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Created September 17, 2013 13:28
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Given iOS7 no longer recommends or renders added subviews to the screen... And given that many people added activity indicators to alert view to block the applications main thread while blocking operations are ongoing... This takes an alert message and displays the message along with marching ants to indicate something is going on.
NSTimer timer;
UIAlertView alertView = new UIAlertView ("test", "Testing the animation\n ", null, null, new string[] {});
alertView.Presented += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
using (var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool())
timer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer(1, delegate {
if (alertView.Message.EndsWith("..."))
string newMessage;
newMessage = alertView.Message.Remove (alertView.Message.Length - 3);
alertView.Message = newMessage;
alertView.Message = alertView.Message + ".";
alertView.Dismissed += (object sender, UIButtonEventArgs e) => {
timer.Invalidate ();
timer.Dispose ();
timer = null;
alertView.Show ();
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