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Last active May 15, 2019 20:14
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Script that uses python 3 multiprocessing module to attempt brute-force of RC4-encrypted strings.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This script requires the chardet library for python3
# the RC4 implementation used in this script is attributed to Ryosuke Ito
# it (and installation instructions) can be found at
import sys
from arc4 import ARC4
import chardet
from string import ascii_uppercase, ascii_lowercase, digits
from itertools import product
import binascii
from multiprocessing import Pool
print("""RC4 brute force""")
chars_dict = {1: ascii_uppercase,
2: ascii_lowercase,
3: ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase,
4: digits,
5: ascii_uppercase + digits,
6: ascii_lowercase + digits,
7: ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase + digits}
DICT_CHOICE = int(input("""
What characters should we use?
1. ascii_uppercase
2. ascii_lowercase
4. digits
example: 3 (1 + 2) = ascii_uppercase + ascii_lowercase
6 (4 + 2) = ascii_lowercase + digits
7 (1 + 2 + 4) = All combinations
> """))
CHAR_POOL = ''.join(chars_dict[DICT_CHOICE]) # set chars to pull from
KEY_LEN = int(input("What is the keylength? (0 if unknown)> "))
if KEY_LEN == 0:
**WARNING** If you used more than one set of characters, this will probably
take a VERY long time, and not be kind to your computer/VM.
super_brute = True
super_brute = False
DATA_TO_DECODE = input("Enter the encrypted data (string)> ")
encrypted = binascii.unhexlify(DATA_TO_DECODE)
def gen():
Iterate through CHAR_POOL one char at a time
for i in CHAR_POOL:
yield tuple([i])
def worker(base, enc_data=encrypted):
Worker function to search key space
for p in product(CHAR_POOL, repeat=KEY_LEN-len(base)):
key = ''.join(base + p)
decr = ARC4(key).decrypt(enc_data)
# Uncomment to print all keys to screen
# Use the chardetect library to decide if the unencrypted data is a string
check = chardet.detect(decr)
if check['confidence'] >= 0.8 and check['encoding'] == 'ascii':
return f"\nFound it!\nKey:{key}\nString: {decr.decode('ascii')}\n"
return None
def parallel():
Starts a number of threads that search through the key space
with Pool() as pool: # Pool() uses number of system CPU cores by default
for i in pool.imap_unordered(worker, gen(), chunksize=1):
if i is not None:
sys.exit("\nNothing found.")
def serial():
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Replace parallel() with serial() if you want to use only one thread.
if super_brute:
for i in range(1, 7): # Default is to attempt iterations up to a key length of 6...
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