.ImageView()
if random_num < 12:
image = ui.ImageView()
image.image = ui.Image('emj:Boar')
manhattan_grid[r,c] = 'W'
elif random_num < 24 and random_num > 11:
image = ui.ImageView()
image.image = ui.Image('emj:Bank')
manhattan_grid[r,c] = 'B'
image.background_color = ('#838383')
image.width = board.height/cols
image.height = board.height/rows
image.border_color = ('black')
image.border_width = 5
image.x = image.width*c
image.y = image.height*r
image.font = ('American Typewriter',60)
blocks.append({'image' : image, 'row_number' : r, 'column_number' : c})
print manhattan_grid
def get_block_entity(r, c):
if r >= 0 and r < n_row and c >= 0 and c < n_col:
return manhattan_grid[r,c]
return None
# When the rabbit tries to figure out the best way to go to
# the intersection at r row and c column, it needs to know
# what kinds of entities lie long the streets.
# This function finds the entities in the NW, NE and SW blocks
# and returns them in a tuple (NW entity, NE entity, SW entity)
def find_entities(r, c):
nw_block_entity = get_block_entity(r - 1, c - 1)
ne_block_entity = get_block_entity(r - 1, c)
sw_block_entity = get_block_entity(r, c - 1)
return (nw_block_entity, ne_block_entity, sw_block_entity)
rabbit_buttons = []
normal_rabbit_color = (1.0, .54, .78, 1.0)
ghost_rabbit_color = (1.0, .96, 1.0, 0.5)
trail_rabbit_color = (0.9, .96, 1.0, 1.0)
def rabbit_tapped(sender):
if sender.tint_color in [normal_rabbit_color, ghost_rabbit_color]:
for b in rabbit_buttons:
if b['rabbit'] == sender:
my_col_num = b['column_number']
my_row_num = b['row_number']
if sender.tint_color == ghost_rabbit_color:
for b in rabbit_buttons:
if b['rabbit'].tint_color == normal_rabbit_color:
b['rabbit'].tint_color = trail_rabbit_color
sender.tint_color = normal_rabbit_color
for b in rabbit_buttons:
if b['rabbit'].tint_color == ghost_rabbit_color:
b['rabbit'].image = None
b['rabbit'].tint_color = (1,1,1,1)
if sender.tint_color == normal_rabbit_color:
for b in rabbit_buttons:
if b['row_number'] == my_row_num + 1 and b['column_number'] == my_col_num:
b['rabbit'].tint_color = ghost_rabbit_color
b['rabbit'].image = ui.Image('emj:Rabbit_Face')
if b['row_number'] == my_row_num and b['column_number'] == my_col_num + 1:
b['rabbit'].tint_color = ghost_rabbit_color
b['rabbit'].image = ui.Image('emj:Rabbit_Face')
for r in range(rows + 1):
for c in range(cols + 1):
test_rabbit_button = ui.Button()
if r == 0 and c == 0:
test_rabbit_button.image = ui.Image('emj:Rabbit_Face')
test_rabbit_button.tint_color = normal_rabbit_color
test_rabbit_button.x = -18 + v.width-v.height + rabbit_size/2 + r*float(board.width-10)/cols
test_rabbit_button.y = -5 + c*float(board.height - 3)/rows
test_rabbit_button.width = rabbit_size
test_rabbit_button.height = rabbit_size
test_rabbit_button.action = rabbit_tapped
rabbit_buttons.append({'rabbit' : test_rabbit_button, 'row_number' : r, 'column_number' : c})
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