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Created July 26, 2017 13:20
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Stock charts with Yahoo Finance and Highcharts
<script src='//'></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="chart1" class="chart-area" >
<div class="aspect-ratio" ></div>
<div class="chart-wrapper" >
<div class="chart" ></div>
var _now = new Date(),
function $$(selector, context) {
context = context || document;
var items = context.querySelectorAll(selector);
return Array.from(items);
function createUrl(url, qs) {
if(!qs) { return url; }
var params = Object.keys(qs);
if(params.length) {
url = url + '?' + {
return p +'='+ encodeURIComponent(qs[p]);
return url;
function getMean(items, getItemNumber) {
getItemNumber = getItemNumber || function(x) { return x; };
var len = items.length,
sum = 0;
var i = len;
while (i--) {
sum = sum + getItemNumber(items[i]);
var mean = sum/len;
return mean;
/* Older Yahoo API - Doesn't work any longer
function createUrlYahoo_OBSOLETE(ticker, from, to) {
//"Historical Prices" -> "Set Date Range" -> "Get Prices"..
//.. -> "Download to Spreadsheet":
var urlBase = '';
var qs = {};
function qsDate(paramNames, date) {
//Yahoo format: Month (zero based) *before* day, and then year:
var dateParts = [date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCFullYear()];
dateParts.forEach(function(d, i) {
qs[paramNames[i]] = d;
qs.s = ticker;
qsDate(['a', 'b', 'c'], from);
qsDate(['d', 'e', 'f'], to);
qs.g = 'd';
qs.ignore = '.csv';
var url = createUrl(urlBase, qs);
return url;
function parseYahoo_OBSOLETE(data) {
// Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close
// 2015-09-11,16330.400391,16434.759766,16244.650391,16433.089844,104630000,16433.089844
// 2015-09-10,16252.570312,16441.939453,16212.080078,16330.400391,122690000,16330.400391
// 2015-09-09,16505.039062,16664.650391,16220.099609,16253.570312,118790000,16253.570312
// 2015-09-08,16109.929688,16503.410156,16109.929688,16492.679688,123870000,16492.679688
var days = data.split('\n').filter(function(row, i) {
//Remove header row and any empty rows (there's usually one at the end):
return (row && (i !== 0));
//.sort(): Highcharts wants the data sorted ascending by date,
// and luckily each "day" row starts with the date in the sortable yyyy-mm-dd format:
var ohlcData = days.sort()
.map(function(day) {
var dayInfo = day.split(',');
return [
//new Date('2015-08-11') => UTC (which is what we want)
//new Date(2015, 7, 11) => Local
new Date(dayInfo[0]).getTime(),
return ohlcData;
/* New Yahoo API - but CSV export requires some kind of authorization.. */
function createUrlYahoo(ticker, from, to) {
//"Historical Data" -> "Time Period" -> "Apply"..
//.. -> "Download Data":
var urlBase = '' + ticker + '/history';
//var urlBase = '' + ticker;
var qs = {};
function qsDate(param, date) {
//JS: Milliseconds, Yahoo: Seconds
var timestamp = Math.round(date.getTime() / 1000);
qs[param] = timestamp;
qsDate('period1', from);
qsDate('period2', to);
qs.interval = '1d';
qs.filter = 'history';
qs.frequency = '1d';
// = 'history';
//qs.crumb = 'E2mcvti0En9';
var url = createUrl(urlBase, qs);
return url;
function parseYahoo(html) {
var doc = $(html),
table = $('[data-test="historical-prices"]', doc).get()[0],
rows = $$('tbody tr', table).map(tr => {
var cols = $$('td', tr).map(x => x.textContent);
return cols;
//console.log('rows', JSON.stringify(rows));
// "Jul 25, 2017","21,638.56","21,670.62","21,577.37","21,613.43","21,613.43","304,300,000"
// "Jul 24, 2017","21,577.78","21,577.78","21,496.13","21,513.17","21,513.17","284,080,000"
// "Jul 21, 2017","21,591.72","21,592.61","21,503.78","21,580.07","21,580.07","362,830,000"
// "Jul 20, 2017","21,641.54","21,661.91","21,576.96","21,611.78","21,611.78","313,950,000"
//Highcharts wants the data sorted ascending by date:
function yahooNumber(input) {
//"21,467.93" -> 21467.93
input = input.replace(/,/g, '');
return Number(input);
var ohlcData = => {
return [
new Date(row[0]).getTime(),
return ohlcData;
function renderData(name, ohlcData) {
var ohlcSeries = {
name: name,
data: ohlcData,
type: 'candlestick',
dataGrouping: { enabled: false },
tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 },
//Bollinger bands:
var bandsData = [];
var period = 20;
var stdDevs = 2;
for (var i = period - 1, len = ohlcData.length; i < len; i++) {
var slice = ohlcData.slice(i + 1 - period , i+1);
var mean = getMean(slice, function(d) { return d[4]; });
var stdDev = Math.sqrt(getMean( {
return Math.pow(d[4] - mean, 2);
mean - (stdDevs * stdDev),
mean + (stdDevs * stdDev)
var bandsSeries = {
name: 'Bollinger',
data: bandsData,
type: 'arearange',
dataGrouping: { enabled: false },
tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2 },
fillOpacity: 0.1,
$(function () {
_chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: document.querySelector('#chart1 .chart')
title: {
text: 'Stock Price'
rangeSelector: {
//3 months:
selected: 1
var ticker = '^DJI'
var to = new Date(_now);
var from = new Date(to);
from.setMonth(to.getMonth() - 12);
//Responds with 404 through Alternative service:
// var url = '//' + createUrlYahoo(ticker, from, to);
var url = '//' + createUrlYahoo(ticker, from, to);
$.get(url, function (data) {
renderData(ticker, parseYahoo(data));
.chart-area {
position: relative;
min-width: 400px;
max-width: 120vh;
margin: auto;
.aspect-ratio {
padding-bottom: 80%;
.chart-wrapper {
position: absolute;
.chart {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
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is it possibal wit hthe same code to get historical data for 20 years for example
var from = new Date('30/10/2000');
//from.setMonth(to.getMonth() - 12);
i change the from Date and comment the second line but still get 12 months data on the chart where am i wrong?

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Does this API still work? I was curious if Yahoo stopped allowing it?

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@Marco-On-Tour - Apparently, their API changed and uses some form of authorization, so it's harder to export CSV data from it. This example now simply scrapes prices from their HTML pages instead. Other options can be found in the more recent answers to this SO question:

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