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Last active June 11, 2021 07:27
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Takes two map[string]interface{} types and recursively merges them. The second object will take precedence in case of clashes
//mergeObjects will take two interfaces
//and add them together
//NOTE: if keys clash, object two will overwite
//object ones key
func mergeObjects(
objectOne map[string]interface{},
objectTwo map[string]interface{},
) map[string]interface{} {
data := make(map[string]interface{})
// loop through first object adding
// keys to data
for k, v := range objectOne {
if _, ok := objectOne[k]; ok {
data[k] = v
// loop through object two
for k1, v1 := range objectTwo {
// if key exists in object two
if _, ok := objectTwo[k1]; ok {
// check if object two key exists
// in data if not just set it in data
if _, ok := data[k1]; !ok {
data[k1] = v1
// loop through data
for k2, _ := range data {
// if data has the same key as object two
if k1 == k2 {
// check if both are of type map[string]interface{}
// if yes then recursion
interfaceType := fmt.Sprintf("%T", map[string]interface{}{})
if fmt.Sprintf("%T", data[k2]) == interfaceType &&
fmt.Sprintf("%T", objectTwo[k1]) == interfaceType {
data[k2] = mergeObjects(
} else {
// if not object two will take precedence
// so set data to objectTwo value
data[k2] = v1
return data
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