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Created December 13, 2018 21:28
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<h1 class="display-4">Sem van Lent</h1>
<p class="lead">Student Portfolio</p>
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<p>Welcome to my portfolio website! As a Web Development student at CareerFoundry, I have created this website from scratch to try and see how my code works and to implement the practical skills I’ve acquired along the way. I’ll be looking to share a selection of work and links to different projects here, in order to demonstrate my understanding of various development tools and to showcase the progress I’ll be making on my journey to become a professional developer. Stay tuned if you’re interested!</P>
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<p>This portfolio is the first project I’ve been working on for the Web Development course. The goal is to create a single-page, smooth scrolling website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. The site has to be responsive on various screen sizes, should feature a fixed, responsive navigation bar and a design styled with fonts, links and colours customized in CSS. It should contain a working FAQ and About section, as well as a Contact section with glyphicons. Don’t worry about those - they don’t bite - but do feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments or information to share!</p>
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<p>The online structured course is modelled to take me from beginner level to a fully qualified developer within six months, with 1-on-1 mentorship from industry experts. The first of six achievements is to produce this portfolio site from scratch. Next, I’ll learn how to implement interactive HTML5 elements, how to set up a Rails application and how to write Ruby code. For the final achievement I will create a production-ready e-commerce web app, using AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular and CoffeeScript. With the skills acquired I’m looking to kickstart a career as a professional developer.</p>
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<p>How nice of youto come and take a look at my portfolio website! I had a little update recently, but it's still early days and work in progress of course. However, feel free to take a look around and don't hesitate to contact me if there's anything you'd like to discuss :)</p>
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<li>Create on request a website from scratch with elemens all functional in HTML</li>
<li>Add custom styling through CSS and make your website look personal and awesome</li>
<li>Apply Bootstrap and other frameworks to enhance your visitors' user experience</li>
<li>Employ Google Analytics and optimize your digital environment for exposure and revenue</li>
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<h4>More About Me</h4>
<p>So, my name is Sem, I'm 35 years old and I currently live in Zaandam, a cute old town in the periphery of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
<br>I studied sociology at the University of Amsterdam, graduated as a Bachelor in 2012 and landed a job at Gall & Gall, the biggest retailer of wines and spirits in the Netherlands. I've worked in two different shops as a manager since 2015, but with a growing awareness that maybe retail is not a good place for my skills and ambition.
<br>As I've always enjoyed scrutinizing data, solving puzzles and creating elaborate Excel sheets with multiple embedded conditional formulae, and as I've always liked the design element in creating environments for data to become meaningful in, I feel that a career in programming and development would suit me much better.
<br>Together with the knowledge and understanding of data I've gained through academic social research, I think that the ability to write code in relevant Web Development languages should create some splendid opportunities to start a career that I can truly be passionate about.
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<h3>Contact Details</h3>
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<li><i class="fas fa-user"></i> Sem van Lent</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-home"></i> Bouwmanspad 29</li>
<li><i class="fas fa-globe"></i> 1506 HA Zaandam</li>
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<li><i class="fas fa-phone"></i> +31 6 41636365</li>
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<h5 class="mb-0">
Why did you decide to become a developer?
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I’ve always liked to create things. Design and make stuff that looks good and works well. After I graduated from high school, I briefly studied Industrial Design at the Technical University of Delft. I had to give up after half a year, because I ran out of money - and while I had classes for over 40 hours per week and 4 hours of travelling each day - there was no time left to work. I took up sociology instead and learned to satisfy my creative needs by designing spreadsheets and developing databases for scientific analysis. Meanwhile I had some jobs where I worked on websites and databases. Now I’m in my mid-thirties and I feel it’s time to get out of retail and start a serious career in online development.
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What is your design process?
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I first like to get a clear idea of what the purpose of a website is and what it should technically be able to do. During this orientation, I try to get the feel of how my client wants his business represented. I may inquire about logos, photos, colour-schemes and other media that should be used and implemented in the design. With these I make a first draft for the website and its functions. From thereon I start an iterative process of fine-tuning elements in close collaboration with my clients.
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Who are your clients?
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As I’ve just started the development course, I haven’t had any real clients yet. For now, I just like to learn as much as possible and gain all the necessary experience to become a professional developer. I’ll be doing this while working on course projects and taking up as many pastime and freelance projects as I can handle. If you like my approach and feel that you have a project we could mutually benefit from working together on, than don’t hesitate to contact me and send your proposal!
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Are you more into front-end or back-end development?
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So far, it’s more front-end. But this may very well change during the course of my studies. My goal is to be a qualified full-stack developer by the time I finish the course, so I hope to be able and enjoy working on both ends of the developer spectrum with similar enthusiasm in just a few months’ time.
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What products or industries are you passionate about?
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My big dream is to re-integrate my knowledge and experience from social scientific research with my newly acquired skills as a web developer. But this ambition is not so clearly outlined yet, and probably quite far away still. In the meantime, I’m passionate about music, cooking, wine and spirits, interior design, architecture, vintage furniture, audio-equipment, cars and motorsport. Just to name a few. But I’m willing to work on anything that can help me become a more experienced developer.
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Are you willing to relocate?
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There’s nothing that money can’t buy, but I bought a house only year ago in Zaandam, where I moved in early this year with my girlfriend, who is quite comfortable in a new job she landed in Amsterdam. As we’re also looking to maybe have a child in the near future, I’m not eager to relocate in this stage of my life. But as said, there’s nothing that money can’t buy.
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<p>Thumbs up to <a href="" title="Visit Page" id="CareerFoundry">CareerFoundry</a> for offering the guidelines to help me create this website. Special thanks to Mohamed Osama and Shan Gardezi for their support as my mentor and tutor.</p>
<p>Thanks to Henry Daubrez for sharing the background pattern at <a href="" title="Visit Page" id="PatternLibrary"></a> and to Eckhard Hoehmann for sharing the telephone picture on <a href="" title="Visit Page" id="Unsplash">Unsplash</a>.</p>
<p>And of course lots of thanks to my dear parents, beautiful sisters, great friends, lovely girlfriend, almighty God and grumpy tortoise for their general support and good care ;)</p>
<p>&copy; Sem van Lent 2018</p>
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