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Created November 24, 2018 13:00
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// Twitter
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// Google Map
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position: myLatLng,
map: map,
title: 'Here my house lives!'
// Works array
var works = [
title: "Rubik's Website",
pic: "img/work1.jpg",
url: "#",
info: "A website for my roommate, Rubik. This was my very first attempt at making a web page, simply built with plain html and CSS."
title: "Careerfoundry Dashboard",
pic: "img/work2.jpg",
url: "",
info: "The dashboard of my course at CareerFoundry. Here I can see my progress, communicate with my mentor, tutor and other students and access the exercises for the online structured course."
title: "Early Contact Page",
pic: "img/work3.jpg",
url: "contact.html",
info: "An early version of the contact section I drafted for this portfolio. I've been trying to get the glitches out while retaining some of the vintage feel..."
title: "Early Portfolio",
pic: "img/work4.jpg",
url: "portfolio1.html",
info: "This is basically what happens if you build sections for a page independent of one another and then paste them in a single html file to create a single page. I've happily used it as a test-site for later exercises though."
title: "My Code In Atom",
pic: "img/work5.jpg",
url: "#",
info: "Here's some code as I've been writing it in Atom. Basically what half of my days may look like for the rest of my life :)"
title: "Cute Calculator",
pic: "img/work6.jpg",
url: "calculator.html",
info: "A calculator I designed as a bonus task for the first achievement of the Web Development course. The bonus task of the second achievement will be to also make it interactive and functional through JavaScript."
title: "Alternative Portfolio On Mobile",
pic: "img/work7.jpg",
url: "portfolio2.html",
info: "An earlier version of my portfolio website as seen in Chrome through a mobile viewport. Responsive design has been central to the portfolio project."
title: "Network From Cultural Domain Analysis",
pic: "img/work8.jpg",
url: "#",
info: "This network of musical artists results from research I conducted for my thesis in Cultural Sociology. I applied a technique called Multidimensional Scaling to map artist on the diagram according to how my respondents felt they compare to each other."
for (var i = 0; i < works.length; ++i){
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<a class = 'work-sample' href = '" + works[i].url + "'>\
<div class = 'work-anchor'>\
<img class = 'work-picture' src = '" + works[i].pic + "'>\
<h4 class = 'work-title'>" + works[i].title + "</h4>\
<div class = 'work-info'>\
<p class = 'desciption'>" + works[i].info + "</p>\
<a class = 'btn btn-primary btn-sm work-button' href = '" + works[i].url + "' role = 'button'>View Doc &raquo</a>\
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$(function () {
$(function () {
$("#button").on("click", function() {
var name = $("#name").val();
var email = $("#email").val();
var comment = $(".message-box").val();
if (name === "") {
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console.log ("no name entered")
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console.log ("no email entered")
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console.log ("no message entered")
return false;
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console.log (name)
console.log (email)
console.log ("message received")
return false;
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var charCount = $(".message-box").val().length;
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