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Last active November 21, 2016 01:54
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Save Spider101/3323fd5c5810f361e3a3f7c8af949b64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A partial implementation of q-learning on tictactoe with the majority of the code focusing on enumerating all possible states of tictactoe.
__author__ = "Abhimanyu Banerjee"
from random import random, choice
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import timeit
from sys import exit
from copy import deepcopy
import pdb
def empty_state():
'''establish the empty wherein each cell is filled by zero'''
return np.array([ [0] * 3 ] * 3)
def print_board(state):
board_format = "-------------\n| {0} | {1} | {2} |\n|-------------|\n| {3} | {4} | {5} |\n|-------------|\n| {6} | {7} | {8} |\n-------------"
cell_values = []
symbols = ["O", " ", "X"]
for i in xrange(len(state)):
for j in xrange(len(state[i])):
cell_values.append(symbols[int(state[i][j] + 1)])
print board_format.format(*cell_values)
def open_spots(state):
open_cells = []
for i in xrange(len(state)):
for j in xrange(len(state[i])):
if state[i][j] == 0:
open_cells.append(i*len(state) + j)
return open_cells
def is_game_over(state):
''' check if any of the columns or rows or diagonals when summed are
divisible by the width or height of the board - indication that the
game has been won. The sign of the sum tells us who has won'''
for i in xrange(len(state)):
state_trans = np.array(state).transpose() # transposed board state
#check for winner row-wise
if np.array(state[i]).sum() != 0 and np.array(state[i]).sum() % 3 == 0:
return np.array(state[i]).sum() / 3
#check for winner column-wise
elif state_trans[i].sum() !=0 and state_trans[i].sum() % 3 == 0:
return state_trans.sum() / 3
#extract major diagonal from the state
major_diag = np.multiply(np.array(state), np.identity(len(state)))
if major_diag.sum() != 0 and major_diag.sum() % 3 == 0:
return major_diag.sum() / 3
#extract minor diagonal from the state
minor_diag = np.multiply(np.array(state), np.fliplr(major_diag))
if minor_diag.sum() != 0 and minor_diag.sum() % 3 == 0:
return minor_diag.sum() / 3
return 0 #no clear winner
def get_state_key(state):
''' convert the state into a unique key by concatenating
all the flattened values in the state'''
flat_state = [cell for row in state for cell in row]
key = "".join(map(str, flat_state))
#print key
return key
def play(player1, player2):
state = empty_state()
num_cells = len(state)*len(state[0])
for turn in xrange(num_cells):
if turn % 2 == 0:
i, j = player1.action(deepcopy(state))
symbol = player1.symbol
i, j = player2.action(deepcopy(state))
symbol = player2.symbol
state[i][j] = symbol
winner = int(is_game_over(state))
if winner != 0: #one of the players won
return winner
return winner #nobody won
class Agent(object):
def __init__(self, symbol, is_learning=True):
self.state_values = {}
self.symbol = symbol
self.is_learning = is_learning
self.behaviour_threshold = 0.1
self.learning_rate = 0.9
self.prev_state = None
self.prev_score = 0
self.num_states = 0
print "\nInitializing state table for player ", self.symbol, ". Please wait ..."
start_time = timeit.default_timer()
self.generate_state_value_table(empty_state(), 0)
print "Time taken to initialize state table: ", (timeit.default_timer() - start_time)
def generate_state_value_table(self, state, turn):
winner = int(is_game_over(state)) #check if, for the current turn and state, game has finished and if so who won
#print "\nWinner is ", winner
#print "\nBoard at turn: ", turn
self.add_state(state, winner/2 + 0.5) #add the current state with the appropriate value to the state table
open_cells = open_spots(state) #find the index (from 0 to total no. of cells) of all the empty cells in the board
#check if there are any empty cells in the board
if len(open_cells) > 0:
for cell in open_cells:
row, col = cell / len(state), cell % len(state)
new_state = deepcopy(state) #make a copy of the current state
#check which player's turn it is
if turn % 2 == 0:
new_state[row][col] = 1
new_state[row][col] = -1
#using a try block because recursive depth may be exceeded
#check if the new state has not been generated somewhere else in the search tree
if not self.check_duplicates(new_state):
self.generate_state_value_table(new_state, turn+1)
#print "Recursive depth exceeded"
def check_duplicates(self, state):
''' return true if state passed is already registered in the state table'''
if get_state_key(state) in self.state_values:
return True
return False
def add_state(self, state, value):
#print "\nAdded state", len(self.state_values) + 1
if len(self.state_values) < self.num_states:
exit("Duplicate state!")
self.state_values[get_state_key(state)] = value
self.num_states += 1
def count_states(self):
return len(self.state_values)
def update_state_table(self, val):
''' Back up the value to the previous state using ....'''
if self.prev_state != None and self.learning:
prev_state_key = get_state_key(self.prev_state)
prev_score = self.state_values[prev_state_key]
self.state_values[prev_state_key] += self.alpha * (nextval - prevscore)
def action(self, state):
toss = random()
# explore if toss is more than threshold, else choose next move greedy-ly
if toss > self.behaviour_threshold:
i, j = self.explore(state)
i, j = self.greedy(state)
#set the current state and update the previous state
state[i][j] = self.symbol
self.prev_state = state
return i, j # return the chosen move
def explore(self, state):
open_cells = open_spots(state)
random_choice = choice(open_cells)
return random_choice / len(state), random_choice % len(state)
def greedy(self, state):
max_value = -1*np.inf
best_move = None
potential_state = None
for i in xrange(len(state)):
for j in xrange(len(state[i])):
potential_state = deepcopy(state)
potential_state[i][j] = self.symbol
#putting this in a try block because we may encounter states not generated before
val = self.state_values[get_state_key(potential_state)]
if val > max_value:
max_value = val
best_move = (i, j)
except KeyError:
exit("State not seen before")
return best_move[0], best_move[1]
player1 = Agent(symbol=1)
player2 = Agent(symbol=-1)
#print "\nNumber of possible states: ", player1.count_states()
winner = play(player1, player2)
if winner == 0:
print "Game ended in a draw!"
if winner == 1:
player_symbol = "X"
player_symbol = "O"
print player_symbol, " won!"
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