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Created June 12, 2017 17:19
Store Config for Google App Engine Python App in Datastore (
from os import environ
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from google.appengine.ext.ndb import model
from pydash import snake_case
class Config(ndb.Model):
value = ndb.StringProperty()
value_previous = ndb.StringProperty()
def __get_fallback_env_var_name__(cls, name):
Create a scoped/namespaced env var name. E.g., CONFIG_SOME_SERVICE_API_KEY
cls_portion = snake_case(cls.__name__).upper()
name_portion = name.upper()
return '%s_%s' % (cls_portion, name_portion)
def get(cls, name):
# Unique canary value (`None` may be a valid value for this config item)
NOT_SET_VALUE = u'!!!__ NOT SET __!!!'
# Need to ensure uniqueness in a transaction
entity = cls(key=model.Key(cls, name))
txn = lambda: entity.put() if not entity.key.get() else entity.key
retval = model.transaction(txn).get()
# Fall back to environment vars
if retval.value == NOT_SET_VALUE:
fallback_env_var_name = cls.__get_fallback_env_var_name__(name)
fallback_value = environ.get(fallback_env_var_name)
if fallback_value is not None:
retval.value = fallback_value
return fallback_value
if retval.value == NOT_SET_VALUE:
raise Exception((
'%s %s not found in the database. A placeholder ' +
'record has been created. Go to the Developers Console for your app ' +
'in App Engine, look up the Settings record with name=%s and enter ' +
'its value in that record\'s value field. Or if running locally, set' +
'env var %s') % (cls.__name__, name, name, cls.__get_fallback_env_var_name__(name)))
return retval.value
class ConfigSubclass(Config):
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This approach:

  • Uses config entity key names to ensure uniqueness
  • Allows fallback to environment variables, which is useful for local dev, unit tests, and non-sensitive config vars
  • Can be inherited by another class to create a different "scope" of config settings (e.g., all settings related to a particular service)
  • Allows tracking the previous config var setting for easier rollback

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