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Last active December 9, 2015 22:29
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Save Spinarooni/4338145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AMD Module for Backbone.Validation Twitter Bootstrap UI Integration
AMD Plugin for Backbone.Validation Twitter Bootstrap UI Integration
Render error messages from Backbone.Validation using Twitter Bootstrap
Adapted from:
Updated for Bootstrap 3.
// Libraries
// Plugins
function($, _, Backbone) {
"use strict";
_.extend(Backbone.Validation.callbacks, {
valid: function(view, attr, selector) {
var control, group;
control = view.$('[' + selector + '=' + attr + ']');
// See if the input field is still in an invalid state so we don't
// remove the error message (Useful when not allowing invalid values
// to be set on the model)
if (view.model.preValidate(attr, control.val())) { return; }
group = control.parents(".form-group");
if ("error-style") === "tooltip") {
if ("bs.tooltip")) {
return control.tooltip("hide");
} else if ("error-style") === "inline") {
return group.find(".help-inline.error-message").remove();
} else {
return group.find(".help-block.error-message").remove();
invalid: function(view, attr, error, selector) {
var control, group, position, target;
control = view.$('[' + selector + '=' + attr + ']');
group = control.parents(".form-group");
if ("error-style") === "tooltip") {
position ="tooltip-position") || "right";
placement: position,
trigger: "manual",
title: error
return control.tooltip("show");
} else if ("error-style") === "inline") {
if (group.find(".help-inline").length === 0) {
group.find(".controls").append("<span class=\"help-inline error-message\"></span>");
target = group.find(".help-inline");
return target.text(error);
} else {
if (group.find(".help-block").length === 0) {
group.find(".controls").append("<p class=\"help-block error-message\"></p>");
target = group.find(".help-block");
return target.text(error);
return Backbone.Validation;
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