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jQuery(document).ready( function() { | |
if( window.angular ) return; | |
new fullpage('#fullpage', { | |
//options here | |
autoScrolling:true, | |
scrollHorizontally: true, | |
anchors: ['firstPage', 'secondPage', 'thirdPage'], | |
lockAnchors: false, | |
menu: '#div_block-28-6', | |
afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index) { | |
jQuery('.fullpage-anchor').removeClass('anchor-active'); | |
jQuery('a[href="#' + index["anchor"] + '"]').addClass('anchor-active'); | |
} | |
}); | |
//methods | |
fullpage_api.setAllowScrolling(true); | |
}); |
jQuery issue. fullpage.js not found on line 2
I've followed this tutorial again to see if it's fundamentally broken, but it appears to still be working fine despite an error that I only see in the builder itself.
Two things:
- If the error is only in the builder, add this line just inside the jQuery(document).ready function, before the new fullpage line:
if( window.angular ) return;
That will prevent the code from running in the builder and causing errors. - It looks like fullPage.js now requires a license key, so it's possible they're throwing an error if the licenseKey option isn't present.
I just have followed the tutorial and everything works like a charm!
Any idea how I can make the footer from the template "main" show as well? This is an example - https://www.pixelhouse.lt/. I can not apply this, because oxygen doesnt allow spaces in class names? https://codepen.io/alvarotrigo/pen/BKjRYm
Or. for example, I can create a unique footer section in the front page, but i don't want it to take up the whole screen. Can I use other class than "section" to make it work?
Hello, the code is correct, except for line 21. If you put it, the code will not work
Can you please update this code so it's still compatible with WordPress 5.6 (jQuery issue)?