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Created September 7, 2023 17:23
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# Author: Paul Martin <>
# Description: This script will take a CBR or CBZ
# file and convery whatever's in it
# to webp format, and re-package it.
# Abort if no directory/file specified
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No directory/file specified!"
exit 1
# Variable definitions
# (I tend to over-variablize things, I know)
# Programs
P7Z='' # 7z location
RAR='' # rar location
CWEBP='' # cwebp location
# Locations
TRASH_DIR=$(realpath "$HOME/.Trash/") # Where the original file goes when done
TEMP_DIR='' # Where we do the work, recommended to put in /tmp/
FINAL_DIR='' # Where the finished file goes
# If your version of `rar` isn't working or installed,
# you're gonna have a bad time. This happens with macOS
# brew. Unsure how to fix other than to re-install it
# or go to "Settings > Privacy & Security" and clicking
# the "Just run it anyway" button, whatver that is.
if ! "${RAR}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
echo "RAR is missing or broken - fix it"
exit 1
IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")
FILES=$(find "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.cbr" -o -iname "*.cbz")
for FILE in $FILES
KIND=$(file -b "${FILE}")
FILETYPE=$( echo "${KIND:0:3}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")
FILENAME=$(basename "${FILE%.*}")
mkdir "${TEMP_DIR}"
case "${FILETYPE}" in
echo "File is a CBR"
# 7zip doesn't support v5 rar files, so we have to use rar here
"${RAR}" e -y "${FILE}" "${TEMP_DIR}"
echo "File is a CBZ"
"${P7Z}" e "${FILE}" -o"${TEMP_DIR}"
# Here's where the heavy lifting takes place. Find all the image files,
# and pipes them into xargs. Here's an explanation of the flags:
# -0: input is terminated with a null, used with find's -print0
# -P0: run the command in an unlimited number of parallel processes
# -I '{}': names the input
# cwebp '{}': replaced with the previous input
# -mt: multi-threaded
# -short: cwebp can be noisy. This helps.
# -progress: should be self-explanatory
# -o '{}'.webp: append 'webp' to the original filename
find -s "${TEMP_DIR}" -type f \( -iname "*.jp*g" -o -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.gif" \) -print0 | xargs -0 -P0 -I '{}' "${CWEBP}" '{}' -mt -short -progress -o '{}'.webp
# Now we pack it back up into a CBZ
"${P7Z}" a -tzip "${TEMP_DIR}"/"$FILENAME".cbz "${TEMP_DIR}"/*.xml "${TEMP_DIR}"/*.webp
# OPTIONAL: Preserve file modification time
#touch -r "$OLDFILE" "$NEWNAME"
# Move it to its final destination
mv "${TEMP_DIR}"/"$FILENAME".cbz "${FINAL_DIR}"
# OPTIONAL: Delete the old file
mv "${FILE}" "${TRASH_DIR}"
# Delete the temporary directory
rm -r "${TEMP_DIR}"
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