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Last active December 12, 2023 02:29
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GetUp - Artwork - Register Editioned Artwork
// Package main is the entry point for the Bleyk App V1.
package main
import (
// Import necessary packages
// Import necessary packages
echomiddleware ""
_ ""
// Internal packages
pgeventstore ""
appgrpc ""
grpcmiddleware ""
httputils ""
httpmiddleware ""
httpmiddleware_blyekadmin_identity ""
httpmiddleware_identity ""
integration_pg ""
iam ""
pkg_aws ""
pkg_cookie ""
service_artwork ""
// other services
const (
VERSION = "v0.5"
// NOTE: `config` for local dev via local file
// AWS ParamsStore `config` for sensitive details must be used in production
// let's start this thing
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
envirionment := os.Getenv("ENVIRONMENT")
// ... (config setup)
// App Logging
appLogLevel := parseLogLevelFromString(cfg.Logging.Application.LogLevel)
appLogger := logger.NewLogger(logger.NewLumberjackWriter(logger.LogConfig{
LogFilename: cfg.Logging.Application.LogFilename,
MaxBackups: cfg.Logging.Application.MaxBackups,
MaxSizeMB: cfg.Logging.Application.MaxSizeMB,
MaxAgeDays: cfg.Logging.Application.MaxAgeDays,
}), appLogLevel)
defer appLogger.Sync()
appLogger = appLogger.Named("Bleyk")
appLogger.Info(ctx, "Starting "+VERSION,
zap.String("env", envirionment),
// infra logger
infraLogger := appLogger.Named("Infrastructure")
// ***********************************************************************
// ************* RDS PgDB ************************************************
// ***********************************************************************
pgLogLevel := parseLogLevelFromString(cfg.Logging.Database.LogLevel)
pgxLogger := logger.NewLogger(logger.NewLumberjackWriter(logger.LogConfig{
LogFilename: cfg.Logging.Database.LogFilename,
MaxBackups: cfg.Logging.Database.MaxBackups,
MaxSizeMB: cfg.Logging.Database.MaxSizeMB,
MaxAgeDays: cfg.Logging.Database.MaxAgeDays,
}), pgLogLevel)
defer pgxLogger.Sync()
// RDS role-based PG
creds := awsClients.Config(&cfg.AWS.Region, &cfg.AWS.AccountID, &cfg.AWS.IAM.AssumeRole).Credentials
pgxPool, err := postgres.NewRDSIamPgxConn(creds, cfg.AWS.RDS, infraLogger.Named("Postgres"), pgxLogger)
if err != nil {
appLogger.Fatal(ctx, "[Postgres]: "+err.Error())
defer pgxPool.Close()
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* AWS Services *************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
s3Client := awsClients.S3Client(&cfg.AWS.Region, &cfg.AWS.AccountID, &cfg.AWS.IAM.AssumeRole)
sqsClient := awsClients.SQSClient(&cfg.AWS.Region, &cfg.AWS.AccountID, &cfg.AWS.IAM.AssumeRole)
cognitoClient := awsClients.CognitoClient(&cfg.AWS.Region, &cfg.AWS.AccountID, &cfg.AWS.IAM.AssumeRole)
lambdaClient := awsClients.LambdaClient(&cfg.AWS.Region, &cfg.AWS.AccountID, &cfg.AWS.IAM.AssumeRole)
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* NATS (JetStream) *************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
natsLogger := infraLogger.Named("NATS")
// Connect to NATS server
natsOpts := []nats.Option{
nats.DisconnectHandler(func(nc *nats.Conn) {
natsLogger.Error(ctx, "NATS disconnected")
nats.ReconnectHandler(func(nc *nats.Conn) {
natsLogger.Debug(ctx, "NATS reconnected")
nc, err := nats.Connect(cfg.NATS.URL, natsOpts...)
if err != nil {
jetstream, err := nc.JetStream()
if err != nil {
appLogger.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())
// Integration events stream
// NB. Bleyk's integration event naming convention is:
// bleyk.<service><event_name>
// see "Proto docs" for more info
_, err = jetstream.AddStream(&nats.StreamConfig{
Name: cfg.NATS.JetStream.Name,
Subjects: []string{
// listen to IAM integration events
// listen to services.{service} integration events
// listen to `admin` integration events
Description: "Stream for processing integration events.",
Duplicates: time.Duration(3 * time.Minute),
Storage: nats.FileStorage,
if err != nil {
appLogger.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* gRPC *************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Currently we require 2 gRPC servers: public api and internal app services.
// The request is received via the public api gRPC service, and is passed onto the internal application gRPC service.
// NB. we are only logging the request received by the internal application service at this time.
// gRPC server for public facing API
APIGrpcServer := appgrpc.NewServer(
// infraLogger.Named("gRPC_API"),
// grpcmiddleware.LogUnaryRequest(logger),
// grpcmiddleware.LogStreamRequest(logger),
// internal application services gRPC server
grpcAppServerLogger := infraLogger.Named("gRPC.ApplicationService.Server")
internalAppServicesGrpcServer := appgrpc.NewServer(
// infraLogger.Named("gRPC.ApplicationService.Server"),
// gRPC client for internal application services
// grpcAppClientLogger := infraLogger.Named("gRPC.ApplicationService.Client")
internalAppServicesGrpcConn, err := appgrpc.NewConnection(
// cfg.GRPC.InternalApplicationServices.Host,
// cfg.GRPC.InternalApplicationServices.Port,
// grpcmiddleware.LogOutgoingUnaryRequest(grpcAppClientLogger),
// grpcmiddleware.LogOutgoingStreamRequest(grpcAppClientLogger),
if err != nil {
appLogger.Fatal(ctx, "gRPC Client failed to start", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
defer internalAppServicesGrpcConn.Close()
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Domain and Integration Events ***********************************
// ********************************************************************************
// integration events store
integrationEventsStore := integration_pg.NewEventStore(jetstream, pgxPool, infraLogger.Named("IntegrationEventsStore"))
// domain events store
domainEventsStore := pgeventstore.NewEventStore(integrationEventsStore, pgxPool, infraLogger.Named("DomainEventsStore"))
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* HTTP (Echo) Server *************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Our http server (Echo) with base configs and middlewares
echoServer := httputils.NewEcho(cfg.HTTP.PublicAPI.Origins, infraLogger.Named("HTTPServer"))
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Infra Services *******************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// var cookieService pkg_cookie.CookieService
cookieService := pkg_cookie.NewCookieService(pkg_cookie.CookieConfig{
Name: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.Name,
Domain: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.Domain,
Path: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.Path,
HTTPOnly: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.HTTPOnly,
Secure: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.Secure,
SameSite: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.SameSite,
Duration: cfg.Services.IAM.Authentication.Session.Cookie.Duration,
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* IAM start *******************************************
// ********************************************************************************
appServicesLogger := appLogger.Named("Service")
// init the iam app
authClient := iam.Start(
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Services' start *************************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Artwork
// ...
// Media service
err = service_dam.Start(
// NB. all services depend of the media service,
// so if this service fails we must fatalise it
if err != nil {
// log fatal
appLogger.Fatal(ctx, "[DAM Service]: failed to start",
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
// ... (code for other service start-up)
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* App gRPC-web API routes ******************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// The HTTP requests are transformed to gRPC-Web requests by passing them through the WrappedGRPCWebServer middleware;
// The routes below route them to the appropriate registered gRPC service
// gRPC-Web Registration API router
registrationApiRoute := "/registration/api/v1"
registrationGrpcWebRouter := echoServer.Group(registrationApiRoute)
// gRPC-Web Request Middleware
httpmiddleware.WrappedGRPCWebServer(APIGrpcServer, registrationApiRoute),
// gRPC-Web Data API router
dataApiRoute := "/data/api/v1"
dataGrpcWebRouter := echoServer.Group(dataApiRoute)
// gRPC-Web Request Middleware
httpmiddleware.WrappedGRPCWebServer(APIGrpcServer, dataApiRoute),
// gRPC-Web IAM API router
iamApiRoute := "/iam/api/v1"
iamGrpcWebRouter := echoServer.Group(iamApiRoute)
// all requests going further down the chain must have a complete identity (both user and account ids)
httpmiddleware_identity.WithIdentityFromCookie(authClient, cookieService),
// abort request in we do not have complete identity
// gRPC-Web Request Middleware
httpmiddleware.WrappedGRPCWebServer(APIGrpcServer, iamApiRoute),
// gRPC-Web Tenant API router
tenantGrpcWebApiRoute := "/tenant/api/v1"
grpcWebTenantAPIRouter := echoServer.Group(tenantGrpcWebApiRoute)
// all requests going further down the chain must have a complete identity (both user and account ids)
httpmiddleware_identity.WithIdentityFromCookie(authClient, cookieService),
// abort request in we do not have complete identity
// gRPC-Web Request Middleware
httpmiddleware.WrappedGRPCWebServer(APIGrpcServer, tenantGrpcWebApiRoute),
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Start the engines ***********************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Start the API gRPC server
go func() {
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", cfg.GRPC.PublicAPI.Host, cfg.GRPC.PublicAPI.Port),
// Start the Internal Application Services gRPC server
go func() {
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", cfg.GRPC.InternalApplicationServices.Host, cfg.GRPC.InternalApplicationServices.Port),
// prep the HTTP/2 server
http2s := &http2.Server{
MaxConcurrentStreams: 250,
MaxReadFrameSize: 1048576,
IdleTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
// MaxUploadBufferPerConnection
// MaxUploadBufferPerStream
// Start HTTP/2 server
package artwork
import (
// ... removed for brevity
// Start is the entry point of the artwork service
func Start(
ctx context.Context,
internalApplicationServicesGrpcServer *grpc.Server,
internalApplicationServicesGrpcConn *grpc.ClientConn,
webAPIGrpcServer *grpc.Server,
domainEventsStore pkg_domain.EventStore,
tenantAuthorisationSrvc pkg_auth.TenantAuhorisation,
userAuthorisationSrvc pkg_auth.UserAuhorisation,
pgxpool *pgxpool.Pool,
logger logger.Logger,
) {
// ... removed for brevity
// Subscribe the transactional handlers for event sourcing
// ...
// Initialize repositories for various aggregates
captionRepository := eventsourcing.NewCaptionRepository(domainEventsStore)
// ...
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Application Services ***************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Create and register instances of application services
artworkAppService := app_artworkv1.NewService(
// ...
// Compose Artwork Application Service
artworkAppService = app_artworkv1.NewUserAuthorisationService(
// ...
artworkAppService = app_artworkv1.NewTenantAuthorisationService(
// ...
artworkAppService = app_artworkv1.NewInstrumentingService(
// ...
artworkAppService = app_artworkv1.NewValidationService(
// ...
// Register Artwork Application Service
proto_appv1.RegisterArtworkServiceServer(internalApplicationServicesGrpcServer, artworkAppService)
// other `Artwork` application services
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* gRPC service clients ***************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Create gRPC service clients for communication with other services
artworkServiceClient := proto_appv1.NewArtworkServiceClient(internalApplicationServicesGrpcConn)
// ********************************************************************************
// ************* Interfaces ***************************************
// ********************************************************************************
// Artwork API service
artworkAPIService := apiv1.NewArtworkAPIServer(pgxpool, artworkServiceClient)
// Register Artwork API as gRPC Server
// other `Artwork` public API services
// Log service start.
logger.Debug(ctx, "Artwork service started")
// Package v1 provides the implementation of gRPC artwork service version 1.
// This package includes a validationService middleware that performs validation checks on requests
// for registering editioned and unique artworks before passing them to the next service in the chain.
// It utilises the Google gRPC library and custom error details for handling validation errors.
// The middleware is designed to be used as part of the artwork service's application layer.
package v1
import (
// ...
// validationService acts as a gRPC service middleware for validation in the artwork service
type validationService struct {
next Service
// ... other dependecies
// NewValidationValidationService creates a new instance of the validationService middleware
func NewValidationValidationService(
next Service,
// ... other dependecies
) Service {
service := &validationService{
next: next,
// ...
return service
// RegisterEditionedArtwork validates and processes registration of editioned artwork
func (s *validationService) RegisterEditionedArtwork(ctx context.Context,
req *proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkRequest,
) (*proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse, error) {
var err error
_, ok := identity.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unauthenticated, "missing tenant identity")
fieldViolations := []*errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{}
// Require artist ID
if len(req.GetArtistId()) < 8 {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Artist",
Description: "Missing artist.",
// Validate correctness of artist ID
if !s.artistSrvc.IsValidArtist(ctx, req.GetArtistId()) {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Artist",
Description: "Invalid artist selected.",
// Require medium type
if len(req.GetMediumTypeId()) < 2 {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Medium type",
Description: "Missing medium type.",
// Validate correctness of medium type ID
if !s.mediumTypeSrvc.IsValidMediumType(ctx, req.GetMediumTypeId()) {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Medium type",
Description: "Invalid medium type.",
// Edition specs
if req.GetEditionsSpecification() == nil {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Edition specification",
Description: "Missing edition specification. Please enter editions details.",
} else {
// get field descriptors
fd := req.GetEditionsSpecification().ProtoReflect().Descriptor().Fields()
allZero := true
for i := 0; i < fd.Len(); i++ {
r := req.GetEditionsSpecification().ProtoReflect().Get(fd.Get(i))
// each field must be an `int32`, at least one must be > 0
n, ok := r.Interface().(int32)
if ok {
if n > 0 {
allZero = false
if allZero {
fieldViolations = append(fieldViolations, &errdetails.BadRequest_FieldViolation{
Field: "Edition specification",
Description: "Missing edition specification. Please enter editions details for at least one edition type.",
// ... other validations
if len(fieldViolations) > 0 {
st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "")
st, _ = st.WithDetails(&errdetails.BadRequest{
FieldViolations: fieldViolations,
return nil, st.Err()
return, req)
// package v1 contains the implementation of the artwork service (application layer) with instrumentation.
package v1
import (
proto_appv1 ""
// instrumentingService is a struct that wraps an artwork service with instrumentation.
type instrumentingService struct {
requestCount metrics.Counter // Counter to track the number of requests.
requestLatency metrics.Histogram // Histogram to measure the latency of requests.
next Service // The next service in the chain.
// NewInstrumentingService creates a new instrumenting service with the given counter, latency histogram, and the next service.
func NewInstrumentingService(counter metrics.Counter, latency metrics.Histogram, s Service) Service {
return &instrumentingService{
requestCount: counter,
requestLatency: latency,
next: s,
// RegisterEditionedArtwork is a method of the instrumentingService that intercepts and instruments the RegisterEditionedArtwork method.
func (s *instrumentingService) RegisterEditionedArtwork(ctx context.Context,
req *proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkRequest,
) (*proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse, error) {
// Measure the time taken to execute the RegisterEditionedArtwork method.
defer func(begin time.Time) {
// Increment the request count metric.
s.requestCount.With("method", "RegisterArtist").Add(1)
// Observe the request latency in seconds.
s.requestLatency.With("method", "RegisterArtist").Observe(time.Since(begin).Seconds())
// Call the RegisterEditionedArtwork method of the next service in the chain.
return, req)
// Package v1 provides the implementation of gRPC service middleware for the artwork service version 1.
// This package includes a userAuthorisationService middleware that performs user authorisation checks on requests
// for registering editioned artworks before passing them to the next service in the chain.
// It utilises the Google gRPC library and custom error details for handling authorisation errors.
// The middleware is designed to be used as part of the artwork service's application layer.
package v1
import (
// ... (other imports)
// userAuthorisationService is a middleware service responsible for user authorisation checks.
// It ensures that the user making the request has the necessary permissions to perform the action.
type userAuthorisationService struct {
next Service
// ... (other dependencies)
// NewUserAuthorisationService creates a new instance of the userAuthorisationService middleware.
// It takes the next service in the chain and other dependencies as parameters.
func NewUserAuthorisationService(
next Service,
// ... (other dependencies)
) Service {
service := &validationService{
next: next,
// ... (initialise other dependencies)
return service
// RegisterEditionedArtwork is a method of the userAuthorisationService middleware.
// It performs user authorisation checks before allowing the registration of editioned artwork.
// It checks if the user making the request has the necessary permissions.
func (s *validationService) RegisterEditionedArtwork(ctx context.Context,
req *proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkRequest,
) (*proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse, error) {
var err error
// Check if the tenant identity is present in the context.
_, ok := identity.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unauthenticated, "missing tenant identity")
// Check if user can perform this request.
if err = s.userAuthorisationService.Can(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.PermissionDenied, err.Error())
// Pass the request to the next service in the chain.
return, req)
// Package v1 provides the implementation of gRPC service middleware for the artwork service version 1.
// This package includes a tenantAuthorisationService middleware that performs tenant authorisation checks on requests
// for registering editioned artworks before passing them to the next service in the chain.
// It utilises the Google gRPC library and custom error details for handling authorisation errors.
// The middleware is designed to be used as part of the artwork service's application layer.
package v1
import (
// ... (other imports)
// tenantAuthorisationService is a middleware service responsible for tenant authorisation checks.
// It ensures that the tenant making the request has the necessary permissions to perform the action.
type tenantAuthorisationService struct {
next Service
// ... (other dependencies)
// NewTenantAuthorisationService creates a new instance of the tenantAuthorisationService middleware.
// It takes the next service in the chain and other dependencies as parameters.
func NewTenantAuthorisationService(
next Service,
// ... (other dependencies)
) Service {
service := &validationService{
next: next,
// ... (initialise other dependencies)
return service
// RegisterEditionedArtwork is a method of the tenantAuthorisationService middleware.
// It performs tenant authorisation checks before allowing the registration of editioned artwork.
// It checks if the tenant making the request has the necessary permissions.
func (s *validationService) RegisterEditionedArtwork(ctx context.Context,
req *proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkRequest,
) (*proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse, error) {
var err error
// Check if the tenant identity is present in the context.
_, ok := identity.FromContext(ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Unauthenticated, "missing tenant identity")
// Check if tenant can perform this request
if err = s.tenantAuthorisationService.Can(ctx, req); err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.ResourceExhausted, err.Error())
// Pass the request to the next service in the chain.
return, req)
// Package v1 provides the implementation of gRPC artwork service version 1.
// This package includes the main service implementation that handles requests related to registering editioned artwork.
// It utilises the Google gRPC library and interacts with various domain aggregates for handling business logic.
// The service is designed to be part of the artwork service's application layer.
package v1
import (
// ...
type Service interface {
// NewService creates a new instance of the artwork service.
// It takes various dependencies such as an event store, caption repository, logger, etc., as parameters.
func NewService(
eventStore pkg_domain.EventStore,
captionRepository domain_caption.Repository,
// ...
logger logger.Logger,
) Service {
return &service{
eventStore: eventStore,
captionRepository: captionRepository,
// ...
logger: logger,
// service is the main implementation of the artwork service.
type service struct {
eventStore pkg_domain.EventStore
captionRepository domain_caption.Repository
// ...
logger logger.Logger
// RegisterEditionedArtwork is a method of the artwork service that handles the registration of editioned artworks.
// It performs various business logic validations, interacts with domain aggregates, and persists data.
func (s *service) RegisterEditionedArtwork(ctx context.Context,
req *proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkRequest,
) (*proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse, error) {
// Prepare editions to register based on the request.
editionsToRegister := s.prepareEditionsToRegister(req)
// Open store session before saving/committing.
esSession := s.eventStore.NewStoreSession()
var (
accountID = req.GetAccountId()
userID = req.GetUserId()
artworkID = identifier.Generate()
err error
// Artwork record
recordAggregate := domain_record.New()
registeredEditions := []*proto_rsrcv1.EditionDescriptor{}
for _, v := range editionsToRegister {
registeredEditions = append(registeredEditions, &proto_rsrcv1.EditionDescriptor{
EditionId: v.editionID,
Type: v.editionType,
Number: v.editionNumber,
// Artwork record
err = recordAggregate.RegisterEditionedArtwork(
AccountId: accountID,
UserId: userID,
ArtworkId: artworkID,
ArtistId: req.GetArtistId(),
ArtworkReferenceId: req.GetArtworkReferenceId(),
IsOpenEdition: req.GetIsOpenEdition(),
EditionsSpecification: req.GetEditionsSpecification(),
RegisteredEditions: registeredEditions,
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// Save the record aggregate to the repository.
err = s.recordRepository.Save(ctx, recordAggregate, esSession)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// Caption aggregate
captionAggregate := domain_caption.New()
editionsWithCaption := []*proto_dmn_captionv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkWithCaption_Edition{}
for _, v := range editionsToRegister {
editionsWithCaption = append(editionsWithCaption, &proto_dmn_captionv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkWithCaption_Edition{
EditionId: v.editionID,
Type: v.editionType,
Number: v.editionNumber,
Caption: v.caption,
err = captionAggregate.RegisterEditionedArtworkWithCaption(
AccountId: accountID,
UserId: userID,
ArtworkId: artworkID,
Editions: editionsWithCaption,
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// Save the `Caption` aggregate to the repository.
err = s.captionRepository.Save(ctx, captionAggregate, esSession)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// ... (create and save other aggregates)
// Finally, commit all changes.
err = s.eventStore.Commit(ctx, esSession)
if err != nil {
s.logger.Error(ctx, err.Error())
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, err.Error())
// Return the response with artwork ID and edition descriptors.
return &proto_appv1.RegisterEditionedArtworkResponse{
ArtworkId: artworkID,
Editions: editionDescriptors,
}, nil
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